How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments


Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments

Each person has a unique way of responding to compliments. Some feel shy and blush, others giggle and glow with happiness, while some feel weird and uncomfortable when given a compliment.

The truth is, deep down everyone likes a good compliment, but the outward reaction depends on the type of person they are. As you already know that your zodiac sign is a great indicator of your personality and behavior, so it is no surprise that different zodiac signs have their special ways of handling compliments. 

โ€œI can live for two months on a good complimentโ€— thatโ€™s the renowned writer and humorist, Mark Twainโ€™s response to a compliment! 

Letโ€™s find out how your zodiac sign responds to compliments.

How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments aries
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

Love compliments; they have an insatiable appetite for praises so they try to fish for more!

Aries get excited when they receive the right kind of compliment. Aries are enterprising, courageous and very ambitious. If you compliment them on any of these traits that they are proud to possess, they will be on cloud nine! They become so excited when complimented that they try to fish for more in subtle ways.

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2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments taurus
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

Tongue-tied, confused and not very comfortable receiving compliments.

How should they react? If they say too much, it might indicate that they are fishing for more praises. If they say too little, they might come off as a rude person.  So they better stare at the ground while the compliment continues. However, they never forget the people who appreciate them and always treat them with kindness. Taurus might not be comfortable receiving compliments, but they are good at singing their own praises. If the situation demands where they need to remind others of the value they bring with them, they confidently highlight their virtues.

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3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments gemini
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

Not sure how they should react, depends on their mood.

Geminiโ€™s response depends on their mood. Some days they are good with being praised and take it in the spirit that it was given, but on other occasions, they may brush it off as fake words. At times, they even get super embarrassed. What they despise are praises with an agenda. They can be pretty brutal if they suspect something of that sort. So itโ€™s best not to say anything if youโ€™re not sure how they will take it.

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4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments cancer
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

*Feels gooey inside* Positive affirmations motivate and encourage them greatly. 

This zodiac sign loves compliments in a different way altogether. They feel warm and mush, and at times, they get all teary. If you compliment them about something they have been worrying about– like praising them for their work or telling them that they make an awesome parent, it can actually bring tears to their eyes! Cancer is a family-oriented sign, so when compliments come from loved ones, they become especially happy. It inspires them to be kind to you, so expect flattery and maybe a present as well!

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5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments leo
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

โ€œOh! This sounds great, keep going, give me more!โ€

The act of complimenting was invented thinking about Leoโ€™s personality! They are so hungry for praise that they become ecstatic at receiving any kind of compliment. Youโ€™re likely to get a full-body reaction from them- their lips stretch into a broad smile, their eyes light up, and theyโ€™ll probably give you a hug or a peck to express their gratitude for your kind words! Leos are proud souls and love basking in the spotlight. So if you keep showering them with lavish words, youโ€™ll end up making a lifelong friend.

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6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments virgo
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

No sign of joy or surprise in their body language.

Virgos are the realists. They are practical-minded, have a good sense of who they are and are skeptical too. So if your compliment states the obvious, they donโ€™t give much of a reaction. And if you are trying to flatter them with flowery words, they wonโ€™t fall for that and might bluntly brush it off. If you want to impress them, give them something real and tangible and not just meaningless words. However, they appreciate kindness so they will never be rude.

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7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments libra
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

*giggle* *blush* โ€œthank youโ€ and โ€œright back at you!โ€

When it comes to receiving compliments, this zodiac gives a gracious response. Any kind of praise is good for Libra. They love being complimented and make note of the people who make them feel good about themselves. They must keep the scale balanced so they always return the favor. Libra knows the power of positive affirmations and immediately makes you feel special by saying how amazing you are!

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8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments scorpio
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

Acts Indifferent and reserves judgment depending on how sincere you are being.

If thereโ€™s one thing Scorpios hate, itโ€™s being lied to. So, if youโ€™re trying to manipulate them with flattery they will simply shut you down. But if you mean the good things you say, you will touch their heart. They donโ€™t have time for fake flattery but they love unique compliments that reflect that the giver put some thought into it. Scorpios act indifferent but are quietly judging your praise. They will respond once they have decided whether youโ€™re simply blowing smoke or being sincere.

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9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments sagittarius
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

They laugh off your compliments like it makes no difference to them but they actually love it!

When you give compliments to this fun-loving zodiac, they deflect it with their jokes and a good sense of humor. And thatโ€™s because humor is their go-to reaction to most things in life. Sagittarians enjoy it if you praise and butter them up. It serves as a motivation to reveal their brilliant personality. If your Sagittarian friend is going up on stage for a performance, make sure to give a quick compliment– they are sure to shine on stage because of the last-minute confidence boost!

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10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments capricon
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

Says โ€œThatโ€™s great!โ€ but wonders how it will help them in life.

Capricorn is a fan of utilitarian things. Even when it comes to praises, they like the ones that are constructive and useful to them. If itโ€™s a performance evaluation at work and their boss says positive things, they will love it and use it as a source of inspiration to strive for even better results. So basically, when youโ€™re complimenting them, dish out only substance and zero fluff. If they respond to your praise by complimenting you back, that’s clear proof that you have done a good job and they are seriously liking what you said.

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11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments aquarius
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

If you genuinely mean it, expect a big, squishy hug and a huge thanks!

When you compliment Aquarians, they go blank for a moment which is them trying to evaluate if you mean it sincerely or youโ€™re trying to dig things out of them. But if you pass their analysis and they find that you are being genuine, they go overboard with their gratitude, wrapping you in a tight hug and a big โ€œthank youโ€! You donโ€™t even have to be chummy with them to receive such loving treatment! And If youโ€™re trying to impress them or get in their good books, compliment their wit and intellect— they love those qualities being praised!

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12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Zodiac Signs Respond Compliments pisces
How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

Theyโ€™ll overthink every word and reflect on whether you truly meant it or not.

The sensitive and thoughtful water sign overthinks compliments to the point of making it a cause of worry. On receiving a compliment, they appear delighted at first. But then they go detective on your praise and start wondering whether thereโ€™s a hidden reason behind your seemingly encouraging words. They do this to the point of creating a negative story around a simple compliment and feeling bad about themselves. For example, if you say they have beautiful eyes, they ultimately conclude that you said it to avoid discussing the 5 kilos of winter weight they gained over the holiday season! And if you share a close relationship with them, expect to be quizzed about what you really meant by your compliment!

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Now that you know how the different zodiac signs respond to compliments, you can use it to give the right kind of compliment to someone you’re trying to impress! Share the article with all your friends and do leave a comment below.

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How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments
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How The Zodiac Signs Respond To Compliments

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