9 Signs of An Untouchable And Unapologetically Powerful Woman


Signs Untouchable Unapologetically Powerful Woman

An untouchable woman is truly one of a kind. The biggest of all signs of a powerful woman is that she is someone who knows herself very well, and she never lets anyone tell her otherwise. The strength she harbors in herself is her armor and shield. A strong woman like that always embraces every part of herself, and never apologizes for being her genuine self.

When you come across a woman who possesses an aura that demands respect, then it’s one of the many signs that you have met an untouchable and powerful woman. She is someone who nobody can mess with. She is someone who is assertive and knows what she wants. And most importantly, she is someone who knows her worth.

There Is Nothing More Riveting Than A Powerful Woman.

When a powerful, audacious woman enters a room, the entire energy changes. The atmosphere is jolted with an untraceable infusion of authority.

Yet society deems feminine energy is weak, submissive, and frail. The pervasive view is that femininity is not conducive to success, that in a cut-throat corporate world, there is no room for the feminine qualities of unconditional love, empathy, or compassion.

But in discarding femininity as a whole, society misses out on the unparalleled insight and transcendence that only a powerful woman can contribute.

Here Are Nine Signs of A Strong Woman

Signs you are dealing with an unapologetically powerful, untouchable Woman.

1. Her toenails are pedicured in the middle of winter.

AKA: she takes care of herself for HERSELF. All that matters to her is that when she looks down at her feet, she sees painted toes. She is likely going to wear socks and boots all winter long. So, if a woman consistently has her toenails pedicured, watch out. Youโ€™re probably dealing with an untouchable woman.

2. She doesnโ€™t allow others to interrupt her.

Signs of A Powerful Woman
Traits Of A Strong Woman

AKA: she is courageous, especially because she is a woman. She takes her time when speaking to an audience, in a boardroom, or even in front of her class. She knows what she says is important, valuable, and doesnโ€™t mind making loud-mouthed men squirm. She shuts down any and all attempts to interrupt her.

Related: 15 Traits of A Mentally Strong Woman

3. She admires other women.

She genuinely appreciates, admires, and praises other women. If she sees a stunning woman, she is enamored by her. If her friend reaches a milestone in her career, she plans a celebration for her. She is never jealous of others and recognizes that everyoneโ€™s life path is different. She is consistently inspired by other women doing great things.

4. She takes care of her spiritual, mental, and physical health.

This is not your run-of-the-mill chick. She works out regularly, has a spiritual practice, and respects her body. She does not alter her routines or habits for anyone. She is mindful of what she puts into her mind and body every day.

5. She doesnโ€™t care to be called beautiful.

If she seems uninterested or unimpressed when complimented for her beauty, it is because she values so much more than her appearance. She prefers to have the emphasis placed on who she truly is and what she actually does.

Related: 7 Powerful Warrior Traits A Strong Woman Looks For In A Man

6. She has a strong vision for her life.

signs of a powerful woman
What Makes A Strong Woman

She is supremely effective in the real world. She shows up, no matter how she feels. This lady is out there transforming dreams into reality. She is taking solid, daily action in every area of her life. She is not messing around, killing time, or waiting for some guy to infuse meaning into her life.

7. She is grateful for every little thing but doesnโ€™t take things too seriously.

She takes nothing and no one for granted. Life itself is sacred to her; she routinely says โ€œthank youโ€ to others, the universe, and especially to herself. She is frequently awe-struck by the simple beauty of a walk in nature or a great conversation. Above all, she is grateful for the blessing of a new day.

At the same time, she does not take life too seriously. She realizes this is all one journey, and she is able to be playful and light-hearted even in stressful circumstances.

8. She gives only one warning.

She does not tolerate disrespect from anyone. She has clear boundaries and does not care who you areโ€”if you overstep them, she will cut you out faster than you can say โ€œsorryโ€ the second time.

Related: 10 Reasons Why Most Men Find It Difficult To Handle A Strong Woman

9. She takes 100% responsibility for her life circumstances.

She blames no one for who she is or where she is. She never blames her parents, teachers, friends, or significant other for her life. She takes full responsibility for her happiness, her relationships, her career, and her health. She spends 0% of her time complaining. Once she identifies a problem, she gets to work implementing a solution.

Check out Saba May’s website, Metta Human for more such interesting and riveting articles.

Written By Saba May
Originally Appeared In Thought Catalog

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9 Signs Of An Untouchable And Unapologetically Powerful Woman
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9 Signs Of An Untouchable And Unapologetically Powerful Woman
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9 Signs Of An Untouchable And Unapologetically Powerful Woman

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  1. Jana Akins Avatar
    Jana Akins

    I got 6 out of 9. Guessing that makes me dangerously close to powerful? Lol!

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