Are You An Empath? 25 Questions To Test Yourself


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Are You An Empath

Are you sensitive to emotions, spirituality, and intuition? Take our free Empath Test to find out your unique scores and learn more about your personality.

The instructions for this are you an empath quiz is quite simple, for each statement, give yourself a โ€œ0โ€ for never, a โ€œ2โ€ for sometimes, and a โ€œ3โ€ for always.

Are you ready? Let’s start!

Are You An Empath? 25 Questions Free Empath Test To Help You Find Out

1. You sense othersโ€™ pain and sadness.

2. You pick up quickly if someone means one thing, but says another.

3. You feel drained if you are around certain people.

4. You get strong first impressions of peopleโ€”both negative and positiveโ€”that end up being spot on.

5. You see something sadโ€”for instance, an animal being hit by a carโ€”and it takes you much longer than others to stop feeling sad or sick about it.

Related: 5 Ways How Music Increases Empathy In Listeners

6. Others donโ€™t understand how deeply you feel and why you canโ€™t just โ€œlet it go.โ€

7. You always feel like you view life from a different perspective than everyone around you. It seems like no one is โ€œlike you.โ€

8. Youโ€™ve experienced the sensation that you are feeling the pain of the whole world.

9. There are times when you feel so overwhelmed with the pain of the world that you want to crawl under the blankets and not interact with anyone for a few days.

10. You canโ€™t watch or read the news or watch sad or violent movies because itโ€™s too upsetting or makes you sick.

11. You repeatedly feel the same emotions or sensations around the same people. (For instance, every time you see a particular friend, you feel anxious or sad for no particular reason.)

empath test
Are You An Empath Test: Fun Quiz & Personality Test

12. You feel sick or in pain when you are around certain people for no physical reason, or you seem to take on otherโ€™s symptoms, feeling as they feel.

13. You feel like your mood or emotions change when certain people enter a room.

14. Youโ€™ve walked into a room and felt the energy was different, without knowing why (for example, walking into the office and being hit with the sensation of tension or angerโ€”I used to be able to walk in the front door of the office and know whether my boss was in a good or a bad mood without seeing him).

15. You sometimes get overwhelmed when there are a lot of people around, but canโ€™t figure out why you feel overwhelmed (thereโ€™s nothing outwardly unpleasant going on).

16. You sometimes feel like your emotions change on a dime, but you donโ€™t know why.

17. People come to you as their โ€œenergy source,โ€ because you brighten their day or have other impacts on their emotions.

18. People seem drawn to you and need their โ€œfixโ€ of you to feel better. Often, animals and children will be very drawn to you as well.

19. You prefer to be near water, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed.

20. You need to have time in nature to feel balanced.

21. Youโ€™ve had people ask you why you are โ€œsuch a bleeding heart,โ€ or make fun of you for feeling so deeply (I cannot tell you how often this has happened to me!).

Related: How Can Unbalanced Chakras Weaken An Empath

22. You care for others more than you care for yourself and feel like you โ€œhave toโ€ take care of people, even when you know you are burning yourself out.

23. You have a hard time taking care of yourself because you are too busy taking care of others.

24. You feelโ€”or knowโ€”that plants and animals have a soul/awareness, and feel their pain and sadness.

25. Youโ€™ve had times in your life when you went through such a traumatic event that you were totally numb.

Add your points and find out what your score means on the next page

25 Questions: Are You An Empath Quiz?

Related: Layers of The Empath Gift: 10 Levels of Empath Evolution

Did you recognize yourself as an empath in many statements?

1. Score of 0 โ€“ 25:

If your score on the Empath Test is 0-25, then you have some Empath traits, but wouldnโ€™t be considered a true Empath. Itโ€™s important to make sure that you still take care of yourself and donโ€™t let yourself get overwhelmed, but itโ€™s likely you are pretty balanced between helping others and setting good boundaries.

2. Score of 25 โ€“ 50:

This score on the Empath Test shows that you are definitely an Empath. You sense things in a way thatโ€™s different from the average person. You arenโ€™t just relating to someoneโ€™s feelings, you are sensing them as your own. You likely get exhausted sometimes and wonder why without realizing you are giving out too much positive energy and taking in too much negative energy from around you.

While you are fairly balanced if you are in this range, thereโ€™s no doubt youโ€™d benefit from tools and resources to help you to use your EFP (extra-feeling perception) to be a benefit to yourself and the world. Please consider joining the Empowered Empath Academy (below) to learn how to turn your empathic senses off and on in order to be healthy and happy yourself.

3. Score of 50 โ€“ 75:

You are an โ€œextreme Empath,โ€ as I would call it. You have the ability to soak in othersโ€™ emotions without consciously knowing you are doing so. You sense the โ€œvibeโ€ of a room or place without visual clues (such as tears, yelling, or slamming of doors). More importantly, if you are scoring this high on the Empath Test, then you are extremely open to the pain and suffering of the world, and you likely get overwhelmed by trying to do too much or help too many people at once.

Related: 10 Strategies To Protect Your Energy As An Empath

If you donโ€™t get some tools and resources to help you, these extreme Empath traits can cause you to get very sick (chronic fatigue is extremely common among Empaths who score like this and donโ€™t have the tools to take care of themselves).

Please consider joining the Empowered Empath Academy (below) to learn how to turn your empathic senses off and on in order to be healthy and happy yourself.

So, what do you think? Are you really an empath? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Related: What Is Your Strongest Gift As An Empath? Choose A Circle To Find Out

25 Questions: Are You An Empath Quiz?
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Are You An Empath Test: Fun Quiz & Personality Test
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    I relate to so many areas in this quiz it’s unreal almost all of them. but I’m not surprised by that I already knew I was an empath clearly and have yet to find true balance in being an empath and could use some tools and some ideas on how to do that.

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