8 Signs You Are A Mentally Strong Person


mentally strong person

What makes a person mentally strong? Is it their mental strength? Is it about how much they can lift? How hard they can punch? Or is it about how confidently they can face challenges in life and come out victorious?

There is a difference between acting tough and being mentally strong. Mental and emotional strength comes from our ability to do what we need to do and also from what we refrain from doing. Regardless of your physical appearance and even your attitude and persona, you can be psychologically and emotionally stronger than most people you know. It is about perceiving your reality as it is and doing your best to make the most out of it.

What Is Mental Strength?

โ€œStrength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will.โ€ โ€• Mahatma Gandhi

Being mentally strong is about your determination and grit. It is about being resilient and having a fighter spirit irrespective of how great the odds are. Unfortunately what most of us consider โ€œtoughโ€ is merely an external appearance, a persona that some people exhibit about being strong. True strength is much different from toughness.

Psychological and emotional strength is an inner quality that empowers you to pursue your dreams, overcome challenges, stay focused on your long-term goals and be honest with yourself. It comes from your ability to build your character and willingness to accept your mistakes. 

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Mental strength is about acting on your values, not just acting tough. Itโ€™s not about ignoring your emotions or your weaknesses. A mentally strong person understands their emotions and works on their weaknesses. Being mentally strong requires you to have awareness of your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions and take positive action to build your life the way you want. Itโ€™s about refusing to become a victim of the circumstances.

Related: What Is Your Greatest Mental Strength According To How You Unscramble The Following Words?

8 Signs You Are A Mentally Strong Person

mentally strong person info

โ€œConcentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.โ€ โ€•Bill Russell

Are you mentally strong? Here are 8 subtle signs that indicate your mental strength.

1. You are kind & compassionate.

Being compassionate and showing kindness takes a lot of confidence and courage, especially after you have been wronged. Although kindness is seen as a sign of weakness these days, a true mentally strong person acts with kindness but is not a people pleaser or a pushover. And with kindness, comes the strength to accept rejection and move forward.

2. You are patient.

Patience is one of the most powerful traits of a person with mental strength. Patience does not mean being passive or surrendering. Patience is having the confidence, belief, and understanding of when to act. Being patient is an emotionally liberating experience that only the truly strong enjoy. Patience is not a lack of drive or being inactive. It is understanding that certain things take time and having faith in the process.

3. Youโ€™re okay with failure.

โ€œItโ€™s when the discomfort strikes that they realize a strong mind is the most powerful weapon of all.โ€ โ€•Chrissie Wellington

Failure is a crucial part of life. If we donโ€™t fail, weโ€™ll never understand what it takes to succeed. And you understand that. Failure pushes you outside of your comfort zone and you are always ready to challenge yourself. Only the strong can move through failure and transform it into the secret of their success. 

4. Youโ€™re mentally flexible.

Being mentally strong means having cognitive flexibility that allows you to easily switch between two ideas and consider multiple ideas simultaneously to choose the best outcome. You are always prepared to adapt your beliefs and behavior based on new verifiable information. It means you are a keen observer, a great listener, a talented thinker, and a problem solver.

5. You understand your weaknesses.

Being strong doesnโ€™t mean you refuse to acknowledge your weaknesses. Strong people never hide their weakness from the world or from themselves. In fact, they admit, accept, and understand their weakness so that they can improve themselves.

However, there is a difference between knowing your weakness and doubting yourself. Mentally strong people accept their shortcomings and take positive actions to work on their imperfections.

Related: Setting Personal Boundaries To Protect Your Mental Health

6. You can let go.

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” – Herman Hesse

It takes a lot of strength, courage, and self-confidence to let go of dreams, goals, circumstances, possessions, and, most of all, relationships. Walking away from someone is one the hardest thing you can ever do and this takes a lot of mental strength.

Moreover, knowing when something is not working out and stepping back from it, whether itโ€™s a task, business, or a person, shows that you value yourself and are willing to let go of what doesnโ€™t serve you.

7. You work on yourself.

Self-improvement is a tough act. Understanding your weaknesses and actually working on them by investing time and money and taking effort is a sign that you are emotionally, physically, and spiritually dedicated to developing yourself.

Trying to become better, both mentally and physically, requires determination and tenacity. Even changing a small negative habit can be a tough thing to do.

8. You stay calm under pressure.

Losing your temper when things donโ€™t go your way is easy. You feel frustrated and you let out an explosive reaction without caring who it might hurt. But and keeping control over your emotions, when itโ€™s the hardest, is a game only the mentally strong play.

The ability to manage your emotions is a sign of psychological and emotional strength. Of course, youโ€™re allowed to feel angry and frustrated, but you are capable of using your emotions in a productive way that can make the situation better for you.

Related: 10 Reasons To Embrace Change For Personal Growth

Get The Mental Gains

โ€œThrow away all weakness. Tell your body that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself.โ€ โ€•Swami Vivekananda

Just like physical exercise helps to build mental muscles, using your willpower helps to build your mental strength. We are all mentally strong individuals coping with life in our own unique ways. However, mentally strong people take the effort to turn obstacles into opportunities by staying focused on improvement, instead of failure. Your real strength comes from inside of you. This is the difference between acting tough and being mentally strong.

8 Signs You Are A Mentally Strong Person
8 Signs You Are A Mentally Strong Person
8 Signs You Are A Mentally Strong Person
8 Signs You Are A Mentally Strong Person
8 Signs You Are A Mentally Strong Person
8 Signs You Are A Mentally Strong Person
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