Why Healing your Inner Child is Crucial for Self-Growth


Healing Inner Child Crucial for Self Growth

Sometimes, in order to live a truly happy and fulfilling life, one without any emotional wounds, you need to work towards healing your inner child.

What is your inner child?

It is the little person inside of you that witnessed, experienced, and was challenged by the surroundings you grew up in.

Wounds that were never healed from childhood linger dormant inside our inner child until our shadows forge forward from the past.

We are taught from a young age that is not acceptable to feel, that one must push those emotions of hurt, pain, and sorrow deep inside, slap a smile on their face and act โ€œnormalโ€. What is normal, I ask you to considerโ€ฆ..It is everything someone taught you to believe in.

Is that truly normal?

Could it be a facade you were supposed to wear to be considered strong in a world that is not foundationally strong?

The fear factor, right?

Everybody has it, well where does that come from?

It comes from the inner child in each one of us. We believe by suppressing the experiences of our past we can become this strong force, but in essence, it is destroying all of us at our core.

Healing the inner child is how you begin to truly grow in relationships, with friends, and in business. There will always be an instance when you will become challenged by your past pain, but that is where the healing begins, taking your own power back.

The inner child walks inside the walls of our adult human form and shyโ€™s, cryโ€™s and hides from the world waiting to be recognized.

Healing Your Inner Child
Why Healing Your Inner Child Is Crucial For Self-Growth

Uncommon, not really, everybodyโ€™s past comes forth through memories. You grow, by letting go. Change is inevitable, as you embrace the seasons of your heart, you free the ties to the child deep inside.

Early on when the frontal lobe development is critical, childrenโ€™s perceptions of the world can be brutally altered. The importance of allowing for our children to find their peace and grow naturally is of the most importance.

Strong human beings can develop at a rapid pace without tampered illusions and prefixes that our world taught us to believe in. It hasnโ€™t worked thus far, so when are we going to stand up and take liberated controls of the forces at hand.

How do you start?

Start creating time for yourself to heal, grow, and love. You have to start within yourself in order to allow bliss to flow naturally.

Consider a steamroller, rolling over a bruised peach. It is just adding salt to a wound. We are being taught that this is โ€œnormalโ€ and okay. Do you think itโ€™s okay?

People have a better chance of relationships and life, only if they can learn to understand themselves to the best of their abilities.

Try allowing yourself to refrain from all the fragmented distractions which keep us from creating our focus. By learning to balance your time you can further develop the inner child.

Related: 8 Ways Reparenting Yourself Can Help Heal Your Inner Child

What is needed to create a healthy vessel for your inner child?

Proper self-love, identification of past wounds, and situational healing. We have natural mirrors around us every day, the people that you see; they can help you heal. With time, focus, attention, and discovery, you can start to unfold the layers of the past that no longer serve you.

By taking the time to get to know yourself truly, you experience your inner child. Then and only then can you begin to heal it. Walking in the shadows of your hearts should not be a place to live, but a place where you can truly learn, love, and grow.

We all have been hurt at one time or another. How you heal from your previous wounds, determines your self-development.

Donโ€™t be shy about your inner child, it needs the same amount of attention as the cell phone you check every hour, if not more. The patterns are complacent and need new data to heal.

How do we heal the inner child?

By creating communities of people that build each other up, loving all the sides of each human being in your life by accepting the process of healing and growth.

We donโ€™t talk about this because it is like taboo. In the past, you would have been outcasted to the fringes of society, had this topic arose. But people, this is the 21st Century and it is time to change the pace.

We all may wear different coats of armor to protect us from reality. But in actuality, it is hurting us as a whole nation by reflecting conformity onto others and not living through self-expression.

Related: How to Heal Your Inner Child That Is Blocking You For Love

Did you know that the box that someone put you in, isnโ€™t as confined as you think?

If there is a will there is away. Start getting creative with your solutions to your problems. The problems that face you are only as ugly as you want to believe they are.

You donโ€™t like the inner child in pain, then change the environment for the hosted body, let it breathe, BELIEVE.

It has options and you are only chained to those options as long as you believe in the story that your inner child is telling you.

Wake up, itโ€™s time to get REAL with ourselves, and question everything. When you start to make the change, you will see how much your inner child was waiting to be set free!

Fly PEOPLEโ€ฆ.we are only as poisoned as we believe, no go fly free.

If you want to know more about healing your inner child, then check this video out below:

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Why Healing Your Inner Child Is Crucial For Self-Growth

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