7 Important Things To Remember When You Feel Depressed


Things Remember When Feel Depressed

Are you having a hard time dealing with your depression? Are you tired of the fact that you feel depressed most of the time now?

Depression is not easy. Telling no to depression requires a lot of strength and great courage. Here are a few simple things that worth remembering the days when you feel depressed. 

7 Important Things To Remember When You Feel Depressed

1. Your self-esteem plays a crucial role.

You might believe that you donโ€™t deserve certain things or, even worse that you donโ€™t have โ€œwhat it takesโ€ to get them. Low self-esteem creates internal imbalances and conflicts that will slowly affect the course of your life. It is often said that the most dangerous form of depression has its roots within the individual. In these cases, there is never any specific cause that triggers the disorder. The problem lies within yourself and probably leads back to your childhood.

Make sure you pay attention to your self-esteem! Make sure that you are the protagonist in your life and not an extra!

Want to know more about how you can stop feeling depressed? Read Ways To Fight Depression: 4 Sure-Fire Things You Can Do Right Now

2. Your pain wonโ€™t last forever.

Depression doesnโ€™t last forever, and neither the pain you feel.

If you approach each day with joy, exclude the negative thoughts, and follow your dreams, depression will fade and perish in the shadows.

3. Focus on the present.

The past is behind you, it passed, it is no longer here. Allow yourself to live in the present with the utmost tension and happiness that you deserve. This is the only thing worth trying.

4. Always ask for help, but make sure that you ask the right people.

Perhaps you have heard people say, โ€œfirst you must turn in your family, they will never leave you hanging.โ€ We hope this is true, but keep in mind that there are some people who can do more harm than good. Some people also believe that, if someone is diagnosed with depressive disorder, this is due to the fact that you are a weak person and always sad.

Attention! Seek the help of someone professional and then rest at relatives and friends who really know how to listen to you, to your console and say words at the right time. Looking to know more about how you can reach out when you feel depressed?

Read How to Ask for Help With Depression: 8 Ways To Reach Out & Start Recovering

5. Your depression doesnโ€™t want to get out of the house.

It is true. Depression loves darkness, silence, and fills you with negative thoughts. Donโ€™t be deceived!

Go out and walk for at least half an hour every day. Breathe the fresh air, let the sun touch your skin, and talk with people you meet. Surround yourself with life, movement, light, and joy every day.

6. Depression loves junk food.

Sweets, snacks, frozen meals, fast food โ€ฆ all these foods soothe your concern and offer you temporary pleasure, but in fact, they enhance the chemical imbalance of depression, fueling negative neurotransmitters.

Start to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink water and tea. A healthy diet helps you feel better and your body will start to eliminate toxins.

Want to know more about how a good diet can help you when you feel depressed? Read Diet & Depression: 6 Ways Food Impacts Your Mental Health

7. Say โ€˜noโ€˜ to depression.

Depression is not easy. Telling no to depression requires a lot of strength and great courage, but one thing is certain: you are not the depression. You are a human being who deserves to find happiness again, you will need to see life with enthusiasm and hope.

Well โ€ฆ Why donโ€™t you come out from the shadow that tries to make you suffer?

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7 Important Things To Remember When You Feel Depressed
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  1. Dennis Dabney Avatar
    Dennis Dabney

    Good read Beth Anne … I love you โค

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