5 Things A Strong Woman Should Never Do For A Man


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Things Strong Woman Never Do For Man

What are the things a strong woman should never do for a man?

“The saddest thing for a girl to do is to dumb herself down for a guy.” – Emma Watson

Ladies! Hereโ€™s the thing, youโ€™ll eventually find someone for whom you would want to bring the whole world together. Falling in love, caring for someone is a good thing but losing yourself completely in the process is of no use.

Donโ€™t run after someoneโ€™s approval. Time is a precious thing and if you end up investing energy and time after someone whoโ€™s not even your worth then stop. Itโ€™s important to realize your existence has a meaning, youโ€™re a personality with an individuality, more than just a body and more than just someone to be taken for granted.

Here are 5 things a strong woman should never do for a manโ€™s attention

1) Changing Yourself For โ€œHimโ€

Always be the way you are. If he demands certainโ€™ adjustmentsโ€™ in your personality or behavior so that heโ€™ll be more โ€œinterestedโ€ in you, then donโ€™t fall for his demands.

Related: 40+ Badass Quotes About Strong Women That Will Inspire You

Make necessary changes; changes that will make you feel better about yourself and not because of someoneโ€™s whims and fancies.

If the person genuinely likes you, heโ€™ll like you the way you already are. Changing herself at the cost of her comfort is something a strong woman should never for man.

2) Seek His Approval

This is the worst that can happen. You are an intelligent and smart woman. If you are mature enough to provide him that special place in your life, then you are also mature enough to make your own decisions.

Related: 6 Reasons Strong Women Get Attached Easily

A strong woman always plays by her own rules. She will never wait for someoneโ€™s approval.

This is because she knows whatโ€™s best for her.

3) Trying To Alter Your Physical Appearance

Whether you are short, tall thin, or plumpy, you own them. Itโ€™s you. You have to live in that body for your entire life and thatโ€™s how you were born.

Getting a nose job, trying to lose weight, or enhance body parts just for his or anyone elseโ€™ sake doesnโ€™t make any sense. That person is obviously not with you for the right reason.

Do it only if you feel itโ€™s the best thing to do for yourself. If it means to boost your confidence about yourself then go for it. But it should be your decision, your choice.

4) Rescheduling Your Plans

So that you can be with him more often? It is indeed quite necessary to make and spend time with each other. But, not when you make him your whole world and cancel your plans with your friends and family.

That someone โ€œspecialโ€ in your life should not expect you to be always โ€˜availableโ€™

5) Sacrificing Your Dreams And Goals In Life

Sacrificing dreams and career is something strong women never do for a man. An independent-minded woman would never compromise on her passions. She would not let anyoneโ€™s interference in between her dreams and ambitions.

Related: Strong Women Never Give Anyone The Power To Destroy Their Happiness

She would only take someoneโ€™s advice when she deems it fit. So, anyone trying to tell her whatโ€™s right and wrong when it comes to her dreams, she is not to be influenced.

Your partner should be supportive in your endeavors and should never tell you to turn down a perfectly good job opportunity, for reasons that suit his convenience.

Related video:


never do for a man
5 Things A Strong Woman Should Never Do For A Man
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5 Things A Strong Woman Should Never Do For A Man
Strong Woman
5 Things A Strong Woman Should Never Do For A Man

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  1. Cheryl Jones Avatar
    Cheryl Jones

    A romantic relationship is of course, a balancing act but these little lessons are invaluable for younger women! I do hope that those who read them, will take them to heart, remember them and honor themselves but putting them to work in their own lives/relationships.

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