The 5 Indigo Generations: Do You Belong To One Of Them?


Indigo Generations

Do you belong to the 5 Indigo generations? If you suspect that you’re an Indigo child, read all about the generations of blue ones!

Indigo generations have been residing on this Earth for a very long time, and you might also be a part of one, you never know. Which Indigo generation do you think you belong to?

To say that Indigo people just materialized on Earth in recent years would be wrong. Their manifestation is not a recent phenomenon at all and they have been on this planet for a long time indeed. Having said that; it is also true that their numbers havenโ€™t seen such a surge in quite some time.

The Blue Ones, as the people of the Indigo Ray are also called, were always on this planet, but there was always only a handful of them around. That changed as soon as the twentieth century began to draw toward its close.

But one thing is certain, no matter how rare or far in between these people have manifested on earth, they have always been an integral part of humanityโ€™s progress. They have guided the world in the form of leaders and innovators, and whether or not they gained much recognition, they were always present.

But as mentioned before, there has been a definitive surge in their numbers over the past 50 years or so. Among these Indigo people, on careful observation, you can distinguish 5 distinct periods or generations, each of which spanned the duration of approximately one decade.

Each of these generations of Indigo people has its own unique characteristics that distinguish them from the rest, as well as awakening years and auric values.

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The 5 Indigo Generations: Are You One Of The Blue Ones?

Here are the five Indigo generations:

Indigo Generations
Do You Belong To The Indigo Generations?

1) The Alpha Generation (#One)

This is the generation that manifested between the years 1958-1968. These were the people with blue-violet-green overlays when they were born, along with tanโ€™s camouflaged.

For them, the years of awakening, i.e. those of Saturnโ€™s return were 1986-1996. Approximately at their 28 years of age. Therefore, it is quite clear that presently they have reached an age of post-awakening.

This is the time for them to rediscover and recover the gifts they have lost. Some of them have also reached the stage where they will transition into the Octarine phase.

Related: 7 Common Traits Of Indigo Adults

2) The Beta Generation (#Two)

The 2nd of the Indigo generations was born between the periods spanning from 1968-1978. They were born with the same overlays as the ones before them, i.e. – blue-violet-green.

The only difference is that these overlays were not accompanied by the tan camouflage. Also for them, the years of awakening (i.e. Saturnโ€™s return) were between 1996 and 2006.

Therefore, naturally, they too are in the years of their post-awakening.

3) The Gamma Generation (#Three)

The third of the Indigo generations was born between the years 1978-1988. They are quite different from the two generations that preceded them because they have very few overlays, if at all.

Even in the case of an overlay, there isnโ€™t much variety and it is most probably violet. Crystal or Octarine might also occur but the probability is very less.

This Indigo generation is unique in other ways too. This is the first of all the Indigo generations to witness, what came to be referred to as the early occurrences of ADHD and ADD amongst the Blue ones in their childhood phase.

The duration for this generationโ€™s awakening or Saturnโ€™s return is between the years 2006 to 2016.

Related: 13 Signs You Are An Indigo Child

4) The Delta Generation (#Four)

This generation of Indigo people was born between the years 1988 to 1998. They are considered the pure ones or the pure Indigos because they have absolutely no overlay at all.

Just the crystal or octarine overlay in some cases which are anyway considered chameleonic colors. Among all the Indigo generations, these are the wildest on the ADD/ADHD spectrum.

One of the speculations regarding this increasingly distracting behavior on the part of this generation of Indigos is that the media hyperactivity in the last decade of the twentieth century might have acted upon their overlays which led to this.

The crystal element in their overlay needs to be grounded, and over-stimulation by drugs and the like would only make things worse. It is rather suggested to use warm and deep colors in their everyday environment, in addition to slow rhythms.

These will help to soothe and calm the Indigo child, which is very vital especially because he/she usually finds themselves in an environment that is overstimulated and full of flashy lights and noises.

If these measures are not taken, their adolescence (which is already harder than any other group) would be very difficult to maneuver, and might see a lot of drug abuse, suicides, and whatnot.

For this group, the years of Saturn’s return are between 2016 and 2026.

5) The Omega Generation (#Five)

This was the Indigo generation that was born between the years 1998- 2008. This generation might very well be the final addition to the pure Indigo generations, and after them, there would be only a few major cohorts.

This Indigo generation too would face problems similar to the Delta generation, vis-a-vis getting accustomed to maneuvering the environment. If their local situation is even slightly less than holistic, their childhood would be a lot harder to go through.

Indigo Generations
Do You Belong To The Indigo Generations?

There are good chances that this generation will be born in the homes of some earlier Indigos and/or be the reincarnation of the first or second-generation Indigos.

Related: 21 Signs Youโ€™ve Met Someone From A Past Life

The years for the awakening of this Indigo generation like between 2026 and 2036. These might shift or change depending on a variety of situations.

This generation will witness a decline in the population of the people from the Indigo Ray.

Hopefully, this information on Indigo generations will be able to assist the Indigos who are currently living in the years of their awakening. Although it is quite rare to see people under 30 being awakened, it is not unheard of.

The time of Saturn’s return is the time that an Indigo gets to see his or her true self. Without the camouflage and the overlays, their hidden potential and psychic prowess shine through.

But it is not easy to be able to understand why the overlays had to be stripped and unless well guided, this period can be very traumatic for them. In such a time, guidance and partnership will be of the essence.

Related: How Do You Know If You Are An Indigo Child? Here Are 25 Characteristics

These timelines do not mean that anyone born before or after these dates is not a valid Indigo and their abilities are not to be questioned at all. These are just the periods when the Indigo population was in abundance.

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5 Indigo Generations
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The 5 Indigo Generations: Do You Belong To One Of Them?
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The 5 Indigo Generations: Do You Belong To One Of Them?

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  1. Peter M Dziuk Avatar
    Peter M Dziuk

    Is any of this really real?

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