Why Empaths Struggle With Low Self-Esteem And Confidence


Why Empaths Struggle With Low Self-Esteem And Confidence

Empaths usually suffer from low confidence and low self-esteem as they a highly sensitive by nature. They are natural healers and tend to take everything they experience by heart. This type of intense sensitivity can often lead to low confidence in them.

Empaths have low self-confidence because they focus too much on others. While doing that, you can’t know who you are. You can’t know what is YOUR energy and what belongs to others.

From my experience as a life coach, all empaths have low self-confidence and self-esteem. Itโ€™s almost a rule. Low self-confidence is also one thing that takes them out of balance the most.

Being an empath and lightworker myself, Iโ€™ve struggled with low self-confidence too. In my case, it wasnโ€™t about the obvious things like appearance or relationships, but it went deeper. I struggled with confidence in myself and my ability to set myself free from the world I was born into.

Read 13 Unique Challenges and Struggles An Empath Faces Daily

All I could see were people being deeply asleep, and it suffocated me. I felt an energetic heaviness everywhere around me, and I hoped that one day, Iโ€™d be able to create a different world. Yet, as time had passed, I met more people who were deeply hurting me, and that heaviness was getting thicker.

So my confidence had a lot to do with my ability to find the way to stay true to myself in the midst of the darkness. And at the same time, find the way out and transform that darkness or let dissipate that which didnโ€™t want to be transformed.

As you can see, empaths have low self-esteem and confidence, and it can go deeper than one may think. For me, finding myself and my worth was a life-changing journey. And I hope that this article will bring you some shifts in your perception around your low self-confidence.

Why Do Empaths Have Low Self-Confidence / Self-Esteem?

One of the reasons why empaths have low self-confidence is because their energetic fields are wide open. Empaths and lightworkers play a big role in assisting others in healing their deep wounds.

To be able to help others heal, empaths are naturally open and sensitive to any imbalances going on within others. They have special antennas that pick up any disturbing signal, and they take it into their bodies in order to bring it back to alignment.

Instead of developing foundations in their lives, empaths focus primarily on others.

They miss step one after being born, which is to develop a strong core within themselves. Thus their sense of self is blurred and unclear. Energetically speaking, empaths donโ€™t have boundaries, so their energetic bodies tend to merge with others.

Since weโ€™ve been accustomed to this merging of energies since we were little, it feels like all that messy energy that surrounds us, belongs to us.

As our energetic field is wide open, we also develop deep wounds that make it more challenging to find trust in self. One of the most healing ways to heal low self-confidence is to address those subconscious wounds in our psyche and energetic body and bring them back to light.

Shift In Perception

I devoted two years to full-time healing myself, and it allowed me to step into my life purpose. However, you can begin by shifting your perception. What I ask you to do may feel unnatural at first, but if you donโ€™t give up, itโ€™ll help you with low self-confidence.

As I mentioned above, naturally, you focus on others. You can immediately feel their feelings and unspoken words. This is something that you do very well, but if you continue being wide open all the time, itโ€™ll be challenging to find balance and inner peace. So, I challenge you to do the very opposite of what youโ€™re used to doing.

Read 15 Ways To Stay Grounded And Protected As An Empath

Stop focusing on how others perceive you and how they feel about you.

Empaths have low self-confidence because they focus too much on others. While doing that, you canโ€™t know who you are. You canโ€™t know what is YOUR energy and what belongs to others. You donโ€™t know where you end and where others begin.

Although the merging of energetic bodies is one of the steps to oneness; you donโ€™t need to take in somebodyโ€™s pain. This doesnโ€™t serve either of you. This is NOT the way you heal others.

So, bring your attention back into your being. Stop solving other peopleโ€™s perceptions of you. It doesnโ€™t matter because everyone will always think something and there is no way for you to control that.

First, spend quality time with yourself. Within your being. In stillness and alone. This will allow you to get to know your true self eventually. The aim is to find your true self and as a result, develop the strong core of your being.

How Can You Have Self-Esteem If You Donโ€™t Know Who You Are?

Take that attention away from others. Mute the sound of your environment and ask yourself what YOU want and who YOU are.

As you can see, empaths have low self-esteem because they overly focus on others.

Itโ€™s alright to also focus on you. Youโ€™re allowed also to be there for yourself and have time to get to know yourself better. You donโ€™t need to be mentally and energetically available to others 24/7.

You donโ€™t have to be perfect to others; just stay true to yourself.

A related step is to stop expecting others to give you attention, approve you or love you. Those are the deeper wounds that cause empaths to have low self-confidence. The need for others to make you feel whole originates from childhood or in many cases even earlier.

Read Why Empathy Must Start With You

You can be an empath and a lightworker guiding others while staying balanced and grounded within yourself. In fact, this is the most efficient way; you can help someone. But first, it begins with you.

Written by Sylvia Salow
Originally appeared in Sylvia Salow
Empaths and Low Self-Esteem
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Why Empaths Struggle With Low Self-Esteem And Confidence

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