How To Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings


Let Yourself Feel Feelings

Today, friends, I want to share something that I have learned aboutย feeling the feels.ย About letting yourselfย feelย your feelings fully. I am spontaneously writing from my heart todayโ€ฆ ย I had other things planned, and then nothing planned, and this may not be my best writing, but sometimes the message just needs to get out. ย 

So, if you need to hear this today, or know of anyone that does, if youโ€™re feeling some tough feelings, you will be ok.

In my past, this would be a bit too personal a thing for me to share with the interwebs, but I have grown and evolved.  I preach authenticity.  I preach being the person you were meant to be.  I am committed to creating a community of humans who want that for themselves too.

Related: 13 Signs You May Be Wasting Your Life

My dream is to create a community of individuals who are ok showing up as the person they truly are โ€“ with their talents, their flaws, their emotions โ€“ no matter how messy they might be.

Everyone is messy sometimes

Yes, my life has been messy.  

Everyoneโ€™s life can be messy at times though. I donโ€™t think itโ€™s something anyone can escape. We are just all bound to be a mess at one time or another (or multiple times!) in our lives.

You probably know the story of how, six years ago, I discovered my husband of seventeen years was cheating on me with another man. If you read my blog regularly, youโ€™ve read the story of my struggle with grief and acceptance and of rebuilding my life. My story of resilience and of my path back to putting the pieces of my life back together.

Related: What it Takes to See a Manโ€™s Feelings

So, yesterday, I got a text from my ex-husband, who has been on vacation with my kids for 2 weeks. Iโ€™ve been desperately missing them. Two weeks is a long time to be away from your kiddos.

Anyway, he got married to his partner over the weekend.


I knew they were engaged. But I didnโ€™t know when it was happening.

Grief is a funny thing. I felt like I had grieved the loss of my husband, my family, my previous life sufficiently. I thought I had moved on.  

And then, that text.  

My feelings around my ex-husband and his partner are very mixed.  On one hand, he is a good father to my kids.  His partner is nice and seems to be a fairly benign influence on them.  And even though my ex can be a royal asshole without even trying, I still believe he is a good person underneath it all.

Related: 16 Uncomfortable Feelings That You Must Face To Make Your Life Better

But, on the other hand, he kicked me out of his fancy life and dropped in someone else in my place.  He owns a nice house and is able to do things like big home improvement projects and have a garden while I am still renting a townhouse with no yard.  Heโ€™s a lawyer, so he makes substantially more money than I do.  He can go on fancy vacations frequently, and I canโ€™t.

Sometimes I get angry at him for taking the life that I knew โ€“ the one that was so comfortable for me โ€“ away from me.

Emotional fruit salad

Today, I am sitting in an emotional fruit salad of feelings.  My best self tells me (and I do believe my best self in my bones) that things happen for a reason and that I am on to better things.  

That I wasnโ€™t entirely happy in that comfortable life anyway and this is my chance to create the life that I want, HOW I want it.  

But, Iโ€™m also sitting with feelings like this:

I had to start from scratch.

Iโ€™ll never reach my goals and dreams. Iโ€™m running out of time.

I hate him for doing this to me.

Iโ€™m jealous.

I hate seeing my kids in photos with him and his partner, looking all happy.

I just want him to suffer. I donโ€™t want him to be happy.

After what he did to me, itโ€™s not fair that heโ€™s put his life together so much faster than I have.

feel your feelings
How To Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings

I am not proud to admit I am feeling these things. If I were not committed to being real and brave, I wouldnโ€™t have shared them. But these thoughts โ€œhookedโ€ me after his text. And they have me feeling a lot of feelings that are very uncomfortable.  

Yes, I know better. And what does this have to do with this article?

My point in telling you about this today โ€“ why Iโ€™m getting super vulnerable today (and sharing feelings that I am not necessarily proud to admit I am having) โ€“ is to talk about discomfort.

Related: 22 Life Hacks You Wish You Knew Earlier โ€“ Worldโ€™s Leading Psychiatrist Reveals

My Greatest Teacher

My ex-husband has been, hands-down, the greatest source of pain and suffering in my life.

Without question.

But he is also my greatest teacher.

Six years ago, I didnโ€™t know how to sit with discomfort. I was honestly not capable of sitting with uncomfortable feelings. I would turn to my eating disorder, or why I didnโ€™t want to be alive anymore, or drink, or exercise until the point of exhaustion, or sleep to avoid feeling the pain.  

Related: The Five Stages Of Grief: Exploring The Kรผbler-Ross Model

And the discomfort would spiral. By resisting those feelings, they actually got worse.

My ex was my greatest teacher because today, I actually can sit with these awful, painful, uncomfortable feelings. Iโ€™m sitting with them and actually feeling them. Sitting with them and not spiralling into a hopeless depression.

I may be a little scattered and distracted, but Iโ€™m going about my day. Iโ€™m doing the things, and Iโ€™m moving through it.

Feel your feelings

As I type this, I am on the verge of tears with a pit in my stomach. But I am going about my day. And I am leaning into these feelings and actually feeling them โ€“ really feeling them โ€“ fully. I have NEVER been able to do that before.  

As I lean in, I have waves of feeling like I canโ€™t breathe.  I look for my feelings in my body. I locate them in my throat and in my chest. I feel tight and constricted.

But I lean in and feel them.  I breathe them in, I breathe into them. I feel the pain but I also send joy and light and peace to them.

Iโ€™m getting curious about them. As I sit here typing with tears rolling down my face, I am finding this tremendous freedom in my tears because they are not only sad tears, they are also happy tears.  

They are tears of relief because I have finally learned how to do the thing that no one wants to do.

And that is to just BE and feel everything.  Not only the good, but the bad too.

I find tremendous peace and relief in that.

Feeling the uncomfortable feelings

My invitation to you is, next time you feel some uncomfortable emotions โ€“ sadness, anger, frustration, despair โ€“ stop.  Donโ€™t fight them. Feel your feelings. Try to locate the emotion in your body.  

Where do you feel it?

Where is it coming from?  

Where do you feel the tightness or contraction?  Really feel that bodily sensation.

Then, breathe into it.  Breathe love and joy and light into that feeling.  And observe it. Watch the feeling come and go in waves.  

Related: The Way Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Their Emotions

Feel your feelings. Itโ€™s fascinating.  

Now as I type, Iโ€™m not crying anymore. Iโ€™m smiling.

Life goes on, even with uncomfortable feelings

One of the great joys in life is when you can finally be free of being โ€œhookedโ€ by your emotions. When you can experience a โ€œnegativeโ€ emotion and just sit with it, knowing itโ€™s not the end of the world.

Life goes on.  It really does.

Are you ready to feel your feelings?

Written by: Kortney Rivard
Originally appeared on:
Republished with permission

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How To Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings

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