Bold And Assertive: 12 Characteristics Of An Opinionated Person


Voices Matter: Twelve Characteristics Of An Opinionated Person

Are you an opinionated person? Or do you know one? While they can seem annoying at times, they often challenge the status quo with conviction and create waves of change. Let’s explore the characteristics of an opinionated person and how to deal with opinionated people.

Who is an opinionated person? 

In a world filled with diverse perspectives and beliefs, we often encounter individuals who possess unwavering opinions that shape their identity. These individuals are commonly known as opinionated people

An opinionated person is someone who holds strong and often rigid beliefs, expressing their perspectives with confidence and assertiveness. 

They are passionate about their ideas and may actively challenge or question societal norms, encouraging others to consider their viewpoints and engage in discussions or debates.

For instance, take the case of my charismatic and outspoken friend, Steve. He is an opinionated person who fearlessly expresses his convictions. He holds strong beliefs that challenge the status quo, advocating for education reform, gender equality, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, sustainability, and mental health awareness. 

Steve’s assertiveness and passion drive him to actively engage in conversations, inspire change, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society.

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12 Characteristics of an opinionated person

Here are some of the most common characteristics of an opinionated person, unraveled through the traits and behaviors of Steve as we delve into the depths of his personality –

1. Firm Convictions

Opinionated individuals like Steve have firm convictions that underpin their thoughts and actions. They possess a strong belief system and are unafraid to voice their opinions, even in the face of opposition. 

Steve firmly believes in the importance of sustainable living practices and actively advocates for environmental conservation. His unwavering commitment to this cause is evident in his everyday choices, such as using reusable products and minimizing waste.

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2. Passionate Expression

One of the defining characteristics of an opinionated person is their passionate expression of their viewpoints. Steve’s passion for his beliefs radiates through his words and actions. 

When discussing the benefits of a plant-based diet, he exudes enthusiasm and shares personal anecdotes about how it has transformed his life. This passion not only captivates those around him but also inspires them to consider alternative perspectives.

3. Active Engagement in Discussions

Opinionated individuals like Steve actively engage in discussions and debates, seeking opportunities to express their views and challenge opposing ideas. Steve is known for his thought-provoking conversations, where he encourages others to critically analyze their beliefs and engage in meaningful dialogue. 

His ability to respectfully articulate his opinions fosters an environment conducive to intellectual growth and mutual understanding.

4. Openness to Feedback

Contrary to popular belief, opinionated individuals are not impervious to feedback. In fact, they exhibit a willingness to listen and consider alternative viewpoints. Steve values constructive criticism and views it as an opportunity for personal growth. 

When presented with counterarguments to his views on renewable energy, he attentively listens, evaluates the opposing perspective, and adjusts his stance accordingly. This openness to feedback distinguishes opinionated individuals from those who are simply stubborn or close-minded.

5. Extensive Knowledge

Opinionated people often possess extensive knowledge about the subjects they feel strongly about. Steve’s passion for sustainable living has driven him to research and understand various aspects of environmental science, renewable energy sources, and ecological conservation. 

Armed with this knowledge, he can engage in informed discussions, back up his opinions with facts, and contribute meaningfully to the causes he supports. 

6. Emotional Investment

Emotional investment is a characteristic that sets opinionated individuals apart. Steve deeply cares about the issues he advocates for and invests his time, energy, and resources in bringing about positive change. 

Whether it’s attending rallies, volunteering for local environmental organizations, or organizing awareness campaigns, Steve’s emotional investment fuels his unwavering dedication to his causes. This is one of the prominent characteristics of an opinionated person.

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7. Respectful Assertiveness

While opinionated individuals are known for their strong convictions, they also exhibit respectful assertiveness. Steve understands the importance of expressing his opinions without belittling or dismissing others’ perspectives. 

He acknowledges respectful communication, fosters healthy dialogue and promotes a harmonious exchange of ideas. By choosing his words carefully and maintaining an open mind, Steve encourages others to engage with his viewpoints constructively.

8. Willingness to Challenge Status Quo

Opinionated individuals often question the status quo and challenge existing norms. Steve, as a passionate advocate for sustainable living, challenges conventional practices by encouraging individuals and businesses to adopt eco-friendly alternatives. 

He questions the societal emphasis on consumerism and advocates for sustainable consumption patterns that prioritize long-term well-being over short-term gratification. Through his actions, Steve inspires others to question the established norms and strive for positive change.

9. Empathy and Understanding

Despite their strong opinions, opinionated individuals like Steve possess empathy and understanding. They recognize that everyone’s experiences and perspectives are unique, and they strive to empathize with others’ viewpoints. 

Steve actively listens to others, seeking to understand their concerns and motivations. This empathetic approach allows him to bridge gaps, build connections, and foster a sense of unity even amidst differing opinions.

Want to know more about characteristics of an opinionated person? Read on.

10. Persuasive Communication

Opinionated individuals like Steve possess the ability to communicate their viewpoints persuasively. Steve knows how to present his arguments in a compelling manner, using logical reasoning, evidence, and relatable examples to support his opinions. 

He understands the importance of tailoring his message to his audience, making complex ideas accessible and engaging. Steve’s persuasive communication skills enable him to effectively articulate his beliefs and influence others to consider his perspective.

11. Resilience in the Face of Opposition

Opinionated individuals often encounter resistance or disagreement from others. Steve demonstrates resilience when faced with opposing viewpoints. He remains steadfast in his convictions while engaging in respectful and constructive debates. 

Even in the face of criticism or skepticism, Steve maintains his composure, draws upon his knowledge and experience, and confidently defends his opinions. His resilience allows him to persist in advocating for what he believes in, even when faced with challenges.

12. Active Pursuit of Knowledge Expansion

Opinionated individuals like Steve have a thirst for knowledge and actively seek opportunities to expand their understanding. Steve constantly seeks out new information, stays up to date with relevant research, attends seminars or workshops, and engages in discussions with experts in his fields of interest. 

This characteristic enables him to continually refine his opinions, broaden his perspectives, and strengthen his arguments. Steve’s active pursuit of knowledge demonstrates his commitment to being well-informed and intellectually rigorous in his opinions.

These characteristics of an opinionated person highlight how such traits contribute to an opinionated person’s ability to express their viewpoints effectively and engage in meaningful dialogue.

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How to deal with opinionated people

If you know an opinionated person like Steve, then you may find dealing with them somewhat challenging, as their strong beliefs and assertiveness can lead to conflicts or disagreements. 

However, it’s important to approach these interactions with patience, respect, and an open mind. Here are some strategies for effectively dealing with opinionated individuals:

1. Active Listening

When engaging with opinionated people, practice active listening. Give them your full attention, maintain eye contact, and genuinely try to understand their perspective. 

Avoid interrupting or dismissing their opinions, as this can escalate tensions. By actively listening, you show respect and create a foundation for a constructive conversation.

2. Respectful Communication

It’s crucial to maintain respectful and courteous communication, even when you disagree with an opinionated person. Choose your words carefully and avoid personal attacks or derogatory language. 

Focus on discussing the ideas rather than attacking the individual. By maintaining a respectful tone, you encourage a more productive exchange of ideas.

3. Find Common Ground

Look for areas of agreement or shared values with the opinionated person. Finding common ground can help establish a basis for understanding and build rapport. 

By emphasizing shared interests, you can create a more amicable environment for discussion and potentially find areas of compromise. This is how to deal with opinionated people.

4. Seek Understanding

When you know about the characteristics of an opinionated person, you try to understand the underlying reasons behind the person’s strong opinions. Explore their experiences, values, or personal history that may have shaped their beliefs. 

This empathetic approach can provide insights into their perspective and foster a more compassionate and open-minded conversation.

5. Choose Your Battles

Not every disagreement needs to be resolved or turned into a heated debate. Recognize that it’s okay to have differing opinions and that you don’t always need to change someone’s mind. 

Assess the situation and decide whether engaging in a discussion is worth the potential negative impact on the relationship or your emotional well-being.

6. Set Boundaries

If a conversation becomes too heated or unproductive, it’s important to establish boundaries. Politely express your need to disengage or take a break from the discussion. 

Setting boundaries helps maintain your mental and emotional well-being and prevents discussions from spiraling into unproductive arguments.

7. Focus on Learning

Instead of viewing interactions with opinionated individuals as confrontations, approach them as opportunities to learn and broaden your own understanding. 

Even if you don’t agree with their opinions, engaging in thoughtful discussions can expose you to different perspectives and help you refine your own beliefs.

8. Agree to Disagree

Accept that it’s not always possible to change someone’s opinion. It’s okay to agree to disagree and respect each other’s right to hold different views. 

Acknowledge that diversity of opinions is part of a healthy society and that respectful coexistence is possible despite differences. This is perhaps one of the best strategies on how to deal with opinionated people.

Remember, the goal is not necessarily to change the opinion of an opinionated person but to foster mutual respect, understanding, and constructive dialogue. By employing these strategies, you can navigate conversations with opinionated individuals more effectively and promote a culture of open-mindedness and tolerance.

Related: How To Deal With Sarcastic People?


In the realm of diverse beliefs and opinions, opinionated individuals play a vital role in shaping conversations, challenging norms, and driving change. Through the exploration of Steve traits and behaviors, we have gained some insight into the characteristics of an opinionated person.

May we all find inspiration in the traits of opinionated individuals, using our voices to advocate for what we believe in while fostering understanding and respect for others’ perspectives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Who is a highly opinionated person? 

A highly opinionated person strongly holds and frequently expresses firm beliefs or judgments on various subjects, often without considering opposing views.

Are opinionated people Judgemental?

Opinionated people hold strong beliefs; they can be judgmental, but not always. It depends on their openness to differing perspectives.

How do you deal with a highly opinionated person? 

Listen actively, avoid confrontation, ask open-ended questions, set boundaries, agree to disagree, and choose battles wisely. Stay calm and understanding.

how to deal with opinionated people
characteristics of an opinionated person

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