Understanding The Alpha, Beta, Omega and other Personality Types


Understanding The Alpha, Beta, Omega and other Personality Types

When it comes to personalities, you must have heard of the Alpha, Beta, Omega personality types, along with others such as Gamma, Delta, and Sigma. Altogether there are six socio sexual hierarchy ranks. This post gives you a detailed understanding of each of the personality types.

In the animal kingdom, itโ€™s the aggressive Alpha male of the pack that entices females in heat for procreation purposes. In other words, the rest of the males just donโ€™t get any. Among humans, however, things have become a little more complex since the Neanderthal era, despite romantic fiction convincing readers that Alpha heroes reflect womenโ€™s ideals.

In recent mass-market fiction, even Alpha heroes are required to develop modern-day Beta characteristics, like heightened sensitivity and emotions, thanks to the influence of the female heroine in the novel who โ€˜tamesโ€™ her man. But it isnโ€™t always the case in the real world, such as in the case of a high powered modern woman who doesnโ€™t need โ€˜rescuing.โ€™ For her, Prince Charming may very well appear in the form of a relaxed Gamma, prepared to take the back seat, or even be a stay-at-home dad in her castle.

Sigmas also do pretty well in the world, and no surprises there, because most of the sigma male zodiac signs tend to be Capricorn and Scorpio. And everybody knows just how formidable they are, and their personalities are self-explanatory.

Are women and men necessarily as different as Venus and Mars?

Not necessarily; according to popular classifications based on the Greek alphabet, we have more in common with our corresponding personality types in the opposite sex than we do with other categories within our own gender!

However, men and women from the same categories often clash in relationships because they are too similar; for instance, two alphas may make a great match, but thereโ€™s also a power struggle going onโ€”a war waiting to happen. Similarly, opposite personality types are often strongly attracted to each otherโ€™s differences, whose personalities may conflict once the honeymoon period is over for โ€˜irreconcilable differencesโ€™ (the most commonly cited reason for divorce among celebrities).

Realistically, most people fall under hybrids of two or more categories, which further divide into various other classifications (itโ€™s enough to fill an encyclopedia but this is just a blog entry so we wonโ€™t go there).

Personality types can also change over the course of oneโ€™s life: a man could start out as a high-powered Alpha athlete, executive, or politician and end up a depressed, unemployed Omega later in life. Interested? Read on and share your own theories in the comment area below.

Here Are The Alpha, Beta, Omega, And Other Personality Types

Type Alpha: Self assured, enterprising, and outgoing.

Alpha Male

Also referred to as a โ€˜bad boyโ€™ or โ€˜leader of the pack,โ€™ this confident, aggressive, macho guy may be self-centered, sexist, demanding, and difficult to work with despite possessing charisma both in his personal life and at work.

He can be attractive without having to be good-looking and usually has his pick of women to date or marry. Although he enjoys being chased, he finds it refreshing to be the one to do the chasing (i.e. hunting). Enterprising and outgoing, his pre-marital relationships tend to be very brief.

Women do not get much comfort or support from a typical Alpha male; and the women who cheat on their non-alpha partners usually do so by having affairs with Alpha men, like James Bond.

Alpha Female

Alpha females abound in any Angelina Jolie movie (her kick-ass characters and her bad-ass self). A super confident female who doesnโ€™t appear to need men, Alpha women are the queen bees of their cliques, whether in social groups, school, or college.

They easily dominate other women and can be aggressive, bossy, and sarcastic in their competitive, high-powered careers, including political (Margaret Thatcher). They are usually sexy even when they arenโ€™t conventionally beautiful, and donโ€™t get intimidated around men.

They may lack sensitivity and sympathy towards others and arenโ€™t scared of making the first move when it comes to their romantic interests. They normally get what they want: even other Alpha males rarely reject them. Alpha women are thought to have a cold, controlling personality that isnโ€™t very nurturing or relaxed.

Related: The 5 Indigo Generations โ€“ Do you belong to one of them?

Type Beta: Moderate, reserved, and collaborative

Beta Male

Betas are reserved, responsible and moderate: your average Mr. Nice Guy, nothing spectacular but likable enough. Most modern men are Betas; theyโ€™re more sensitive, less aggressive, and better read than Alphas. They are easily nervous or embarrassed and play wingmen to their more suave Alpha friends.

Betas make good friends and roommates, as theyโ€™re considerate and somewhat idealistic. Beta men are the least threatened by women who are more powerful or intelligent than them. A Beta man tends to be introvertive and kind of nerdy while growing up. Thoughtful by nature, women may consciously choose Beta men as better husband material, especially if theyโ€™ve been hurt by Alphas. However, they usually like Beta men as friends rather than fall in love with them.

Beta Female

Beta women make great BFFs.  Theyโ€™re usually the imperfect Bridget Jones-type characters we root for in movies. Beta women tend to be passive-aggressive and can get annoyingly obsessed with their crushes.

They are nurturing, insecure about their looks, and want to be pursued by the guys they like. If this doesnโ€™t happen, they are nervous about competing with other women and often end up lonely or with their second or third choice in a mate.

Type Omega: Neurotic, laidback, and eccentric

Omega Male

In popular culture, Omega men feature mainly in comedy movies like the overweight, unemployed video gamer in Knocked Up, the dork who literally seduced an American Pie, and most Ben Stiller movies.

An Omega guy has nerdy habits, like collecting comic books or being a Trekkie, and lives blissfully in his own world. He is immature, irresponsible, lacks ambition, and is easily picked on. In high school movies, he always lusts after an Alpha female and ends up getting her (theyโ€™re movies after all), only to reject her for his Beta best friend whom he hadnโ€™t previously noticed.

Among a group, the Omega guy is the least likely to take an initiative and is generally the lowest on the chain of command. Exaggerated metrosexuals and effete intellectuals may be Omegas too. Women generally find Omegas unattractive. As husbands, they are often happily reliant on their wives โ€™ incomes and donโ€™t help much around the house either.

Related: 6 Traits of An Omega Male That Makes Him A Hero In The Shadows

Omega Female

The lead characters from the movies Bridesmaids, Welcome to the Dollhouse and Sheโ€™s All That (before the makeover) are all Omegas. They tend to be lazy, untidy, unattractive, have low self-esteem, have dismal personal lives, and are unambitious and unsuccessful in their careers. They could really benefit from a makeover in terms of style as well as life coaching skills and deserve sympathy.

Type Gamma: Restless, adventurous, and fun

Gamma Male and Female

Adventurous, restless, fun-loving Gammas like to do their own thing and create their own rules without giving in to peer pressure. Alphas may mature into Gammas and become more considerate, socially conscious, and relatively diplomatic than before.

Gammas are aware of their needs and natures as well as those of the opposite sex. They demonstrate quintessentially feminine behaviors, values, and expectations to win their partnersโ€™ trust and love. Gammas generally appear to lack assertiveness, freely demonstrate their emotions, and arenโ€™t very interested in status symbols and attaining popularity.

They tend to put their family and community before their own ambitions. On TV, many characters from comedies like The Office, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, and Glee are obvious Gamma types.

Type Delta: Aloof, marginalized, and resentful

Delta Male & Female

Deltas are withdrawn, private, and to some extent, disaffected. Deltas are often โ€˜has-beensโ€™ who were confident, successful, popular Alphas in their youth. The lowest rung in the hierarchy of personalities, Deltas tend to be subordinates who are ostracized by society.

Type Sigma: Sardonic, outsiders, and baffling

Sigma Male & Female

Sigmas are outsiders to the social game, yet manage to win at it anyhow, confusing everyone else in the process. They are also adept at socially challenging and ridiculing Alphas, to their infuriation. Sigmas tend to be contemptuous towards the opposite sex, even if they desire them.

Related: 10 Traits Of A Sigma Male

So, here are all the different personality types. Which one do you think you are? Let us know in the comments below!

If you want to know more about the Alpha, Beta and Omega personality types, then check this video out below:

Understanding The Alpha, Beta, Omega and other Personality Types Pin
Understanding The Alpha, Beta, Omega And Other Personality Types

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  1. KINGME Avatar

    Yes, thats 99% of what men can find on online dating sites…Cat ladies

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