How To Improve Your Relationships With Mindfulness


Improve Relationships Mindfulness

Mindfulness improves relationships: Mindfulness is the secret to experiencing a healthier and happier relationship and staying close to your partner.

When you practice mindfulness in your daily life, you will be more aware of yourself and your relationships. By bringing your attention to the present moment, you will be able to connect with your partner in a deeper way. As you have better experiences in your relationship, you will get out of the auto-pilot mode that can spell doom for most relationships. 

โ€œGive the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay.โ€ –ย Dalai Lama

Do you have trouble understanding relationships? If so, then youโ€™re not alone. Relationships can be one of the most difficult challenges of human existence. Whether they are relationships with family members, friends, or romantic partners, conflicts in relationships can cause us stress, unhappiness, and even separation.

Related: Building Your Marriage on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Many of us spend our whole lives trying to figure out how relationships work and still feel like we donโ€™t understand them. But the truth is that once we gain some understanding, we realize that having good relationships isnโ€™t as complicated as we might think.

The main reason we have difficulties with relationships is that many of us canโ€™t see beyond our own wants and needs. So, if weโ€™re dealing with someone who sees the world from the same perspective, then weโ€™re constantly going to be involved in a power struggle โ€” each trying to get his own way. Our relationships will be filled with conflict and misunderstanding.

Many people believe that in order to have healthy relationships, they need to be working on the relationship itself. While this may indeed be important for healthy relationships, what we really should be working on is ourselves. Not only do we need to learn how to be more loving, compassionate, and understanding, but we also need to overcome one of the greatest obstacles to healthy relationshipsโ€”our insecurities.

There are several simple practices that can help us make great strides in improving our relationships. Among them are deep listening, mindful speech, writing meditation, and mindfulness meditation. These are key elements of mindfulness practice. They will help you overcome your insecurities, and youโ€™ll attract healthier people into your life. Just imagine what your life will be like when that happens.

How Practicing Mindfulness Improves Relationships

1. Deep Listening

โ€œLet go of your mind and then be mindful. Close your ears and listen!โ€ โ€“ Rumi

Many of us donโ€™t listen closely to other people when theyโ€™re talking to us. Weโ€™re usually thinking about how weโ€™re going to respond, or something entirely different. We have difficulty paying attention because our mind is agitated, and we want to move on to the next order of business. And so we miss much of what people are telling us.

This is the main reason why we have such difficulty remembering peopleโ€™s names when we first meet them. Itโ€™s not because our memory is going bad, but because we werenโ€™t paying attention when they told us their name.

People know when weโ€™re listening to them, and it sends a clear message that we value what they have to say. It shows respect, appreciation, and caring, and these can go a long way toward healing, and bringing more harmony into our relationships.

The way to practice deep listening is rather simple. Start by looking into peopleโ€™s eyes when theyโ€™re speaking to you. Try to keep your attention on what theyโ€™re saying, and resist the temptation to let your mind wander off. And in the event that it does, there is nothing wrong with telling the other person that you missed something he said, and to please repeat it. This shows sincere interest, and that youโ€™re trying your best to pay attention. I think youโ€™ll be amazed at how well deep listening works. Try it and see for yourself.

2. Mindful Speech

“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

How many of your conflicts have been the result of simple misunderstandings? Somebody misunderstood what you said and/or your intentions. Whenever weโ€™re engaged in a conversation, we often say the first thing that comes to mind. We rarely stop to think about how our words will be interpreted.

We simply assume that people will fully understand what we mean. Though we canโ€™t control how other people are going to interpret our words, we can certainly reduce the likelihood of being misunderstood.

To practice mindful speech, start by resisting the temptation to simply react to other peopleโ€™s words or actions. Pause and choose your words more carefully. Choose words that are loving, compassionate, and respectful, and try using a tone that is calm and non-threatening. Also, remember that it isnโ€™t always necessary to give your opinion. Sometimes silence is better than a response.

Related: 6 Steps to Mindfully Deal With Difficult Emotions in Relationships

3. Loving-Kindness Writing Meditation

One of the reasons for difficult relationships is our attitudes about other people. We are often more concerned about our own needs over those of others. So, our approach to dealing with others will be confrontational because we see them as a threat to us obtaining or keeping, the things we feel we need to be happy. This is what happens when our happiness depends on external things and circumstances.

Loving-kindness writing meditation is a practice that can quickly transform our attitudes about other people without any conscious effort. The way it works is simple: just copy a set of positive affirmations by hand for about 5-10 minutes a day. Thatโ€™s it.

What this does is imprint the affirmations directly into your subconscious. After about a week, youโ€™ll find yourself treating people differently, because your attitudes will become more loving, compassionate, and understanding. This is a very powerful exercise. You can download the exercise here.

4. Mindfulness Meditation

“Meditation is enough. Everything else follows on its own.” – Osho

Mindfulness meditation is the mainstay of our mindfulness practice. If we want to understand how relationships work, then we need to become more mindful of how our thoughts and actions affect our relationships. Mindfulness meditation will not only help us understand relationships better, but it will also help us gain the inner strength to overcome our insecurities.

Mindfulness meditation is not complicated. Just find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for a few minutes. Sit in a chair with your back straight, feet flat on the floor, and hands in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and begin observing your breath. When your mind wanders off, just bring your attention back to your breath.

Your mind will keep wandering off. Thatโ€™s normal, so donโ€™t expect perfection. Just keep bringing it back. After a few minutes, your mind will begin to settle down. If you are new to meditation, you can start with about 10-15 minute sessions every day or every other day. Then increase to about 20 minutes, or more, if you like.

This is the very basic mindfulness meditation technique. If you want to learn more about the practice, check out โ€œMindfulness Meditation for Beginners.โ€

What the meditation does is quiet the excess chatter in your mind, and this will help steady your emotions so that you donโ€™t react so much to other peopleโ€™s words or actions. It also helps you see the world with much greater clarity.

We all want to have better relationships with people, but many of us are unsure of how to accomplish this. These four simple practices can improve your relationships significantly.

As they are the foundation of the mindfulness practice, they will help you understand relationships better, so you can cultivate greater peace, harmony, and more loving relationships with everyone you encounter. And this will lead to a more rewarding and fulfilling life not just for yourself, but also for those around you.

Related: How to Bring Heartfulness Into Your Marriage

After all, isnโ€™t that what youโ€™re searching for in your life?

Here’s an interesting video on how mindfulness improves relationships:

Mindfulness is a blessing for your relationship. Mindfulness practices enable us to better care about the people we love. It makes us open to varied perceptions and beliefs instead of getting stuck in our limiting beliefs. It shifts our focus from trying to change our partner and complaining to understanding and appreciating them more.

That is the secret to a happier relationship. How are you using mindfulness to improve your relationship?

Adapted from Mindfulness Meditation Made Simple: Your Guide to Finding True Inner Peace.

Mindfulness Meditation Made Simple: Your Guide to Finding True Inner Peace (Paperback)
Quick Start to Mindfulness Meditation (cd)
Inner Silence: Guided Relaxation Meditations for Inner Peace and Restful Sleep (cd)
Mindfulness for Busy People (online course)

Written By Charles Francis
Originally Appeared On The Mindfulness Meditation Institute
How Practicing Mindfulness Improves Your Relationship
How Practicing Mindfulness Improves Your Relationship
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How To Improve Your Relationships With Mindfulness

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