15 Habits of Truly Miserable People


Habits of Miserable People

There are many miserable people around us who rarely add value to our lives but leave us drained.

The definition of a miserable person is wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.

That is pretty spot on. When a person is miserable they never see or expect good in anything and always try to make those around them feel just as bad and negative as them.

Being miserable is a way of life for some people because they get sympathy and constant reassurance from other miserable people.

They have no goals whatsoever.

Miserable people like to drift through life waiting for someone to throw them a bone. They will end up sitting on their deathbeds thinking about what they should and could have done. 

Related: How to Stay Positive around Negative People

Miserable people donโ€™t plan or prioritize.

To a miserable person, the main goal of each day is to make it through the day. 

Miserable people donโ€™t want others to win because they are not winning themselves.

A successful person understands the importance of relationships and teamwork, while a miserable person is usually only concerned about themselves.

A miserable person has an extremely difficult time listening because all they hear is the negatives. Their sour dispositions give them selective hearing and they tune out almost everything else.

Related: Beautiful things happen in your life when you distance yourself from all the negativity and drama.

Here are some habits of highly miserable people.

If you can identify with any of these habits of miserable people, take charge and change, and youโ€™ll be well on your way to a good life again!

1)  They are never thankful for anything

Related: Attitude Of Gratitude: How The Universal Law of Gratitude Can Help You

2) They lead a very unadventurous life

3) They live in and glorify the past

4) They do things for personal gain

miserable people are toxic

5) They are afraid of economic loss

6) They love to pick fights

7) They blame others and play the victim

Related: 5 Signs That You Are A Victim Of Envy

8) They think peopleโ€™s intentions towards them are always dishonourable

9) They will give themselves a negative identity and revel in it

10) They will make sure they are involved in other peopleโ€™s drama

11) They always expect the worst

12) They focus only on themselves

13) They are critical of everything

14) They worry too much

miserable people worry a lot

15) They are envious of other peopleโ€™s success

Watch this video to know what makes you a happy person:

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  1. Mac Avatar

    Profound analysis

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