6 Lessons To Learn From “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne


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the secret

“The Secret” written by Rhonda Byrne, is a self-help book published in 2006. This book attempts to emphasize the power of thoughts and their influence on our lives. She believes that the law of attraction is the answer to all our problems.

In the book, the law of attraction is defined as “like attracts like”. This means that your thoughts, positive or negative, are responsible for the positive or negative outcomes in your life. You can attract anything you want in your life. You are capable of drawing in health, wealth, relationships, or anything you want.

6 Lessons To Learn From "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

You are the most powerful magnet in the universe and the law responds to your thoughts, no matter what they are. Have you ever thought about something you were not happy about and the more you thought about it the more unhappy you felt? The law of attraction comes into play in such circumstances and it will continue to reward you with “like” thoughts.

Most people spend their days thinking about what they don’t want. That is why the law of attraction must reward them with all the things they don’t want.

Some of the lessons that you should keep and practice from the Secret by Rhonda Byrne are as follows:

1. If You Can Think About It In Your Mind You Can Bring It Into Your Life

This “Secret” lesson has been mentioned several times throughout the book. Whether you want money, a job, a house by the beach, or a lover to spend the rest of your life with, all of this can be achieved through your thoughts. Whatever you choose to think will become your life experience. So whatever you think about in your mind, you can attract it in your life. Visualize yourself having all the things you desire, affirm it to the universe and it shall be yours. As you read through the book, you will find a lot of explanations so that you can use them to your advantage.

Your feelings are an excellent indicator of what you are thinking. For instance, an immediate signal about what you are feeling is when you get upset after getting bad news. Once you realize it, you will be able to change your thoughts to welcome all the things you want in your life.

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2. You Can Change Your Life By Changing Your Thoughts

When you are confused about what you are feeling, ask yourself “how am I feeling?” Once you understand what your dominant thoughts are, you can change them accordingly. It is important to understand that it is impossible to feel bad and have good thoughts at the same time. If you are feeling bad, it is because you are thinking about things that are making you feel bad. As you continue to feel bad and in turn, don’t make any effort to change your thoughts to feel better, you are ultimately saying to the universe “bring me more circumstances that will make me feel bad”.

Seize all the moments that you are feeling good and you will be able to attract more good things into your life. Thus you can change your life by changing your thoughts. By thinking about positive thoughts and doing things that make you happy, you will be in a very high frequency. This will allow more positive events into your life.

3. The Law Of Attraction Cannot Perceive A “Good” Or A “Bad” Thought. Choose Wisely

The Law of attraction cannot differentiate between negative and positive thoughts. Hence it is essential to attract what you want by consciously thinking about positive thoughts. The Universe doesn’t discriminate between good and bad. It simply fulfills what you command. One of the most important lessons you should follow from “The Secret” is to make it a habit to choose positive thoughts. This doesn’t entirely mean that you will ignore negative thoughts. It is essential to learn how to snap out of it. Drowning in negative thoughts will only welcome more negative events in your life.

Related: The 7 Steps To Manifest Anything You Want

4. When You Complain, The Law Of Attraction Will Bring More Situations To Complain About

The law of attraction clearly states that “like attracts like”. So when you complain about your current circumstances the universe must present you with more situations to complain about. So the next time you are feeling upset or complaining about something, keep in mind that you attract what you continually think or talk about. You are blocking all the good things by being in a negative frequency. Change your thoughts and positive events in your life will follow.

5. It Takes Many Negative Thoughts And Persistent Negative Thinking To Bring Negative Events Into your Life. 

We’ve all heard the saying “what you allow is what will continue”. The same can be applied to negative thoughts. When you allow negative thoughts into your life every day, the law of attraction will continue to bring negative events into your life. We’ve all had those days when one thing after the other goes wrong. Whether you are aware of it or not, this chain reaction began with just one negative thought.

So, alter your persistent negative thoughts with positive ones to get the things you desire in your life. One of the greatest lessons from “The Secret” is to stop your chain of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones to achieve the desired outcome.

Related: How Negative Energy Affects Your Life and How to Clear It

6. Learning To Quiet Your Mind Through Meditation Or Yoga 

You may have heard how important it is to still the mind. It is crucial, as humans, to learn how to calm your mind and allow the negativity to flow out of your system. Learning to quiet your mind through meditation or yoga is an important skill to master. This gives an incredible power to gain control over your thoughts.

The Secret also suggested listing out some “secret shifters”. Secret shifters are things that can change your feelings in an instant. These can involve beautiful memories, future events, funny moments, music, dancing, or anything that will make you feel good instantly. These secret shifters will allow you to be in the moment and help you to attract the things you desire.

The Flaw In “The Secret”

The constant emphasis on thinking positive thoughts may make one think that other emotions are not welcome. One might also think that feeling sad, disappointed, hurt or any negative emotion, are feelings we must ignore. It is important to realize that we can never know what positive emotions feel like without feeling negative emotions. Sometimes it is essential to feel whatever we are feeling without stopping ourselves. We must understand that negative feelings are also feelings that demand to be felt.

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6 Lessons To Learn From “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
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  1. Rose Cheptoo Avatar
    Rose Cheptoo

    This is a great piece Monalisa. Thank you.

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