10 Big Common Things That Your Man Will Never Tell You


Big Common Things Man Never Tell You

Men also have their share of secrets that they hide from women. Read on to what are things that your man will never tell you.

As written by a man.

Men arenโ€™t exactly known for being forthcoming.

Thereโ€™s the stereotype of the stoic cowboy or the tough, quiet manly-man, but the reality is that, more often than not, men arenโ€™t raised to express their feelings. Theyโ€™re told to suck it up, keep it together, lock it down.

And, while that might make them seem cool and strong to some, what is also means is thisย โ€”ย YOUR MAN HAS SECRETS. (He does.) Your man has a vivid internal life that he does not share with others. That doesnโ€™t apply to EVERY man, of course. Some men never stop talking about their inner selves.

But itโ€™s really, really common for men to learn the value of keeping things to themselves at an early age.

They can be small things (โ€œThat skirt makes you look like the librarian in Ghost bustersโ€) or big things (โ€œI donโ€™t want to die aloneโ€).

Regardless, most men do have a running list of secrets that they donโ€™t really want to admit to anyone, especially someone they’re falling in love with.

If youโ€™re interested in the secret lives of men, 10 big, common things that your man will probably never, ever tell you.

1. Heโ€™s insecure about his body.

He is. Even if he looks like David Beckham.

Men might not always pay attention to their personal hygiene, but that doesnโ€™t mean that heโ€™s not hyper-sensitive about every love handle, wrinkle, or graying hair on his body.

He might wear the same hoodie every day, but he still worries that heโ€™s not as pretty as he once was.

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2. He doesnโ€™t have anyone to talk to.

Male friendships are decidedly different than female friendships.

One of the biggest differences is that, typically, men donโ€™t use their friends as a sounding board for whatโ€™s going on in their lives. They might discuss vacation plans, TV shows, or how things are going at work, but way too often, men donโ€™t feel comfortable talking with their buddies about life, death, anxiety, fear, and everything in between. So, men hide these things from their friends as well as women.

And thatโ€™s a shame. Itโ€™s a lonely shame.

Keep that in mind the next time your man is struggling to discuss the BIG issues with you. He doesnโ€™t get a lot of practice.

3. He likesย The Gilmore Girls.

He does. Itโ€™s smart, funny, well-acted.

But thereโ€™s WAY more of a social stigma of him being a Gilmore Guy than you being into Sons of Anarchy, so maybe thatโ€™s why he doesnโ€™t always advertise that heโ€™s on #TeamJess.

Read 7 Ways Men Need Romantic Superheroes Too

4. No one compliments him.

Men get a lot of validation in school and office settings, but there isnโ€™t really a culture that supports men receiving casual compliments from their peers.

Are you mad that your man didnโ€™t notice your new jeans? When was the last time you noticed his new shirt? Or the last time you told him that he looked great when it wasnโ€™t a special occasion?

Men need the same kind of validation that women need โ€” theyโ€™re just not good at asking for it.

5. He doesnโ€™t know what heโ€™s doing during Physical intimacy.

He doesnโ€™t. Heโ€™s making it up as he goes. And thereโ€™s some pressure there because maintaining an erection isnโ€™t always the easiest thing to do.

Even if the spirit is willing, the flesh can be weak, and thatโ€™s a soul-crushingly embarrassing thing to have happen during the throes of passion. (He canโ€™t help it.)

Plus itโ€™s WAY harder to make you orgasm than it is to make him orgasm.

Which, granted, sucks for you, but it just adds to the pressure placed on his shoulders.

6. Sometimes he pees in a bottle.

He does. And occasionally in sinks. More often than youโ€™d think.

He knows that itโ€™s gross โ€ฆ but itโ€™s not THAT gross and heโ€™s pretty proud of how adaptive his peeing ability is.

7. He likes kids.

It can be hard to admit this because society is VERY weird about grown men and children.

When a dad takes his kids to the park, way too often, moms give him the suspicious stink-eye the whole time. And, if one of his kidsโ€™ friends falls down and skins their knee, he canโ€™t hug and comfort the crying child without being hyper-aware of who’s watching and judging every word and action.

Yes, he knows that, statistically, more men abuse children than women, but it still feels awful to be perpetually presumed guilty of attempted pedophilia when he’s just trying to take his niece to the playground.

Read 4 Myths About Men You Need To Stop Believing

8. He doesnโ€™t know what you did with your hair.

Unless you do something REALLY drastic, thereโ€™s a better-than-average chance that your man might not notice if you get highlights or chop off an inch here or there.

But thatโ€™s not because he doesnโ€™t pay attention to you. Itโ€™s because โ€” men have boring hair. The vast majority of men REALLY do not have ANYTHING interesting going on up there.

Realize that your man probably doesnโ€™t even have the verbal or visual vocabulary to recognize what your hairdresser did today.

Heโ€™s not being apathetic. And he knows it’s not at all romantic that he has no clue.

He just doesnโ€™t know what to look for, so cut him some slack.

Read 7 Ways Men Need Romantic Superheroes Too

9. It hurts when you hit him.

Remember when you got pissed at your boyfriend/husband and angrily slapped him? Or punched him in the back a few times? It hurt. It even left a mark.

But men arenโ€™t supposed to admit that. And your man finds it particularly worrisome because he knows that if he did the same thing back to you, heโ€™d probably be in the back of a cop car right now. (Rightly so.)

Yes, men are bigger, but it doesnโ€™t mean that the same rules donโ€™t apply when it comes to angry physical contact.

Abuse is abuse. Don’t hit him.

Read Are Men Only NEEDED, Or Are They Also WANTED?

10. Heโ€™s afraid.

Other things that men hide from you are that heโ€™s afraid of losing his job, getting sick, going crazy, dying alone.

He has all of the same anxieties and fears that you do (and a few that are uniquely his own). But he doesnโ€™t know how to deal with them.

He doesnโ€™t have friends to talk his fears over with, his parents mightโ€™ve stigmatized getting help with his issues, and he doesnโ€™t want to look weak in front of his girlfriend/wife/special friend.

So, even if your man talks a big game, realize that heโ€™s as scared and human as the rest of us. He might never admit it in mixed company, but, if you really know him, youโ€™ll be able to see it behind his eyes without him ever having to say a word.

And, if you can be there to hold his hand during those long, lonely nights, without him having to ask, heโ€™ll be more grateful than you can ever imagine.

What other things do you think men hide from women?

Written by Tom Burns
Originally appeared in Yourtango

Republished with permission.
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10 Things Men Hide From Women, That Make Women Love Them More
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10 Big Common Things That Your Man Will Never Tell You

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