15 Traits That Define A Mentally Strong Woman

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Traits Of A Mentally Strong Womann 2

A mentally strong woman always leaves us awestruck and inspires us to be like her. Wondering how to be a woman with a strong personality? Here are 11 characteristics of a mentally strong woman for international women’s day 2024!

Being a strong woman is not about behaving like a man. It’s about embracing your femininity and showing it to the world while making sure that you take control of the things that you’re doing and get them done.

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“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform.” ~ Diane Mariechild

The traits of a strong woman are all about being in charge of your life and embracing your femininity. Let’s go through the attributes that define her!

15 Characteristics Of A Mentally Strong Woman

15 Characteristics Of A Mentally Strong Woman

1. Strong women know who they really are.

They have already identified their needs and their goals. They always put their dreams over anything else. They are not embarrassed to show their genuine self. Although life is a fast-evolving process, strong women will continue to grow while staying true to themselves.

They do it partly by giving time to let their interests and passion develop. Another reason for their success in being honest about their identity is that they recognize their strengths and use them as leverage to be successful in life.

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2. Strong women stick it out for themselves.

They are truly confident and know a good cause when they come across one. They would show intense passion for their advocacies, something that vulnerable adolescent girls should have these days as they deal with peer pressure and bullies.

characteristics of a mentally strong woman

3. Strong women like to challenge themselves.

This is one of the core characteristics of a mentally strong woman that you should know and try to cultivate. They want to keep growing and improving, which is why they are keen on pushing themselves more even onto new boundaries. They make sure that they don’t only do good but better.

4. Strong women always have room for improvement.

Apart from the strong woman personality traits discussed above, some more traits that make a woman mentally strong are – strength, confidence, and capabilities.

An independent and strong woman doesn’t slack off and say “I’m better than everyone else.” They don’t grow complacent for the sake of improving themselves. If they don’t know certain things, they don’t hesitate to ask questions and get answers.

Strong women are not ashamed about still having to learn a lot of things, but this doesn’t mean that they are not willing to teach what they have learned to others. Although they are confident about what they can do, they don’t let it stop them from learning more.

5. Strong women know how to be happy.

Further talking about the signs of a mentally strong woman, they are determined to stay happy and jovial in their everyday life. Their principle in life is to always stay positive. They know how blessed they are and how to be thankful for it.

Strong women are noted for making things fun, whatever it is that they are doing. This is how they ensure that their family and loved ones are happy. While they are serious about achieving their goals, they do have a great sense of humor.

characteristics of a mentally strong woman

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6. She’s confident about her looks and comfortable in her own skin.

Big, small, skinny, or not – she’s happy where she is. She knows how to make the best of what she has and how to camouflage the bits she’s still working on. Physical appearances are not everything, nor does it define who she is, and she understands this very well.

7. She’s financially stable – or is getting there.

Among the things mentally strong women do, this is a must on the list! She definitely knows how to balance her books. She thinks it’s important for her to be financially stable. Moreover, she knows how much is in her bank account. These are one of the characteristics of a mentally strong woman.

8. She takes responsibility for her own emotional well-being.

She knows her own worth and isn’t easily swayed by what others think. She listens to advice but makes up her own mind. 

9. Romantic relationships are not the only priority in her life.

She’ll love fiercely but she’ll know the difference between being in love and following her man everywhere. 

Love and relationships matter to her and hold a lot of value for her, but she will never make these things the center of her world. She will give it the importance it deserves, yet not let it take over her life.

10. She’ll stand up for what she believes is right

characteristics of a mentally strong woman

She is willing to go against the people closest to her to stand up for what she believes in. 

11. She’s able to juggle between her job and personal life with flair.

This is one of my favorite personality traits of a strong woman. She may not be a superwoman, but she’s pretty darn close to it. 

She does a remarkable job when it comes to handling her job and personal life, without compromising on either. Both are important to her, and she never lets anything affect any of it.

12. She has a fairly good idea of what she wants in life and how to get there.

But the good thing about this is she rolls with the punches. She knows there are many roads that lead to her goals. 

Related: 8 Important International Women’s Day Lessons For Life That Every Woman Should Remember

13. She is assertive and doesn’t shy away from asking for what she wants.

One of the traits of a mentally strong woman is that she knows her worth, and never hesitates to ask for what she wants. She’s not a pushover who will always do what someone else wants her to, because it’s her life, and she will decide how she wants to live it.

‘Never be ashamed of how you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion you want.’ – Demi Lovato

14. She is proud of being herself.

One of the signs of a strong woman is that she knows that a marriage, babies, a man, friends are all important but they do not define her.

characteristics of a mentally strong woman

15. She has a sense of humour.

She can laugh at herself and she doesn’t take herself too seriously. A strong woman will never get upset or feel betrayed if her close ones pull her leg sometimes; she knows it’s all in good spirits, and she’s secure enough to take it on the chin. She’s the best friend you want to have!

Related: This Is How You Date A Strong Woman

No one should tell her what to wear. She lives on her own terms. These are the characteristics of a mentally strong woman.
Could you relate to it?

Some other characteristics of a mentally strong woman:

  • She is aware of herself.
  • She helps people to grow.
  • She does not consider expressing emotion to be a flaw.
  • She trusts her instincts and doesn’t overthink things.

Back in September 2014, well-known Indian actress Deepika Padukone inspired us for including her words in this post.  She responded to her objectification by the Times of India with intelligence and flair. We love her for it! Here is her open letter, which was in response to Pooja Bedi’s article in the daily. 

Want to know more about how to be a strong personality woman? Check this video out below!

My Point Of View

There is only ONE sign that a woman wants to have sex and that is that she says “YES”.

The reason I write the above line is that we all know that in India we are so desperately trying to make a change in the way sections of our society think in order to move towards a happier world devoid of inequality, rape, fear, and pain.

I am not naive about my own profession; it is one that requires lots of demanding things of me. A character may demand that I be clothed from head to toe or be completely naked, and it will be my choice as an actor whether or not I take either.

Understand that this is a ROLE and not REAL, and it is my job to portray whatever character I choose to play convincingly.

Having said that, please may we show love, dignity, and respect to each other. Live well, laugh often, and love much. A strong woman doesn’t listen to any voice in their life but their own.

We hope you were about to gain knowledge from the different characteristics of a mentally strong woman. Are you the one? Drop a comment below!

Have a happy women’s day!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does it mean to be mentally stronger?

The traits of a strong woman are all about being in charge of your life and embracing your femininity.

Who is a resilient woman?

A resilient woman is one who knows her worth and never hesitates to ask for what she wants. She’s not a pushover and decides how she wants to live her life. This is one of the best characteristics of a mentally strong woman.

What is a strong woman in a relationship?

One of the signs of a strong woman in a relationship is that she’ll love fiercely but she’ll know the difference between being in love and following her man everywhere. Love and relationships matter to her but she will never make these things the center of her world.

What is a strong woman?

An independent and strong woman is someone who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She is resilient and self-aware. Optimistic but not arrogant, kind but not timid. These are the qualities of a strong woman.

What kind of man does a strong woman need?

A strong woman needs and deserves a man who isn’t afraid to express his love for her. She is looking to form a deep connection with someone who is as invested as her in a relationship.

How to handle a woman with a strong personality?

When you’re dealing with a strong and independent woman, you will need to respect her opinions and boundaries. Give her time and space and she will be happy with you.

strong woman
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