Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs: What You Hate About Your Last Relationship Based On Astrology


Biggest Relationship Regret Zodiac Sign

Did your last relationship leave you with a bagful of remorse? Then you’ll identify with the below-given relationship regrets of zodiac signs.

Some of us carry several regrets with us, particularly when it comes to relationships, don’t we? We all have at least one relationship in which we hated something and that it continues to affect us to this day.

Some are broken promises, while others are about how one treated the other in the relationship. We keep telling ourselves that if we could just fix that one aspect of the relationship, everything would be different now.

We have picked one thing each zodiac sign regrets about their past relationship. You can use these as a reminder for your future relationship so that you do not repeat the same mistakes again.

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Read on, if you want to dig deeper into your relationship regrets based on your zodiac sign!

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

Hereโ€™s what each zodiac hates about their last relationship.

1. Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you gave them second chances.

Aries enjoys being first, just as you are the first sign of the zodiac. Your character is quite ambitious, and you put yourself in some of the most difficult situations.

When it comes to relationships, you are caring and passionate. You always think you’ll be able to make things work and end up compensating for your partner’s inconsistent behavior.

You always see the good in people, you tend to stick with them unless they truly exhaust you. As an Aries, you are known for your fiery temper and outbursts, and you absolutely hate the fact that you keep giving them second chances when they only keep on hurting you.

Read Aries Personality Traits: A Zodiac Guide to the Enterprising Yet Ruthless Sign

2. Taurus (April 20th to May 21st)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you accepted the possessiveness of your partner.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and you are ruled by the planet Venus. You have a vibrant and fearless personality. You express your emotions well and can be stubborn at times.

In a relationship, you are always there for your partner and pay close attention to them. Your ultimate goal is to raise a happy family.

However, one aspect of your previous relationships that you hate is your partner used to be very jealous for no apparent reason, and they never used to respect your boundaries.

For example, they hated it if you met a friend for coffee without them. They believed that you are cheating on them. You want to be taken care of and respected, but you never want to be suffocated.

Read 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you didnโ€™t put your best in the relationship.

Gemini has a distinct personality that separates them from other zodiac signs. You can be outgoing, talkative, and witty, but sometimes you are indecisive and nosy.

You enjoy being the center of attention, but you are also easygoing and always up for an adventure.

However, you have a tendency not to take things seriously sometimes. It may be difficult for you to express your interest or make future plans with your partner. You hate yourself for ignoring your partner, not realizing how much it hurt them.

Read The Good and Bad of Loving A Gemini (13 Brutal Truths)

4. Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you had to apologize for everything.

If you are a Cancer, you signify water and emotions. The two of your main traits are kindness and being emotionally supportive.

But, sometimes you try to avoid conflict by not speaking up. You apologize a lot, and you’ve done it in your previous relationships as well.

You hate the fact that to avoid conflict or because you were scared that they would leave you, you sometimes apologised excessively to them.

Read 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

 5. Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you fought with your partner all the time.

Leo as a Zodiac sign is associated with strong leadership skills and passion. You are known for your ambition and a strong desire for power and authority. Even in your relationships, you seek partners who encourage you rather than hinder you.

You hate the fact that you were insecure about your partner at times and fought with them when they didn’t support you or your plans. You became quite aggressive and unreasonable. 

Read Top 13 Reasons Why Leo Is The Best Zodiac Sign

6. Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you called the clingy behavior of your ex cute.

Virgo is an earth sign, and they are stable, organized, and practical. As a Virgo, when it comes to relationships, you hardly feel insecure to get your partner’s attention.

You hate that your partner was too clingy at times and that you took that clingy behavior of theirs lightly. You, put your time and energy into something that wasn’t right for you.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you kept choosing them over yourself.

Libra being an air sign is extremely loyal, which also explains how you want to build a strong emotional as well as a mental connection with your partners.

You tend to be fair and incredibly cooperative when it comes to your relationships, and that is why you hate how in your past relationship you have been too nice to your partner.

You never kept yourself in the first place and always thought about them. Whether it was cooking for them or supporting them in their work, it was you who was always there, but never them.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio (October 23rd to November 22nd)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you were with someone with commitment issues.

Scorpios have many qualities, one of which is loyalty. You are extremely passionate and loyal in your relationships.

You value closeness and intimacy, as you are not very trusting of other people, making it difficult for you to open up to them.

You despise yourself for letting your guard down in front of someone who was not as invested in you as you were in them. You were devoted to them, but your partner struggled with commitment.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate having had to tolerate their exes all the time.

As a Sagittarius, you love being free and are quite optimistic. You are spontaneous and fun with your friends and your partner.

But you ended up making a blunder in your relationship all because of your friendliness. Your partner took the advantage of your easygoing personality and used this as an excuse to be friendly with their exes.

This has always made you uncomfortable but you never spoke up. You hate the fact that you have tolerated their sneaky behavior just because you loved them.

Read The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

10. Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you didn’t speak up when you had the chance.

Capricorns are known to be ambitious and quite hardworking. Even in your personal relationships you always give a lot of time and are understanding.

There are times when you think about what went wrong with your past relationships and you realize that you hate the fact that you didn’t speak up when you noticed red flags in the relationship. 

Even though you are quite strong and independent, emotionally you always needed your partner. You spoke up only when things got too much, and you couldnโ€™t take it anymore.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquarius (January 21st to February 18th)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate not showing interest in them when they cared about you

As an Aquarian, you are distant and aloof, sometimes at the cost of your personal relationships.

You need to have a connection with your partner for things to work out. Sometimes you valued yourself too much and it lead you to believe that your partner wasn’t putting their 100% so you withdrew from the relationship.

But all they were doing was secretly caring for you. When you think about past relationships, you always hate that you didn’t show much interest in them, when they did the same for you.

Read The Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)

12. Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs

You hate that you pretended everything was fine in your relationship when it wasn’t.

Pisces as a Zodiac Sign is quite empathetic, emotional, and generous. Some of your strengths are also your weaknesses as you can be too selfless.

In your past relationships, you have been afraid to speak your mind, and on top of that, you have a forgiving nature, so no matter what your partner did, you used to selflessly forgive them for it.

You truly hate that when people were concerned about you being sad in that relationship you shut them down and pretended that everything was alright when actually it wasn’t.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

Wrapping Up

Those were the relationship regrets of each zodiac sign. We hope that some of these relationship regrets of zodiac signs will allow you to learn from them.

These past relationship regrets of zodiac signs will help you use the experiences on a positive note and build relationships that are more fulfilling.

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Now that you know all about what the zodiacs hate about their last relationship, tell us what YOU hate about your last relationship. And did you enjoy our article on relationship regrets of zodiac signs? Comment down below!

Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiacs: Zodiac Signs Biggest Regret About Their Past Relationship
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs: Zodiac Regrets About Their Last Relationship
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Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs: What You Hate About Your Last Relationship Based On Astrology
Biggest Relationship Regret Zodiac
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs: What You Hate About Your Last Relationship Based On Astrology
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Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs: What You Hate About Your Last Relationship Based On Astrology
relationship regrets of zodiac signs
Relationship Regrets Of Zodiac Signs: What You Hate About Your Last Relationship Based On Astrology

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