10 Covert Signs Of A Psychopath: Don’t Be Fooled By Their “Nice” Behavior


Signs Of A Psychopath: Look Out For These Sneaky Signs!

Have you ever wondered what lurks beneath the surface of those seemingly nice, charming and friendly individuals? You know the type—the ones who effortlessly wear a smile, say all the right things but leave you feeling a bit unsettled and uneasy. Well, my friend, get ready because we’re about to discuss the signs of a psychopath.

Don’t worry, I’m not here to scare you, but let’s face it, we all love a good psychological puzzle, right? So, let’s uncover the sneaky signs of a psychopath, the signs that separate the “nice” from the truly dangerous.

Brace yourself, because what you’re about to discover might just blow your mind. Let’s explore more about people who are nice but psychopathic.

Related: How To Spot A Psychopath? 7 Non-Verbal Signs Of Psychopathy And Their Meanings

10 Sneaky Signs Of A Psychopath

1. They are extremely charming.

Everyone loves to be complimented and made to feel special, right? Well, psychopaths seem to know exactly who these people are; even if there’s a hundred people in the room, they will gravitate towards them like a laser beam.

And before you know it, the psychopath is showering you with compliments, praises and attention in order to win your trust and confidence. Think of a psychopath as a spider spinning its web with sweet lies and false promises.

They’re pros at pulling you in, and wrapping you around their finger just by talking smooth.

Signs of a psychopath

2. They are phenomenal actors.

Like expert movie stars, people who are nice but psychopathic will become whoever you need them to be just so they can manipulate you and take advantage of you. They love fooling others into thinking they have their best interests at heart, whereas in reality, it’s all for show.

Their expertise lies in pretending and wearing masks, and they’re really good at faking feelings they can never truly experience. One of the sneaky signs of a psychopath is that they know how to make people have pity on them and gravitate to their side.

3. They are narcissists.

Psychopaths are obsessed with their beauty, social status, and all those superficial things that are generally valued a lot in elite circles; they have a tendency of viewing themselves favorably.

Exhibiting extreme self-love, psychopaths often have an unrealistic opinion about their self-importance. They genuinely think that only a select group of “special” people are smart enough to understand them and are worthy enough to spend time with them.

They suffer from delusion of grandeur which makes them believe that they’re better than everyone else because they think they’re a genius, all-powerful, or extremely rich.

4. They get easily bored and are always on the lookout for thrills.

One of the sneaky signs of a psychopath is this.

Since psychopaths don’t have the same emotional connections as most people, it takes more for them to get them excited or to feel joy. Although they tend to be more calculated than sociopaths and are not as driven by intense feelings, their need for excitement can lead them down a dark path.

Their constant need for adventure and thrills might explain why psychopaths often end up committing crimes, acting violently, engaging in risky sexual behaviours, and abusing drugs and alcohol.

Related: What Is An Emotional Psychopath? 11 Key Behaviors To Recognize

5. They prey on kind, empathetic and generous people.

One of the most cruel signs of a psychopath is this one right here. People who are very caring and sensitive, often called “empaths,” are especially at risk of being preyed on by psychopaths.

Empaths always try to make a positive difference in the world and are always trying to help people, and that is exactly what a psychopath tends to exploit; taking advantage of their generosity makes a psychopath feel extremely happy and powerful.

Empaths stand for what psychopaths aren’t – full of compassion, which psychopaths don’t have any of. Because of this, psychopaths often go after them and harm those who are capable of empathy and compassion.

Signs of a psychopath

6. They have a history of childhood behavioral issues.

This is probably one of the most subtle signs of a psychopath, and something that’s quite easily overlooked. If you suspect someone to be nice but psychopathic, then chances are they had a really disturbed childhood, and dealt with several behavioral issues as a child.

Many future psychopaths tend to act out by the time they are 14-15 years old, and extremely serious and concerning cases might even start manifesting before they turn 10 years old.

Some of the most obvious hints that a child might be on the path to being a psychopath include getting into fights often, pathological lying, petty theft, showing cruelty towards animals and other kids, or ignoring rules and breaking laws.

7. They exhibit abnormal ways of thinking.

Psychopaths often have odd thoughts as their brain function is different compared to people who are not psychopathic. They might say bizarre or unsettling things in even normal conversations, and this can make you feel quite creeped out and disturbed.

Sometimes, a psychopath may give you a creepy glimpse into their warped thinking by talking about weird interests, passing really nasty remarks about others, or blatantly showing that they don’t care about anyone but themselves.

Related: 6 Signs You’re Arguing With A Psychopath

8. They are extremely hostile people who tend to defy everything.

One of the sneaky signs of a psychopath is that they’re naturally very antagonistic, defiant and conflict-hungry. Even though they can fake being nice and charming for a while, but deep down they tend to be quite confrontational.

Psychopaths are prone to holding grudges and prejudice against various groups, especially those people who they think are “inferior” to them, and often act meanly towards them.

Unlike most of us who try our best to steer clear of fights and confrontations, psychopathic people seem to look for trouble and enjoy getting into fights and arguments.

9. They are particularly scornful regarding rules, laws and norms.

If you suspect that someone is nice but psychopathic, then look out for this sign. Psychopaths generally don’t respect society’s rules or laws, and social norms mean little to them.

They might break the law or disregard social customs without giving it too much thought because they believe those rules don’t apply to them or simply don’t see the point in following them.

Psychopaths often ignore the moral rules that most people live by, leading them to act in ways that are wrong and even unlawful. Hurting others and committing crimes, be it major or minor, don’t seem to affect them as much as it should.

Signs of a psychopath

10. They show signs of being a really shallow person.

Psychopaths often come across as very charming, which is why they are always able to convince you very easily that they have your best interests at heart. This is particularly true for female psychopaths, who tend to be more social and in tune with their emotions than male psychopaths.

However, it’s all for show and in reality, they’re really shallow and superficial. Even though they don’t actually empathize with people, they’re quite good at pretending they do.

They can act nice, give compliments, and show fake concern to manipulate you for their own gain. However, this performance doesn’t last forever, because sooner or later, their real personality– which is often cold or mean – comes to light.

Related: 8 Subtle Signs of a Psychopath Female: Recognizing the Dreadful Indicators Before Its Too Late

Have you ever seen any of these signs of a psychopath in someone close to you? Do you think you know someone in your social circle who is really nice but psychopathic? Let us know your experiences in the comments down below!

sneaky signs of a psychopath

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