7 Glaring Characteristics Of A Shallow, Superficial Person


Superficial Person: Major Signs Of A Shallow Person

In a world where social media reigns supreme, appearances often take center stage, and the allure of superficiality can be hard to resist. You must have encountered many such people whose charm seems as fleeting as a summer breeze, leaving you wanting for something deeper and more meaningful. Well, you may have come across a superficial person.

Today we are going to take a deep dive into the world of superficial, shallow people, characteristics of a superficial person, and how to deal with a superficial person, so that you know how to distinguish between a genuine person and a not-so-genuine one.

Where facades reign supreme and authenticity takes a backseat, let’s explore how the world of a superficial person looks like.

Related: How Shallow Is Too Shallow? Understanding Shallow Personality Meaning, Signs And Causes

7 Characteristics Of A Superficial Person

1. They care too much about physical appearances.

One of the obvious characteristics of a superficial person is that they give way too much importance to physical appearances, be it their own or someone else’s. They only care about what’s on the outside, rather than what’s beneath the surface.

If you find that a person is judging you mainly on your looks, that’s a sign of being shallow. How we look is only a small part of who we are. When someone judges you solely on your looks, it shows they don’t really care about your mind or qualities.

Superficial person

2. They are obsessed with their social media image.

Sure, everyone likes to post cool stuff online sometimes, and yes, everyone cares about what other people think of them. But a superficial person takes it to a whole different level altogether.

They are always way too focused on their social media feed, snapping selfies non-stop and figuring out spots where they’ll be able to do photo shoots, just to get a few likes and comments on Instagram.

3. They don’t have any deep or meaningful relationships in their lives.

Most of us have someone close, like a best buddy or a relative or even a family member, that we share all our secrets with. They are those people we rely on whenever we go through something tough in our lives, and we trust them completely.

However, when it comes to superficial people, their best friends keep on changing; they just can’t seem to hold on to genuine relationship for a long time. They prefer to make friends as per their agenda.

For example, they may become friends with someone to boost their popularity, or they may hang out with certain people just because they are rich and have many social connections. They aren’t really into making deep, long-term bonds.

4. They are extremely judgemental of others.

One of the biggest characteristics of a superficial person is that they are overly and extremely judgemental about others.

Because they always focus on the surface stuff, they might judge your outfits, room decor, the car you drive, the mobile phone you use, and most importantly, your how much money you have.

Even if you have a chip in your nail polish, they will brutally judge you for that too! They love picking on people, and they love putting people down. It gives them a sick satisfaction when they see someone feeling humiliated because of something they said.

Related: 8 Fake Nice Things People Say: Exposing The Sugar-Coated Lies

5. They are disloyal friends and are backstabbers.

A superficial person can be smiling at you while silently abusing you or criticising your clothes in their mind. They come off as fake because what they show doesn’t line up with their thoughts.

They may behave sweetly in front of you, but the moment you turn your back to them, they will start gossiping about you. If you talk to them about something extremely personal, they will go and spread it around.

Such people might say things like “You can absolutely trust me”, and “I have got your back, don’t worry”, but they are horrible backstabbers who only know how to treat people like s***.

Superficial person

6. They are indifferent to other people’s pain.

A superficial person doesn’t give two hoots about other people’s suffering, and they only care about themselves and their lives. If you go up to them and try to appeal to their empathetic side, you will be wasting your time, because they have no empathetic side!

They are narcissistic people, who lack empathy, and always turn a blind eye to the struggles and pain experienced by others.

7. They are really bad at deep conversations.

One of the biggest characteristics of a superficial person, is that they are horrible at deep conversations. You want to talk about irrelevant things that don’t really matter in the long run? They are the perfect people for it!

But if you want to talk about meaningful things, then you will see them running for the hills and never even looking back. They would rather talk about celebrity breakups and who slept with whom, rather than have deep conversations. Meaningful stuff is just not for them.

Okay, now that we have talked about the characteristics of a superficial person, let’s now talk about how to deal with a superficial person.

Related: 3 Types Of Inauthentic People Empaths Feel Uncomfortable Around

How To Deal With A Superficial Person?

  • Be the authentic you: Stay true to yourself and don’t compromise your values or beliefs to fit in with a superficial person.
  • Cultivate meaningful relationships: Seek out genuine relationships built on shared interests, values, and emotional intelligence.
  • Avoid getting caught up in their drama: One of the best ways to deal with a superficial person is to avoid getting tangled in their drama. They often thrive on attention-seeking behavior and drama. Refuse to engage in their toxic games.
  • Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to protect yourself from being manipulated, emotionally drained and exploited for their selfish gains.
  • Surround yourself with loving and supportive people: Build a network of friends and loved ones who appreciate you for who you are and are genuinely there for you.
  • Introspect and self-reflect: Try to understand your own vulnerabilities and insecurities to prevent being affected by their judgments or criticism.
  • Don’t take what they say or do personally: How to deal with a superficial person? Remember that superficiality often stems from insecurity and low self-worth. Their behavior says nothing about you and everything about them.
Superficial person


If you see all or most of these qualities in someone, then be rest assured, you are dealing with a superficial person. Spending too much time with them can drain you mentally and emotionally, so make sure you stay as far away from them as possible.

Stand your ground and know who you are. Accept the authentic you, and let them do what they want do. It’s only a matter of time before everyone around them will see these superficial people for who they really are: fake.

characteristics of a superficial person

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