Why You Should Never Expect Emotional Support From A Narcissist


Never Expect Emotional Support

Expecting emotional support from a narcissist is like expecting a fish to climb a tree. It’s impossible for them to understand another person’s pain, and even more impossible for them to be selfless enough to support them through it.

We donโ€™t provide support. We are too concerned with ourselves and our daily hunt for the fuel that we need to be concerned about you. We are engrossed in our own world and have no interest in yours. The only time we pay attention to you is when you are providing us with fuel or you stop providing us with fuel. Everything we do is focused around us. This is because we have to obtain fuel, as without we will disintegrate.

The hunger for this fuel is never-ending and accordingly, all of our energy must be applied towards obtaining it. This leaves us with nothing left over for anyone else.

Being a caregiver yourself, you would like to think that the person with who you share your life, or who you work closely with, would be amenable to providing you with support. That may mean giving you emotional support when you are experiencing a difficult time or taking the strain allowing you to lessen the burden on yourself. You give and you are happy to do so, therefore why should they not do so as well? That is the outlook of someone normal operating by the norms and rules of your world.

Those do not apply to us. We cannot provide you with support since we have nothing available to do so.

Added to that we do not know how to provide emotional support. Yes, we can see how chores can be done and the like. We also have observed the ways that you provide emotional support to other people and we know the phrases that are used, the expressions that are formed on peopleโ€™s faces, and the gestures that are made. We have seen all that and we could trot all that out.

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In fact, we have done this in the past. We did this when we were seducing you. When we wanted you to divulge about your weaknesses and vulnerabilities this will have invariably saddened you and upset you. It may even have caused an episode where you need emotional support. We were happy to go through the motions then because we were at the stage of investing in you in order to get our fuel. We were content to make the right noises, give you a hug and make the panacea that is the cup of tea.

All of this was learned from others. We did not feel anything for you. We could not put ourselves in your shoes (heaven forbid that would ever happen) and we could not empathize with what you were experiencing and nor can we ever do that. Yet again, we conned you into thinking that we are caring and selfless people.

We demonstrated such an approach when we were first together and that attracted you to us. This raised expectations that you could rely on us and turn to us when the need arose. It is all false.

Furthermore, when you need support and expect it from us, you are showing us how you are weak. We despise weakness. You will find that our kind is rarely found near children, the infirm and ill, and the elderly. This is because they are all weak and want support regularly.

We do not want to be reminded of that fact. We cannot be bothered with you cluttering up our route to fuel. An exhibition of weakness infuriates us. A normal person would see someone in a position of weakness and design to help and assist. We have seen how this is a natural reaction in normal people. It will not happen with us.

never expect emotional support from a narcissist
Why You Should Never Expect Emotional Support From A Narcissist

If you are fortunate, we will absent ourselves from the situation in an instant. We will generate some urgent reason; find a pressing engagement we had forgotten about in order to ensure we can get away from you and your ailment, woe, or injury. You probably will never see us move as quickly when it comes to getting away from somebody who needs help.

If we are unable to exit the situation then we may just stand and look at you. You could be reaching out to us, eyes filled with tears of pain, asking for help and we will just give you a blank stare. We know we ought to be helping you, convention and observation have told us this, but we cannot do so. We are unable to leave but we are also unable to help you. This requires compassion and we do not have any. It requires us to use our energies to help you out and we are forbidden from doing so.

Related: Narcissistic Supply: How You Provide Necessary Ignition for the Narcissistโ€™s Fuel

Our ultimate reaction where you need support from us is to go on the offensive. The uncomfortable feeling that you have generated inside of us makes us feel less powerful and smacks of inferiority. We know of only one way to banish such a sensation. We need to reassert our power and that means we must lash out at you. It becomes necessary to subject you to further insults and denigrating comments, at a time when you are feeling hurt and vulnerable.

โ€œWhat are you crying for? I have had worse happen to me.โ€

โ€œI am sick and tired of you being pathetic. Deal with it.โ€

โ€œI bet (insert name of triangulated individual) would not make such a song and dance about it like you do.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s only a dog, you can get another one. Seriously, what a display over a dumb animal.โ€

โ€œYou are hysterical, you need to get help.โ€

โ€œStop crying or I will give you something to cry about.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s right; make it about you on my special day.โ€

We will lash out at you with these words in order to make you feel worse and ourselves feel better because that is all we care about. We fooled you into thinking that we care about you. That is a fallacy. Do not expect us to support you.

Demonstrating our legendary hypocrisy we will expect you to always be there for us. When we have a need you must attend to it straight away, even if you are experiencing difficulties yourself. When we have a scratch we expect you to make it better even though you might be bleeding to death before us.

Related: 5 Devaluation Triggers Of A Narcissist

As with so much of our behavior, we do not regard the way we act towards you as meaning you should behave the same way towards us. If you chopped us in half you would most likely find this stenciled through us like lettering on a stick of rock.

โ€œDo as I say, not do as I do.โ€

Written By HG Tudor
Originally Appeared On Narcsite 
Republished with permission
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Why You Should Never Expect Emotional Support From A Narcissist
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Why You Should Never Expect Emotional Support From A Narcissist

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