10 Signs You Are An ESTJ Personality Type


Signs You Are An ESTJ Personality Type

ESTJ is the four-letter code of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. The ESTJ (The Executive) personality type consists of the traits of Extraverted (E), Sensing (S), Thinking (T), and Judging (J).

People with the ESTJ personality type tend to be very methodical, traditional, and organized. Whatever they do, they prefer to do it in a planned and structured manner, and seldom do they just ‘wing it’. They prefer to follow rules and regulations and don’t like going against protocol.

They are extremely organized who look for structure wherever they go. Moreover, ESTJs want to know everything beforehand, and don’t really like it when surprises are sprung on them; predictability is what they crave. If by chance, they come across anything that is cluttered, they get to organizing it in a jiffy, by establishing guidelines, rules, and processes so that everyone knows exactly what to do.

What does ESTJ mean?

The ESTJ personality type likes to mingle with people (Extraverted), always goes for details, and facts rather than concepts and ideas (Sensing), emphasizes reason, rationality, and logic (Thinking), and likes to be structured and planned, rather than flexible and spontaneous (Judging).

ESTJs are known as The Executive sometimes because of their take-charge attitude, and the drive to make sure that everything is done perfectly and accurately.

Related: The Best Trait of Each MBTI Personality Type

Here Are 10 Signs You Are An ESTJ Personality Type

ESTJ Personality Type
10 Signs You Are An Estj Personality Type

1. Dependable and diligent.

One of the best things about the ESTJ personality type is that they are exceptionally reliable and dependable. They have very strong ethics and that is what helps them always do the right thing, and in the right way. ESTJs never leave anything halfway, nor do they abandon any task just because it’s boring and they don’t feel like doing it.

If they have given you their word, they will make sure that they follow through with it. For them, morals and integrity always come first.

2. Patient and faithful.

An ESTJ’s loyalty and patience are unparalleled, and that is why, wherever they go, they bring about a lot of stability, safety, and security. You can always rely on an ESTJ to be patient, no matter what challenges they might face. And more importantly, once they feel a sense of loyalty towards you, they will be loyal to you for life.

ESTJs are genuinely good people, who you can trust with your eyes closed.

3. Stubborn and rigid.

Many times, their rigid mindedness and stubborn nature threaten to cut back on the various, interesting possibilities that life has to offer. They are always so stuck up on what works, that they fail to acknowledge the fact that there might be something out there, that might give better results.

They hate experimenting, always focus on tried and tested formulas, and refuse to get out of their comfort zone, no matter how much you might push them to.

4. Insensitive and emotionally closed-off.

Another great weakness and drawback of the ESTJ personality type is that they can be very insensitive and emotionally stunted for the most part. They find it very hard to get in touch with their empathetic side, and this leads to them being very harsh to others, including their loved ones.

They get so caught up with facts and logic that they fail to acknowledge the emotional aspect of things. Maybe being spontaneous and open-minded might bring a bit of joy for others, but they never go for it.

5. Straightforward and honest.

If you want the truth and the whole truth, then ESTJs are the ones you should go to. Because they are so practical and rational all the time, they will always tell you the truth, no matter what. They believe that by speaking the truth at all times, you are upholding the morals and ethics expected from a good human being.

Moreover, they choose to rely on facts than abstract ideas, and that’s another reason behind their brutal honesty.

Related: How Knowing Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type Can Help You Feel Less Stressed in Life

6. Organized and orderly.

Now this one’s no secret. ESTJs are synonymous with being organized, structured, and orderly. They hate unpredictable things, and always strive to create security and order, wherever they go. They like everything to happen in a planned manner, and anything else apart from that is totally unacceptable for them.

Their organized mindset makes it easy for them to delegate tasks to people, and they never go wrong when it comes to assigning the right task to the right person. No wonder they are such good leaders.

7. Mentally strong and resilient.

ESTJs are extremely strong people mentally and add to that an immense amount of resilience, and you have got a winning combination. Their dedication and never-say-die attitude are truly enviable, and that is exactly what helps them thrive and be successful.

You will never find them give up on their conviction just because they have opposition, and they always stand firm and tall when their principles and values are concerned.

8. Tense and hypercritical.

The ESTJ personality type has very strong opinions, and many times they tend to forget the fact that their opinions might not always be right. They also tend to forget that there may be two ways of doing something, and their way is not always the right way. ESTJs are so caught up with their personal opinions and viewpoints that they refuse to consider what the other person is saying.

This character trait of theirs also makes them very tense people, and their inability to sometimes be flexible takes away all the fun that might be there. This combination of being hypercritical and tense ends up being a recipe for disaster, at times.

9. Workaholic and cold.

Even though the love and dedication they have for their work should always be commended, they tend to take it too far sometimes. ESTJs are true-blue workaholics who always give their work the utmost priority, sometimes even at the cost of their loved ones. They are willing to sacrifice quality time with their friends and family, all for the sake of work.

Another side-effect of their workaholic nature is that just because they have made their work their whole world, they expect others to do the same. Whenever they come across someone, who is not as invested in their work as them (even though they might be very talented and are able to strike a balance between their personal and professional life), ESTJs start judging them at the drop of a hat.

10. Strong principles and integrity.

ESTJs are famous for their integrity and principled character. No matter how senior they might be, they believe all the rules apply the same to them as well. They are good with following orders from their seniors because they believe that the only way something will work harmoniously, is when there are mutual respect and a sense of duty amongst everyone.

The ESTJ personality type also strongly believes in upholding all the rules, and regulations of society, and consider themselves the gatekeepers of it. Upholding ordinances and laws, and doing their duty correctly is what makes them who they are.

Related: The Ultimate Relationship Deal Breaker For Each MBTI Personality Type

Best Career Paths For ESTJ Personality Type

ESTJs thrive when it comes to organizing things and providing structure. They work well in careers where they get to be in control, and that’s why managerial positions are ideal for them. As long as they are getting to delegate tasks, make important decisions, and implement procedures and policies, they are in the right place.

Ideally, they work well in environments that have a well-thought-out and organized structure, has proper rules and regulations, and transparent expectations. For them, the ideal jobs are the ones where they get to use their organizational skills to come up with the perfect solution.

Here Are Some Of The Best Career Choices For The ESTJ Personalities

  • Stockbroker
  • Hotel Manager
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Attorney
  • Restaurant Owner
  • Physician
  • Dentist
  • Pilot
  • Sales Manager
  • Paralegal
  • School Principal

Famous ESTJ Personalities

Here Are Some Of The Most Famous People Who Have ESTJ Personality Type

  • Michelle Obama
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Ivanka Trump
  • Megyn Kelly
  • Bill O’Reilly
  • Billy Graham
  • Daisy Ridley
  • Bette Davis
  • Mickey Rourke
  • Alec Baldwin
  • Lucy Liu
  • Celine Dion
  • Uma Thurman
  • E.L. James
  • Tom Clancy
  • Josh Beckett
  • Pat Summit

So, are you an ESTJ personality? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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10 Signs You Are An Estj Personality Type

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