Is Chiropractic The Mood Booster You’ve Been Looking For?


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Chiropractic The Mood Booster

Chiropractic care a holistic practice that not only cures aches and pains but it also boosts your moods as well. Take a look at the chiropractic care benefits and how chiropractic manipulation helps in spinal pain-reducing and adjusting the alignment.

Every once in a while, we all feel down. We don’t know why, but we get this mood to come over us. Bad moods are actually bad for our health, which is why we want to feel good!

But, instead of all the other methods you usually do to make yourself feel better, a chiropractic adjustment might be the thing you need to feel better. Wondering how helping your spine can make you feel better? Well, keep reading to find out!

Does Chiropractic Care Release Emotions?

Some chiropractors say that chiropractic care can release emotion. While this may not be studied often, I can tell you that we carry a lot of our stress and anger on our backs. When we’re frustrated, we often bend over and have a lot of tension in our spine. We are constantly tense, and this causes a lot of pain in our bodies. Our spine holds a lot of emotion physically, and with chiropractic care, that can be released.

So, it’s not that chiropractic care releases emotions. You aren’t going to pop your spine and say, “Oh, look. There goes the anger!” Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. But, when you do pop your spine, you lose the tension that you’ve been holding there.

The back pain that you’re experiencing could be caused by the amount of stress and anger that you’re holding onto. When we adjust your spine so you no longer feel like that, your body is so much more relaxed. It really does help to release all of that pent-up emotion, and so you will often feel a lot better afterward.

I won’t say that chiropractic care is a cure-all for everything that you’re feeling. However, I will say that it can do a lot of good for your body, and it can help you to feel better about what you’re going through.

How often when our back hurts are we in a good mood? Not very often! We get stressed out, and then our back hurts. And that back pain then causes even more frustration. Which, in turn, adds more pain. It’s a horrible cyclical process. We’re often asked how to get rid of sciatica pain fast, and I always recommend chiropractic care and massage therapy.

5 Chiropractic Care Benefits To Your Mood And Body

Chiropractic Care Benefits
5 Chiropractic Manipulation Benefits To Your Mood And Body

If you’re feeling down, there’s a good chance that getting some chiropractic-care can help! It can boost your mood a lot, and I’ll tell you how.

1. Gets rid of the pain

As I mentioned earlier, chiropractic care can get rid of so much pain. Your spine is the obvious place, but there are other places in your body that can cause you to get frustrated as well. How often are you in pain because of your neck? Well, chiropractic care can help that! What about your shoulders? It can help with that too.

But, what’s really great is that many chiropractors also have massage therapists in their clinics, as I do in my office. What’s wonderful about this is that they can work through the knotted muscles and the pain that you’re feeling there. So, if you’re having pain in your legs, arms, back, or more, they can help. That, in conjunction with chiropractic adjustment, will have you pain-free in no time!

2. Gets the blood flowing

Sometimes, you just need better circulation. Like when you exercise, you get endorphins released when your blood is flowing. Chiropractic care can actually increase the circulation in your body, so you’ll feel better once your blood is flowing. This can also promote healing, which can help with the pain you’re experiencing as well. 

3. Improves concentration

The spine is connected to the brain, which controls the central nervous system. When you get a chiropractic adjustment, your spine goes to the place that it should be, and you’re realigned.

This can help your central nervous system perform better, which can help your concentration. Chiropractic adjustments improve the health of your spine, and this helps your central nervous system to perform better.

Read: The Power of Focus in a Distracted World

4. You become more relaxed

chiropractic care benefits
Chiropractic Emotional Release Technique

After you get a chiropractic adjustment, you feel a lot more relaxed in everything that you do. This is especially true if you mix chiropractic adjustments with massage therapy. When you’re relaxed and at ease, your body releases the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which make you happier. So, this can really boost your mood if you’re feeling down.

Read: 5 Ways to Lift Your Mood Instantly

5. Your body feels better

It’s no secret that your body and your mind are connected. When your body is feeling out of sorts, your mood is sour. If you want to boost your mood, you have to get your body on board! You can do this by taking proper care of your body.

A chiropractic adjustment can get your body realigned so that you feel better. And when your body feels like it’s back to normal, your mood is sure to follow.

Related: Here’s How to Boost Serotonin Naturally (and Banish Bad Moods)

What to Expect at a Chiropractor’s Office

When you find a local chiropractor, make sure you find one that has more to offer than just an adjustment. You want a chiropractor that can listen to you, get to know you, and offer the care that your body needs. Some of the stop-in clinics simply don’t allow this closeness. Once you’ve found the one you like, you’ll usually take x rays so that the doctor can see what’s going on with your spine.

They’ll also ask what’s hurting, and from that, they’ll make a plan with you. It will usually take more than one visit to fix your problem, but you will feel a boost in your mood from the start. Then, get your adjustment. After the adjustment, I always recommend a massage. I know it has greatly helped those who are suffering in their mood. 

While it’s not a guarantee that you’ll completely change your soured mood, you are definitely going to feel better after getting a chiropractic adjustment.

If you want to learn more about chiropractic manipulation, here is a video to help you understand it better:

Written By: Dr. Brent Wells, D.C.

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care focuses on your spine, muscles, joints, and nervous system and is a patient-centered regulated aspect of healthcare.

what are the benefits of chiropractic care?

It can aid to relieve discomfort in the body, it can help with headaches and lower back discomfort. It also enhances and improves one’s mood.

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Is Chiropractic The Mood Booster You’ve Been Looking For?

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