How To Become More Approachable?


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How to Become More Approachable: Practical Strategies

Are you struggling to make meaningful connections with others? It could be because you’re not approachable. Let us explore how to become more approachable, examples of being approachable and build lasting connections.

As humans, we are social creatures, and our ability to connect with others is what makes life worth living. However, some people find it challenging to make connections, and often, it’s because they aren’t approachable.

What does it mean to be approachable? 

Being approachable means that you are perceived as open, friendly, and easy to talk to. It means that people feel at ease and comfortable around you, and they are more likely to initiate conversations and interactions with you. And they are more likely to trust you.

Being approachable is not only important in our personal lives, but it’s also crucial in our professional lives. If you’re approachable, you’re more likely to be seen as a leader, and people will be more willing to cooperate and work with you.

Why is being approachable important? 

Being approachable is essential because it helps us build relationships with others. When we are approachable, people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and ideas with us. This can help us form meaningful connections and foster a sense of community.

how to become more approachable
How To Become More Approachable?

Being approachable is also vital in professional settings because it can help you advance in your career. If people see you as approachable, they are more likely to want to work with you, and you’ll be seen as a team player.

Related: How To Be Likable? 9 Simple Ways To Become A Likable Person

So how to become more approachable? Letโ€™s find out

How to become more approachable 

Wondering how to look more approachable and friendly? Here are 10 simple steps you can take –

1. Smile more often 

One of the easiest ways to become more approachable is to smile more often. A smile is a universal sign of friendliness, and it can help put people at ease.

A warm, genuine smile signals that you are friendly, open, approachable and happy to interact with others. So make an effort to smile whenever you catch someone’s eye in public, greet coworkers with a smile, and smile when answering the phone.

So, the next time you’re out and about, try smiling at people more often. Your smile will put people at ease and make them feel more comfortable approaching you. This is how to look more approachable and friendly.

2. Make eye contact 

Looking at others when interacting or greeting them is a key part of how to become more approachable. Eye contact signals that you are paying attention, interested and comfortable with social interaction.

When you make eye contact with someone, it shows that you are engaged and attentive in what they have to say. It also helps establish trust and can help build a connection.

Avoid staring, but make a conscious effort to maintain eye contact for a few seconds when starting a conversation or greeting people. Proper eye contact subconsciously puts others at ease.

So, when you talk to someone from now on, try to maintain eye contact as it is a great way to learn how to become more approachable.

3. Be present 

Being present is essential if you want to become more approachable. When you’re talking to someone, make sure you’re fully engaged in the conversation.

Put away your phone and any other distractions, and give the person your full attention. Being present shows that you value the person and what they have to say.

4. Use positive body language 

Your body language can say a lot about how approachable you are. If you want to become more approachable, try using positive, inclusive and open body language when interacting with others. An open, relaxed and comfortable posture signals that you are receptive and interested in conversing.

Related: Power-Packed Body Language Tips For Making A Killer First Impression

Stand with feet slightly apart, keep your arms uncrossed and loose at your sides. Avoid fidgeting and slouching. Positive body language also includes things like uncrossing your arms, leaning in slightly when someone is talking, and nodding your head to show that you’re listening.

Point your feet towards the person, face them directly and lean slightly forward to show interest.

Use inclusive gestures like placing a hand on someone’s arm or shoulder. Inclusive body language invites others to interact and engage with you.

An open body language can help put people at ease and make them feel more comfortable around you.

5. Practice active listening 

Active listening is an essential skill if you want to become more approachable. When you actively listen to someone, you’re fully engaged in the conversation, and you’re focused on what the person is saying. This means you’re not interrupting or thinking about what you’re going to say next.

how to become more approachable
How To Become More Approachable?

When someone does approach you, make sure you focus your full attention on them. Face the person, nod occasionally, and maintain eye contact to show that you are truly listening. Active listening gives the other person your undivided attention, making them feel important and validated.

Active listening shows that you value the person and what they have to say, and it can help build trust and connection. This is how to become more approachable.

6. Be authentic 

Being authentic is another important aspect of being approachable. When you’re authentic, people can sense that you’re genuine and sincere. This helps build trust and can help foster a sense of connection. So, don’t be afraid to be yourself and show your true personality.

7. Be kind and respectful 

Being kind and respectful is essential if you want to become more approachable. When you treat people with kindness and respect, it shows that you value them as a person. This can help build trust and can help foster a sense of community.

So, make a conscious effort to be kind and respectful to everyone you meet. This is a great way to understand how to look more approachable and friendly.

8. Be approachable online 

In today’s digital age, it’s important to be approachable online as well. This means using social media and other online platforms to connect with others. Make sure your online presence is friendly and approachable, and that you’re engaging with others in a positive way.

9. Practice empathy 

Empathy is an essential skill if you want to become more approachable. When you practice empathy, you’re able to understand and share the feelings of others. This helps build trust and can help foster a sense of connection.

So, the next time you’re talking to someone, try to put yourself in their shoes and understand where they’re coming from.

10. Be patient 

Becoming more approachable takes time, so it’s important to be patient. Don’t expect to become more approachable overnight. It’s a process that takes practice and effort. So, be patient with yourself and keep working on becoming more approachable everyday.

11. Use an inclusive tone of voice 

The tone and cadence of your voice affects how approachable you seem to others. Aim for a steady, moderate pace without sounding monotonous.

Speak at a moderate volume that allows the other person to hear you clearly without straining. Add inflection and vary the pitch of your voice to keep it from sounding flat or bored. An inclusive tone of voice invites others to interact with you.

Related: How To Make Friends As An Adult: 7 Useful Tips

12. Minimize distractions 

Take steps to reduce distractions that can make you seem less approachable. Silence your phone and put it out of sight. Avoid checking email, texts or social media when interacting with others.

Focus your full concentration on the person in front of you. Minimizing distractions ensures the other person has your full attention, putting them at ease. This is an often overlooked way to learn how to look more approachable and friendly.

13. Use an open style of questioning 

Another key part of how to become more approachable is asking open-ended questions that encourage conversation. Avoid questions with simple yes or no answers. Instead, ask questions that begin with “what”, “how” or “why” to elicit a more detailed response and prompt further discussion.

Open style questioning shows you are interested in what others have to say.

14. Act confident but not cocky 

Striking the right balance between confidence and humility is part of how to become more approachable. Avoid coming across as cocky or arrogant, which can put people off. But don’t be overly self-deprecating either. 

Projecting a calm, assured confidence in yourself while acknowledging others will put them at ease and make you seem more approachable.

15. Practice small talk 

Practice basic small talk skills to further boost your approachability. Being comfortable making simple conversation shows others that you are socially competent and easy to engage. Practice complimenting people genuinely.

Learn how to ask open-ended questions for easy small talk topics. With time and steady practice, small talk will become second nature, making you seem more approachable to others. This is how to look more approachable and friendly.

Examples of being approachable 

Here are some examples of being approachable:

  • Smiling and making eye contact with others
  • Greeting people in a warm, friendly manner
  • Using an inclusive, inviting tone of voice
  • Having an open body posture like facing the other person directly and keeping your arms uncrossed
  • Listening attentively to others without distractions
  • Asking open-ended questions that invite further conversation
  • Using inclusive body language like nodding, leaning forward slightly, and gesturing with your hands
  • Striking the right balance between confidence and humility
  • Making small talk comfortably and complimenting people genuinely
  • Being easygoing, relaxed, and comfortable in social situations
  • Acting interested in what others have to say
  • Projecting a sense of calm and refusing to be rattled easily, which makes you seem more approachable
  • Having a good sense of humor and using it to lighten serious moments in conversations
  • Not being too reserved or withdrawn and instead reaching out to interact with others in a good-natured way

Essentially, these examples of being approachable reveal that it all comes down to showing warmth, friendliness and good social skills that put others at ease and invite them to interact with you comfortably.

The sum total of your nonverbal communication, tone, body language and social grace ultimately influence how approachable you seem to others.

Related: 14 Handy Social Skills Thatโ€™ll Make You More Likable Instantly

how to become more approachable
How To Become More Approachable?

Common mistakes to avoid  

While there are many things you can do to learn how to become more approachable, there are also some common mistakes that people make. Here are a few:

1. Trying too hard 

Trying too hard to be approachable can actually have the opposite effect. When you try too hard, people may perceive you as desperate, fake or insincere.

2. Ignoring nonverbal cues 

Nonverbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice, can have a big impact on how approachable you appear. Ignoring these cues can make it difficult for others to connect with you.

3. Being too self-focused 

If you’re too focused on yourself and your own needs, it can make it difficult for others to approach you. Make sure you’re taking the time to listen to others and show genuine interest in what they have to say.

4. Being too negative 

If you’re constantly complaining or speaking negatively, it can make it difficult for others to want to be around you. Try to focus on the positive and be optimistic.

5. Being too busy 

If you’re always rushing around or seem too busy to talk, it can make it difficult for others to approach you. Make sure you’re taking the time to slow down and connect with others.

6. Not being genuine 

People can often tell when someone is not being genuine or authentic. Make sure you’re being true to yourself and showing your true personality.

7. Not following through 

If you make plans with someone or promise to follow up on something, make sure you follow through. Not following through can make it difficult for others to trust you and want to connect with you in the future.

By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on these tips, you can become more approachable and make it easier for others to connect with you.


Being approachable is not something that comes naturally to everyone, but it’s an essential skill to develop if you want to build meaningful connections with others. By following the tips mentioned above, you can become more approachable and make it easier for others to connect with you.

Remember, being approachable is not just important in our personal lives, but it’s also crucial in our professional lives. So, start practicing these tips today and watch as your relationships with others improve.

Related: 8 People Skills You Need To Succeed In Your Work and Relationships

examples of being approachable
How To Become More Approachable?

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