10 Signs of an INFP Personality Type


Signs INFP Personality Type

INFP is the four-letter code of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. The INFP (The Mediator) personality type includes the traits, Introversion (I), iNtuitive (N), Feeling (F), and Perceiving (P). To help distinguish your personality type, here are 10 signs you are an INFP.

What does INFP mean?

Whoever has the INFP personality type tends to enjoy their alone time (Introverted), is inclined towards concepts and ideas, rather than details and facts (iNtuitive), gravitate towards making decisions based on values, ethics, and feelings (Feeling), and prefer to do things spontaneously instead of having a planned approach (Perceiving).

They are known as the Mediators, as well as Healers sometimes, due to their compassionate, gentle, and idealistic nature. People with the INFP personality type tend to be very open-minded, caring, imaginative, and quiet, and exhibit a very innovative and creative approach to whatever they do.

10 Signs Of An INFP Personality Type

Signs You INFP Personality Type infographics
10 Signs Of An Infp Personality Type

1. Benevolent and considerate.

INFPs are known for their generous and thoughtful nature, and they never like to be happy at someone else’s expense. They love sharing everything well with the people they love and being selfish or self-centered is not really in their DNA.

They will go to any lengths to compromise and adjust if it means making someone else happy. Treating everyone kindly and equally is something an INFP firmly believes in.

Related: The Best Trait of Each MBTI Personality Type

2. Innovative and open-minded.

INFPs are experts when it comes to seeing something from an unconventional and non-traditional perspective. They are never stuck in their own opinions and perceptions and are always willing to learn something new and different. INFPs are tolerant of everyone and always give everyone a chance to make their point.

Because they are open-minded people, they never judge others, as long as they are not doing anything harmful, and morally wrong.

3. Unrealistic and excessively self-critical.

Because INFPs are very passionate about whatever they do, they sometimes end up letting it consume them. They get so obsessed with their ideas, that they even forget to eat and sleep properly; drawing the line can be a massive task for them.

And in case, they are unable to fulfill their own expectations, they will beat themselves very hard. INFPs will constantly doubt themselves and think that they are simply not good enough.

4. Fiery and dependable.

When an INFP sets their heart to something, they give it their all. They can be reserved and shy most of the time, but that never stops them from going out of their way and doing something that matches their ideals and beliefs. Added to this, the INFP personality type is also known for being very dependable and loyal.

No matter what happens, and what the situation might be, they will go out of their way to support their loved ones and the causes they believe in.

5. Over-emotional and too idealistic.

When it comes to the INFP personality type, being emotional and idealistic are the cornerstones of their personality. But the problem arises when they become too emotional and too idealistic. Their over-emotional nature sometimes makes them lose track of everything and blinds them to the truth.

And sometimes, they can be so idealistic, that they end up getting hurt more often than not, as reality turns out to be quite different from what they initially thought.

Related: The Ultimate Relationship Deal Breaker For Each MBTI Personality Type

6. Reticent and submissive.

INFPs are very reserved, quiet, and self-conscious by nature, and sometimes that can make it tough for others to know them properly. Because they need a lot of personal space to function properly, it can give off the wrong impression to others.

They are also quite submissive and soft-hearted on the inside and try to stay away from conflicts as much as they can, which is why the smallest things can end up hurting them, including constructive criticism.

7. Honorable and devoted.

INFPs have a lot of integrity within themselves, be it moral integrity or intellectual integrity. Their sense of honor makes them try to find a deeper meaning in everything they come across. They never judge a book by its cover, and always try to know more about something or someone before reaching a conclusion.

Their compassionate and open-minded nature makes them some of the most dedicated people out there, who truly want to improve themselves and the world for the better.

INFP Personality Type
Infp Personality Type

8. Too vulnerable and overly selfless.

Two of the best things about the INFP personality type are their ability to be vulnerable and selfless. INFPs always follow their hearts more than their minds, and this can sometimes end up causing problems. Toxic and manipulative people always take advantage of their sweet and gullible nature and exploit them every chance they get.

Their overly selfless nature also doesn’t help, as they end up doing a lot for people who don’t deserve it. They get hurt over and over again, and despite this, they choose to keep their mouth shut, just so someone else doesn’t feel bad.

9. Procrastinating and inattentive.

INFPs are distracted very easily and add to that a procrastinating nature, and you have got a recipe for disaster. They hate investing time in something they are not interested in, even though it might be very important, and keep everything for the last moment. This results in them feeling overwhelmed since everything has piled up. Their tendency to procrastinate and get distracted very easily creates many problems for them.

10. Compromising and sacrificing.

The empathy and idealism that they harbor in themselves, makes them capable of great compromises and sacrifices. INFP is known as The Mediator, because of its ability to take into account everyone’s viewpoints and then come to the ideal solution that serves everyone’s interests. They believe in the spirit of cooperation and are even willing to sacrifice their own happiness and priorities if needed.

Related: The MBTI Types Ranked By Who Is The First To Fall In Love

Best Career Paths For INFP Personality Type

As far as the ideal INFP careers are concerned, they tend to flourish in careers where they get to express their morals and individuality to the fullest. Because of their empathetic and compassionate nature, it’s not a wonder that most of them end up in professions where they get to help and aid people. Artistic and creative careers are also good choices for them.

Here Are Some Of The Best Career Choices For The INFP Personalities

  • Writer
  • Fashion Designer
  • Midwife
  • Physical Therapist
  • Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Librarian
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Fundraiser
  • Massage Therapist

Famous INFP Personalities

Here Are Some Of The Most Famous People Who Have INFP Personality Type

  • William Shakespeare
  • Virginia Wolfe
  • George Orwell
  • J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Vincent Van Gogh
  • Helen Keller
  • Fred Rogers
  • Bob Marley
  • Chris Martin
  • John Mayer
  • Lisa Kudrow
  • Emily Blunt
  • Jude Law
  • Tom Hiddleston
  • Mia Farrow
  • Richard Gere
  • Fiona Appple

So, are you an INFP? Let us know in the comments down below!

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10 Signs Of An Infp Personality Type
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10 Signs Of An Infp Personality Type

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