15 Signs He Is Manipulating You And Disguising It As Love


Signs He Is Manipulating You And Disguising It As Love

Do you feel like your boyfriend isn’t really all that protective of you, but more controlling and manipulative? Look out for these signs he is manipulating you!

As humans, we’ve been known to use, abuse, and manipulate each other since the dawn of time. While it may have served some in building great kingdoms, it has also brought many down. Manipulation is a devious tactic, often masquerading under the guise of love and affection.

Though it’s natural to want to be protective of your partner in a relationship, there comes a point where that protectiveness can turn into manipulation. To safeguard your emotional well-being, it’s crucial to discern when your partner is manipulating you.

So, how can you tell if your boyfriend is manipulating you? Look out for these telltale signs…

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15 Signs He Is Manipulating You And Not Protecting You

1. He claims to know what is best for you.

One of the most glaring signs he is manipulated you into a relationship is when your partner constantly claims to know what’s best for you. This behavior can be quite insidious because it’s often disguised as concern or care, but in reality, it’s a way for them to exert control over you.

When your partner assumes the role of the all-knowing authority figure in your life, they’re essentially robbing you of your agency and independence.

You’re an adult capable of making your own decisions, yet they make you feel like you need their guidance and approval to make the right choices.

2. He keeps on bringing your history

A sign of romantic manipulation is when they incessantly bring up your past mistakes, as if they’re the only thing defining you.

Instead of acknowledging that people grow and learn from their experiences, he’s choosing to use it against you and make you doubt your own judgment. This is a classic manipulation tactic aimed at keeping you under his thumb and feeling inferior.

Remember, you’re not defined by your mistakes, and you have the power to shape your own future. Don’t let anyone use your past against you or make you feel small.

Dysfunction And Manipulation
Signs He Is Manipulating You

3. He keeps whining about time.

One of the signs you’re being manipulated is if he constantly whines about time, trying to guilt-trip you into spending more time with him. It’s important to recognize that you have your own life and responsibilities, and it’s healthy to pursue your own interests and goals.

Remember that a healthy relationship involves mutual respect, trust, and support for each other’s individual goals and interests. Don’t let your partner’s manipulative tactics control your life and decisions.

4. He gets clingy in the presence of other men.

Are you noticing that your partner’s behavior changes drastically whenever other men are around? Perhaps you’ve noticed that he becomes clingy and possessive, making it impossible for you to interact with anyone else? If so, you may be dealing with a manipulative partner.

One of the most significant warning signs someone is manipulating you is when someone tries to control who you spend time with and how you interact with others.

In this case, your partner’s jealousy and insecurity may be driving them to monopolize your time and prevent you from socializing with anyone else.

Related: 9 Traits of Manipulative People To Watch Out For

5. He doesnโ€™t like you spending time with anyone else

How to know if he’s manipulating you? Well, one of the most prominent red flags of being manipulated by a partner is their unwillingness to let you spend time with others.

It’s a common tactic for them to keep tabs on you, constantly texting or calling you, and insisting that you come home early. While it may seem like they’re being protective or affectionate, it’s actually a subtle form of control.

A healthy relationship should allow for personal freedom. So, pay close attention to your partner’s behavior and ask yourself: is he really showing concern for your well-being, or is he trying to manipulate and isolate you?

6. He is always criticizing you.

In a loving relationship, constructive criticism can be a useful tool for personal growth. However, if your partner points out your faults without any appreciation, it can quickly become a tool for control rather than growth.

Love is about accepting each other’s flaws and supporting each other’s endeavors, not constant criticism. So, if your partner is always criticizing you without any positive feedback, it may be one of the telltale signs that your partner is manipulating you.

7. He boasts about himself and belittles your decisions.

Beware, for if you ever dare to doubt his sagacity, and later discover that he was right all along, he will undoubtedly seize the opportunity to boast about his superior intellect.

This will not be a one-time occurrence, he will gleefully relish in reminding you of your alleged ineptitude and his magnificence whenever the opportunity arises.

Signs You Are Being Manipulated
How To Tell If Someone Is Manipulating

8. He gives threats and ultimatums.

When your partner starts making threatening statements, such as “If you don’t do what I ask, I’ll leave” or “I’ll harm myself if you don’t comply,” it’s a red flag that should not be ignored.

Let’s be clear: love and madness are not interchangeable. Threats are a form of emotional manipulation, a tool used by those who seek to control others. Do not fall prey to this type of behavior.

Remember, a healthy relationship should make you feel safe and cherished, not scared and threatened.

Related: 5 Hidden Signs Your Good Guy Is Actually Manipulating You

9. He constantly asks you to stay away from other men.

When it comes to relationships, a little bit of jealousy can add some spice and excitement. However, if he is constantly urging you to avoid any and all men, including your innocent co-workers and college mates, he is manipulating you!

This behavior goes beyond just being possessive; it’s a sign that your partner is attempting to exert control over you.

Don’t let yourself be manipulated by this type of behavior. Remember that you are your own person with the right to interact with whomever you please.

10. He makes his efforts known.

In a relationship, effort is the key ingredient that keeps the love flame burning. However, when it comes to this guy, he goes above and beyond to make his efforts known, leaving no room for doubt about his love and care for you.

Even in social settings, he doesn’t shy away from letting everyone know how protective and caring he is towards you.

And let’s not forget about the sweet reminders he gives you from time to time. He’ll bring up how he did this and that for you in the past, not show how much he cherishes you but boast about himself.

All in all, with this guy, you never have to question his efforts or his love for you. He makes it crystal clear every step of the way.

11. He wants you to be with him all the time. 

Everyone deserves a little “me” time to recharge and reflect in solitude. However, if your partner insists on you being by their side constantly, it could be a sign of manipulation rather than affection.

Don’t be fooled by the illusion of sweetness or protectiveness – it’s time to break free and prioritize your own needs. Remember, a healthy relationship should allow both partners to grow and thrive independently.

12. Your opinion doesnโ€™t matter.

When your partner believes they possess a superior level of wisdom and consistently acts upon their supposed intelligence, it’s not uncommon for them to completely disregard your opinions.

In fact, they might not even bother asking for your input before making decisions on your behalf. This type of behavior is a subtle yet powerful indication that your boyfriend is manipulating you, as your thoughts and feelings are being invalidated and dismissed.

13. He is never satisfied, let alone pleased.

Despite your continuous efforts to please him, he seems to be constantly dissatisfied and even pleased. You put in your heart and soul to make him content, but it seems like there is always a missing puzzle piece that you can never find.

His appetite for perfection is insatiable, leaving you feeling unappreciated despite your constant striving. His critical eye leaves no room for error, and you are left feeling that no matter what you do, it will never be enough for him.

He is never satisfied, let alone pleased
Signs He Is Manipulating You

14. He wants to make all your decisions.

Beware of a boyfriend who assumes the role of a decision-making overlord in your life. This individual may come across as someone who has your best interests at heart, but in reality, he is cunningly manipulating you.

The signs are unmistakable – whenever you approach him seeking advice, he is quick to prescribe a solution that suits his agenda, regardless of your wishes.

This is one of the major telltale signs he is manipulating you and is not just being possessive.

Related: 10 Signs Heโ€™s Just Using You and Is Not Genuine

15. He thinks he is the only one who can make you happy.

It may seem like a great prospect to have someone in your life who wants to make you happy all the time, but have you considered the underlying motive behind it? If your significant other is constantly trying to limit your happiness to just them, it could be a cause for concern.

It’s as though they want to be the sole proprietor of your happiness, leaving no room for anyone or anything else. This kind of behavior is not only selfish but also indicates a deep-seated insecurity on their part.

If you’ve observed any of these telltale signs of manipulation in your boyfriend, it’s time to steer clear of him like a pro. He’s not the one for you, as he doesn’t truly have your best interests at heart. Let him go and create a fulfilling life of your own.

Signs He Being Manipulative
How To Know If Someone Is Manipulating You And Not Being Possessive
Signs He Manipulating You Not Just Possessive Pin
Romantic Manipulation: 15 Signs Someone Is Manipulating You Into A Relationship
Signs He Is Manipulating You and Not Just Being Possessive pin
How To Tell If Someone Is Manipulating You? Telltale Signs You’Re Being Manipulated
he is manipulating you
Signs You’Re Being Manipulated
signs he is manipulating you
15 Signs He Is Manipulating You And Disguising It As Love

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