6 Ways to Use Your Sensitivity as a Superpower


Ways Use Sensitivity as Superpower

Have you ever considered your sensitive nature as a weakness? Well, it’s not at all, and there are ways through which you can use your sensitivity as a superpower!

I am extremely sensitive, from my emotions to my mind, to my body – right down to my teeth! Is it a gift or a curse? Keep reading… 

The Curse

My sensitivity was my vulnerability. The people in my life used it as a means to their end. I gave my power away a lot. I was your stereotypical giver and placed other peopleโ€™s needs before my own. Others abused me emotionally and I didnโ€™t know how to show up for myself.

In a past relationship, I endured the most horrific emotional and mental torture. Friendships and relationships werenโ€™t a place of nourishment, support, safety, or equity. I gave and never received, I cared ‘too much’, and people with ill intentions who sensed my weak boundaries and innate kindness would gravitate towards me in what felt like a never-ending cycle.

Life was draining to say the least!

Does this sound like you? Or a past version of you?

Thankfully, I am no longer in these situations as I have owned my sensitivity as my greatest treasure!

The Gift

Sensitivity is an expression of the divine feminine. Contrary to vulnerability it is a source of immense power. It is potent energy worth cherishing and protecting.

Once I learned to ‘channel’ this power, outer circumstances began to shift. The right kind of relationship appeared in my life. I was able to say ‘No’ or show it through my actions. Iโ€™ve even learned how to use my emotional body to manifest certain experiences I wish to have.

I am awakening more and more to the power of the feminine, as are many women and men around the world.

The feeling level is where the magic happens, where transformation, change, and healing occurs. Life is change and movement; therefore a conscious connection to our sensitivity paves the way for the cultivation of more life force energy โ€“ Shakti.

Sensitivity is only a curse when weโ€™re unconscious of our internal material. The monsters and demons of the world project towards us when we are in shadow, as here, they are at their strongest!

Sensitivity as a superpower
Sensitivity As A Superpower

I believe the new feminine that is rising, is the archetypal warrior. She is here to shift the balance of power, to heal the disconnection with ourselves, with others, and with Earth itself. For this to take place we need to walk bravely through our darkness and meet our shadow selves both in our inner and outer worlds.

I now know that sensitivity, when wielded consciously, is a superpower!

โ€‹Here are 6 ways to see this emotional energy in a new light:

1) Use it as self-protection.

In martial arts practice, we train our senses in concentration so that we can be alert to the slightest of dangers.

In a similar way, you too can train your mind, body, and emotions to pick up on ‘bad vibes‘ โ€“ as a sensitive person, you already know when people mean harm towards you, your feeling body or intuition senses the negative intent.

Trust what feel, you are always right the first time. Keep sattvic or pure company at all times, surround yourself with those who hold pure intentions.

Want to know more about how you can use your sensitivity as a superpower? Read 4 Rare Superpowers All Empaths Have Whether They Know It Or Not

2) Become a conscious creator of your life.

We can manifest the reality we want. It takes practice and it takes the consistency of effort.

Imagine what you want. See it in your mind and then shift your attention to your emotional body. How does it feel to accomplish this goal? Where does it feel good in your body?

In my daily writing practice, I usually set an intention for how I wish to feel by the end of the day. There are so many ways to bring your vision and dreams closer to you. Make it a consistent practice to visualize and write down what you desire.

3) Turn pain into power.

Have you heard of the quote by Rumi, ‘The cure for pain is in the pain’? Resist it and you intensify the experience โ€“this is the same for all emotions. Be present with it and the intensity lessons.

When big emotions arrive, it is an opportunity to listen and befriend them. Get creative; make art, draw, write, dance. Move your pain, transform it. The other side of pain and grief is joy. Donโ€™t get stuck in the pain. Master your emotions and never be influenced by another person again.

4) Absorb positive and joyful feelings at will.

Sensitive people know how easy it is to absorb other peopleโ€™s energies. When weโ€™re not consciously managing our borders, negative or toxic people can find a way in!

Itโ€™s important to spend time in solitude, recharge, and have a regular practice of self-inquiry, for me itโ€™s daily journaling and yoga.

Hereโ€™s the great news, as quickly as we absorb uncomfortable energies, just as quickly we can access good feelings! Movement is key. Throw on some music and dance, listen to an upbeat track or watch something that will make you laugh! By simply shifting your attention to something new and different, you can change your state immediately.

Looking to know more about how you can use your sensitivity as a superpower? Read 5 Great Lessons A Highly Sensitive Person Needs To Learn

5) Donโ€™t toughen up, think smarter.

“Toughen Up!” Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ve heard this one. Thatโ€™s not how we roll. Our strength is our empathy and compassion so long as we practice these on ourselves first. We donโ€™t need to override our feelings with an artificial sense of ‘toughness’.

In fact, this is detrimental to our well-being. Instead think smarter. Identify your core needs, how can they be met?

Move closer to yourself through a daily self-check-in as outside forces are weakened when our self-connection is strong, our objectivity to increases in this way.

6) Bring forth righteous change into the world.

We are gentle giants. We have a huge calling that keeps knocking at us, a calling that wonโ€™t shake off. The more we resist it, the louder it gets. It stems from our strong desire to effect positive change in the world. Weโ€™re here to align with our dharma, our authentic path and to bring light and healing to the world.

Rise into your greatness as a sensitive being! Work with your emotions, rather than detaching from them. The feeling is a gift from the feminine divine. A source of nourishment and vitality. A superpower of the soul. Wield it well!

If you want to know more about how you can use your sensitivity as a superpower, then check this video out below:

6 Ways To Use Your Sensitivity As A Superpower
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6 Ways To Use Your Sensitivity As A Superpower

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  1. Mind Body Spirit Yoga


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