The Covert Narcissist: 12 Identifying Traits


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The Covert Narcissist

Most of us know what a narcissist looks like. We have seen them portrayed in movies and books as manipulative, attractive men or women who think and act like they are better than others. But not all narcissists are like this.

Covert narcissists are dangerous people who know how to hide their narcissistic traits in public and raise hell by controlling and manipulating your life in private.

“Covert narcissists are masters of disguiseโ€”successful actors, humanitarians, politicians, clergy members, and even psychotherapistsโ€”who are beloved and appreciated, but are secretly selfish, calculating, controlling, angry, and vindictive.” – Ross Rosenberg

No one would believe that the man who sits in church with his family every Sunday, is a monster behind closed doors with the family that looks so perfect on the outside.

No one would believe that the โ€˜dotingโ€™ mother cheering on her child in the school gala, had been yelling and belittling her daughter minutes beforehand.

covert narcissist
The Covert Narcissist: 12 Identifying Traits

Who would believe that the friendly local grocer who chats happily with his customers has been giving his wife the silent treatment and not acknowledged her existence in weeks?

Who would believe that the lovely charming โ€˜ladyโ€™ at the top of her profession, trampled on anyone who stood in her way on her rise to the top?

Read: Covert Verbal Abuse: Passive Aggressive Behavior That Aims to Control You

The closet narcissist is a great pretender, hiding who they really are with the expertise. The covert narcissist puts on such a convincing display of being a loving, kind person in public but to those who know them personally, to those closest to them, they are selfish, manipulative, exploitive and anything but the loving and kind person that they purport to be.

They know that if they displayed their true colors in public, they would lose the recognition, respect, and admiration that they so desperately crave. Perhaps their ability to fool the outside world makes this type of personality one of the most dangerous. They worry about being found out. They are deeply envious knowing that they can never be the person that others believe them to be.

The covert narcissist is a con artist who lacks the confidence of the covert narcissist. They need constant attention moving from one relationship to another in order to avoid being alone. Time spent alone often leads to depression when their needs are not being met. Narcissistic supply is vital to their well-being.

Your value in the narcissistโ€™s life will depend on your usefulness. When you are no longer regarded as useful or you challenge them about who they really are, you will be cast aside without a second thought as if you never existed. Your reputation will have been discredited so that you will never be believed.

Scott Barry Kaufman (Psychologist) explainsโ€ฆ

โ€œWhile the overt narcissists tended to be aggressive, self-aggrandizing, exploitative, and have extreme delusions of grandeur and a need for attention, covert narcissists were more prone to feelings of neglect or belittlement, hypersensitivity, anxiety, and delusions of persecution.โ€

Read: What Is A Covert Narcissist?

The traits of the covert narcissist can be obvious often being displayed quite openly but in contrast, the traits of the covert narcissist can be very difficult to spot.

Below are some signs that you may be dealing with a covert narcissistโ€ฆ

The Covert Narcissist info
The Covert Narcissist: 12 Identifying Traits

1. Always plays the victim wanting your sympathy

2. Quiet Smugness/Superiority

3. Self-absorbed

4. Extreme selfishness

5. Constant craving for acknowledgment

6. Passive-aggressive

7. Judgmental and critical

8. Lacks empathy

9. Highly sensitive being unable to handle criticism

10. Difficulties with relationships

11. Gets bored easily

12. Switches off rather than listen intently to others

It can be difficult not to get sucked into a narcissistโ€™s web of deceit and feel sorry for them when they play the victim card. The narcissist is looking for a reaction from you. Donโ€™t feed the monster!

When they fail to get their desired reaction from you, they will take a step back and look for their supply elsewhere. Be aware of the traits before itโ€™s too late and donโ€™t let yourself be controlled by someone whose ultimate goal is to control not only your mind but your life.

“Covert Narcissists, like professional actors, are talented at pretending to be someone they are not. If people could see behind their charming and likable โ€œmasksโ€ they wouldnโ€™t be able to steal, exploit and manipulate their unsuspecting victims.” – Ross Rosenberg

Here’s an interesting video that you may find helpful:

Getting yourself free from the evil clutches of the covert narcissist can be very difficult as it will take you a lot of time to realize what they truly are: monsters in disguise. They will drain you emotionally, mentally, and physically and they will not let you even after they find a new target.

They may seem to support and help you, but they are only tricking you into believing that they want the best for you. When in reality all they want is to control you and your life, until and unless you walk away.

Written by Anne McCrea
(From Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse, Shattering the Illusion, now available on Amazon)

The Covert Narcissist: Angel On The Outside, Devil On The Inside
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The Covert Narcissist: 12 Identifying Traits
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The Covert Narcissist: 12 Identifying Traits

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  1. Sob Avatar

    Narcissistic mothers who have more then one child will treat one as a “golden child” who will be given all available resources and encourage and expected to be successful. She will be so enmeshed with that child for life so that she can take credit for every success along the way as she makes it impossible for that child to break away and develop their own independent life. The other child the “scapegoat” is kept in her orbit by sabotaging and discouraging them in sneaky manipulative subtle ways over decades. She cannot have both kids outshine her, it’s too threatening to her control. Her children are pieces on a chess board and nothing more. It’s all about her, and you must contribute to her cause and forget your own life.

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