4 Rare Superpowers All Empaths Have


Rare Superpowers Empaths Have

Superpowers of all empaths…

Many empathic, or highly sensitive people feel that their ability to feel so many different emotional energies in their environments is a curse, but with recent research suggesting that empaths are actually highly psychic, you may want to hone your empathic skills instead of hiding them away, or bemoaning their existence.

Here are 4 superpowers of empaths, that you too can develop:

1.) Read Peopleโ€™s Minds

Empaths have a form of psychic ability that is considered a rare gift.

Reading people’s minds is one of the incredible superpowers of an empath. Many empaths receive psychic images, statements, hues, or smells intuitive which indicate to them, a reality beyond which most are aware. If you pick up on these energies unwillingly, you could instead focus on them, and see if you can create an even stronger psychic experience, turning your empathic skills into full-blown ESP. Then you can literally walk a mile in someone elseโ€™s shoes, and know exactly what that would feel like. IMAGINE the possibilities.

Related: The 5 Powers Of Empaths

Mind reading isnโ€™t a parlor trick. We all do it to some degree, taking cues from peopleโ€™s body language, and verbal discourse. A skilled non-verbal decoder can tell if someone is lying, someone is happy or sad (even if they claim to be the opposite), or if they are manipulating others with their speech and gestures. We can all be โ€˜mentalistsโ€™ picking up on inconsistencies in someoneโ€™s words and body language, but empaths take it a step further.

How many wrong turns, missteps, or arguments could you avoid? How much success could you experience learning from othersโ€™ mistakes? Knowing when someone is lying, or telling the truth? Priceless. Instead of shunning your empathic ability to feel everything โ€“ use it to become a true mind reader.

2.) Become Your Own Emotion Superhero

If you have a crazy ability to empathize with others, why not turn this around, and use it to your own benefit? So many people today are completely disconnected from their own emotions. You arenโ€™t. This may seem like a tremendous burden โ€“ feeling what they ought to feel, AND feeling what you feel, but if you were able to develop some discernment, and focus on your own emotional growth, this gift can become your greatest superpower.

Related: Love Yourself Through: Why Empathy Must Start With You

The act of listening to your own feelings and thoughts is self-empathy- itโ€™s compassion in action. It could completely and utterly change how you communicate with people.

For instance, letโ€™s say you are visiting family for the holidays or a long weekend and one of your uncles says, โ€œDonโ€™t you know this president is going to ruin the nation?โ€ Your internal dialogue as an empath might be something like, โ€œOh my God, he has no clue how every person is affecting this country and this planet, and the people who are running the show arenโ€™t presidents or politicians, they may not even be on this planet! What an idiot.โ€ This is what your emotional triggers might be around a simple statement that someone from your family makes. But what if you honored those feelings and learned how to communicate them lovingly?

What if instead, you internally stated, โ€œWow, hearing what my uncle just said alarms me, to the point of even feeling panicked because that statement doesnโ€™t agree with the world I see, or how I believe this Universe is formed, and Iโ€™m scared of being at odds with my family member.โ€ Superpower indeed.
You could instead say to your Uncle from this emotionally aware place, โ€œYes, we all ruin the world a little or make it closer to a paradise every day by the thoughts, deeds, and actions we engage in.โ€ This statement might go over his head, or open up a whole different type of dialogue that is more in alignment with who you are.

3.) Transmute The Negative Only You Can Feel

So many people are affected by negative influences which are invisible in the world today. Empaths are acutely aware of this. An empath can even walk into a room where a negative conversation or act just transpired, and though it isnโ€™t currently happening, they can sense the negative energy that lingers. Isn’t it a great superpower of an empath?

Instead of being a victim of this sensitivity to energy โ€“ look for positive energy first, and TRANSMUTE that negative energy. Practice a quiet five-minute Tonglen meditation. Bring high-energy plants or flowers to a place with low energy, or simply utter encouraging words and thoughts to people around you who were also affected by the negativity. Even better? Find the humor in the situation and share it. Even the most vile circumstance has a funny side to it. Use laugher to literally create intimacy and openness where there was none.

4.) Turn Your Sensitivity Into A Highly Coveted Skill

Do the wrong sheets make you break out in hives? Are certain smells absolutely revolting to you? Do non-organic foods cause you terrible gastro-intestinal distress? Do you need quiet in order to sleep, and alone time in order to off-load all the smells, sights, sounds, and emotions youโ€™ve absorbed all day long? Instead of looking at this trait as if it were a burden, use it to your advantage. Sensitivity is one of the interesting superpowers of an empath.

Related: Are Empaths Signs of a New Human Evolution?

You could become a perfumer, and advise companies on removing chemicals and adding natural scents to their products. You could help others eat divinely prepared food by becoming an organic chef. You could develop quiet spaces like gardens, libraries, or meditation rooms that not only you need, but that others would revel in, without even realizing that they were desperate for your gift. Use those sensitivities to create a peaceful haven in the world, and your empathic skills are no longer a curse but used to fulfill your lifeโ€™s purpose.

Related: Dear Empath. Do Your Feel Guilty For Taking Care Of You?

There are many more ways you can put your empathic superpowers to good use. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments section, or when you share this article to social media.


Written by Christina Sarich

4 Rare Superpowers All Empaths Have Whether They Know It Or Not2
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4 Rare Superpowers All Empaths Have

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  1. Robert Bauer Avatar
    Robert Bauer

    This is true.
    Well done and many will benefit from this information. I spent the majority of my life with significant issues that come with the gift. I was able to turn the curse asit was into what it was meant to be. It took time and commitment and consistency. Once your there it is more or less a tremendous lift off of you. You have control of the tidal waves now. Instead of getting blown out to sea daily. And the mind reading is dead on. I’ve had that ability since 13 yrs old. Can be easily misused if your not careful.
    Thank you for this article. It was good.
    Hope many of the cursed see it. With some research and commitment it can be turned into a superpower and the psychic side , esp etc. Is all true. I know 6 empaths. Real ones and they all have ii in different degrees and areas. But they all do. It’s funny sometimes the conversations that happen with very few words spoken. .take care and we’ll done.
    – R. Bauer
    Redwood Valley, California.

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