How To Spark Chemistry With A Good Man? 9 Proven Tips


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How To Spark Chemistry With A Man? Best Relationship Tips

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and if you’ve been on dates with a nice guy but don’t feel attracted to them, here are some tips on how to spark chemistry with a good man and revamp your dating life!

Have you ever wondered, how do you spark chemistry with a good man? Well, you’re not alone. Here’s an email I recently got from Rachel:

“Dr. Diana, I truly am ready to have a real relationship. With a nice guy. A good guy. I’m sick of my lousy choices! I just found out that Bob, who I dated six years ago and who was crazy about me, the guy who wanted a serious relationship with me– but I blew off… is married with two adorable toddlers.”

We’ll catch up with Rachel later on. Maybe like Rachel you’re done with players, the ones who come on strong and disappear, cheaters and all-around heartbreakers. You’re sick of being disappointed, hurt, betrayed, furious and depressed. Sick of lying on the couch with the remote and your cell while you go through a whole tissue box worth of tears.

Your mind tells you that choosing from a pool of nice guys will save you from more wasted time with men who are not into you. Or scoundrels who betray you or narcissists who blame you for any and every problem. You’re ready for a partner who is your best friend.

Related: 11 Ways You Know You’re With A Good Man

But There Is One Hitch: You Just Don’t Feel It With The Nice Guys.

No tingle. No adrenaline rush when he looks into your eyes. You wonder: How do you spark chemistry with the one guy you met online, the paunchy one? He’s a great guy, successful, giving, crazy about you, and even has nice eyes, you think. 

But you’re not feeling like he’s the right one and what’s worse you don’t know how to spark chemistry with these nice guys. Are you doomed to only be drawn to those you can’t have?

Answer: No you’re not.

I’ve worked with many women who complained of the same dilemma: how do I spark chemistry with a good man? And where are they now?  They married great guys. So what are the secrets that these women have used to be in committed relationships with great guys, good men who have integrity and are loyal.

how to spark chemistry
How To Create Chemistry With A Guy

Here then are nine relationship tips that my Love Mentors® share with their clients. Please use them to join the ranks of women who overcame their initial lack of attraction, learned how to spark chemistry and fell in love with terrific guys.

How To Spark Chemistry With Good Man? 9 Relationship Tips

#1. Tip to Spark Chemistry: Remember to give him a real chance.

Even if he is balding, paunchy, nerdy, or is not particularly attractive.  In fact, you want to date against type. Be honest with yourself: Has dating your type gotten you anywhere?  Even if the first date doesn’t blow you away, remember to stay open.  Go for at least a second or third date. 

You cannot know what secret goodies are hidden in someone by one meeting.  So you have to let a potential partner unfold and show you his different sides.  If there is any connection with this person at all, give it another chance.

Related: How To Court A Good Man: What To Do And What Not To Do

#2. Tip to Spark Chemistry: Practice my Opening Possibility Exercises Now (OPEN).

If a guy seems crazy about you, is willing to grow, and is a good guy–use my OPEN Techniques to see what may be there. 

First, think of him as a present wrapped in nested boxes.  As you interact, you are unwrapping the present and finding out more and more things about him that may be wonderful.  This process often leads to marvelous chemistry and connection!

#3. Tip to Spark Chemistry: Go on dates that are exciting, novel and get adrenaline pumping.

Novel and exciting experiences can spark chemistry. Go on a roller coaster at the amusement park, rock climbing at his gym, take a helicopter ride, try hiking on a high, winding trail or wind-surfing, make a mad dash to catch sunset at the beach, scream yourselves silly at a football game or the racetrack. 

Studies show that people who are emotionally aroused, whether by joy, fear, or any feeling, fall in love more easily.  As two love researchers once wrote, “Adrenaline makes the heart grow fonder.”

How To Spark Chemistry With A Good Man
How To Spark Chemistry With A Good Man? 9 Proven Tips

#4. Tip to Spark Chemistry: Use affirmations before each date.

I have fun with this man. I see the hidden possibilities in (his name). This man is a present for my enjoyment. Over time, I will learn more about him. I uncover and enjoy the wonderful aspects of this man. I spark chemistry with (his name).

Related: Finding a Good Guy: Top 10 Qualities To Look For In A Man

#5. Tip to Spark Chemistry: See him in his element.

For instance, plan a date around skiing, a performance of his rock band, or his softball game.  In this example, you will catch sides of him you haven’t seen before. 

His personal power and charisma will be at their height. So you may open up a host of juicy feelings and spark chemistry between you.

#6. Tip to Spark Chemistry: Turn yourself on first.

For example, go on a date wearing your sexiest lingerie under your clothes. Flirt with him, touch him lightly, whisper in his ear, and maybe kiss him. So spark chemistry with him by putting yourself in the mood first.

#7. Tip to Spark Chemistry: Use the magic phrase to ask for what you want.

So the magic phrase is, “I would really love it if you (fill in the blank!). For example, “I would really love it if you kissed me soooo gently on the back of the neck.”

If he responds with sensual moves based on tips 6 and 7, your ‘spark chemistry experiment’ may prove to be the start of something great!

#8. Tip to Spark Chemistry: Be patient!

Keep on dating that nice guy and practice the tips above. Remember, sparking chemistry, like lighting a fire in the woods, sometimes takes some time!

#9. Tip to Spark Chemistry: Remember, that love almost always comes in a surprise package.

Most people do not end up with the kind of person they imagine for themselves. For example, the woman who dates starving artists marries a rich, balding lawyer.

Related: 25 Virtues Found In The Best of Men

What Happened To Rachel?

And Rachel, remember her? She worked with one of my Dating Coaches and created a gem of a marriage with a tall plain geek who was her champion and a healing force of nature in her life. So practice these nine relationship tips to spark chemistry with a good man and your love life will make a 180° turn.

Remember, you deserve to be in a relationship where your partner loves you unconditionally. And my expert dating and relationship mentors can help you find that person.

Amazon Prime Love Expert Dr. Diana Kirschner will personally match you with a handpicked coach for a gift BREAKTHROUGH-To-LOVE coaching session by phone/Skype/Zoom. Simply fill out the form at “Minds Journal sent me” for VIP treatment!

Dating a nice guy but don’t know how to create chemistry with a man? This week of love, ladies, make sure to take a look at the above-mentioned relationship tips for women and tell us the results! Till then have a Happy Valentine’s day!

Written By Diana Kirschner
Originally Appeared On Love In 90 Days
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How To Spark Chemistry With A Man? 9 Relationship Tips And Advice For A Happy Valentine’S Day
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How To Build Chemistry With A Guy?
how to spark chemistry
How To Spark Chemistry With A Good Man? 9 Proven Tips

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