10 Things That Make Her Stronger After Divorce

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Women have the courage to be alone for the right reasons than to be with anyone for the wrong ones. No wonder why divorced women are some of the strongest women out there, and sometimes even strongest of the pack.

Marriage is a beautiful relationship between two individuals and its dissolution leading to a divorce can be painful for anyone. However, it is all the harder on women because of the cultural conditioning we have been brought up with. It can invoke feelings of failure and loss, fear of the unknown and discomfort of dealing with collective societal judgments.

These are all the reasons that prove that divorced women who decide to exit a bad marriage in spite of all the fears are strong, capable and self respecting.

It also shows a very high level of self-dependence and personal power explained by Helen Fisher in her avant-garde book โ€œAnatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage and Why We Strayโ€.

โ€œThis correlation between economic independence and divorce rate is seen in a host of cultures, where men and women are not dependent on each other to survive economically, bad marriages can endโ€” and often do.โ€, states Fisher.

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Writer/director Mark Radcliffe also has stated several compelling reasons that display that divorced women are much stronger and attractive than their counterparts in his articles. For reasons ranging from having the balls to walk away from something that isnโ€™t fulfilling to having a deep knowledge of what works and what doesnโ€™t work for them individually.

No matter what society says, women who took the bold step of exiting a marriage that hasnโ€™t been fulfilling for them should know that they are courageous more than they know.

Here, we have compiled a list of 10 awesome reasons that prove that women become stronger after divorce and they deserve all the happiness in the world.

Here Is Why Divorced Women Are The Strongest Of The Pack

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1. Having Experienced Loss And Rebounding From It Makes Them A Badass.

Itโ€™s tough for women to move out of a marriage even if it was loveless and not right for them. The experience can still be extremely painful and disheartening.

It can sometimes happen that women think that itโ€™s better to stay in a loveless marriage due to fear of society or other conditions but they are strong enough to move past that fear. They just need to access their freedom and right to be happy over what other people would think.

This displays their resilience, courage and self-sufficiency. All these traits make them extremely badass.

2. They Had The Guts Take A Swing At Love.

A lot of people shrink away from the idea of marriage due to the fear of getting hurt. But they at least had the courage to give their love a shot by taking a plunge into marriage.

Itโ€™s okay if it didnโ€™t work out for them, at least they had the guts to go for something their heart wanted in the first place. Thatโ€™s a very brave and courageous move.

3. They Have The Courage To Be Alone For The Right Reasons Than Be With Anyone For The Wrong Reasons.

They know that itโ€™s better to be on them, doing their own thing than being in a lifeless and loveless relationship. They have the strength to be happy on their own and do not stay in a relationship just to have anybody stand next to them.

They would rather choose to work on their own self and live life to the fullest till the time they find a partner who is compatible and can offer a fulfilling and rewarding partnership.

Related: Why Letting Go Is Not Giving Up

4. They Know That A Fulfilling Relationship Takes Work.

They also know that love takes teamwork and requires both partners to invest in making the relationship work instead of believing in some fairytale idea that everything takes care of itself in a relationship.

They know that a successful marriage requires two mature and independent individuals who come together to support each otherโ€™s growth instead of being codependent and stifling each otherโ€™s growth. They have a more mature and practical approach to love and marriage instead of having a childish candy-floss idea of romance.

5. They Have The Courage To Walk Away From Something That Isnโ€™t Wholesome And Fulfilling.

It takes guts to walk away from something that isnโ€™t fulfilling and wholesome. They display the kind of standards and principles they have.

They have the balls to stand up and say that this isnโ€™t what I want and moved on and faced the world alone. That takes a lot of incredible power, girl!

6. Theyโ€™ve Humbled By Recognizing And Learning From Their Experience.

Every experience in life teaches us valuable lessons about who we are and what we want from life. This kind of self-awareness is extremely important as it bestows a person with humble and yet very confident self-esteem.

In fact, most of our failed relationships are great platforms that have provided us with this extremely useful knowledge of what our needs and non-negotiable are in our relationships.

And this knowledge can help us to choose our future partners wisely.

7. They Have A Deep Knowledge Of What Satisfies Them Both Emotionally And Sexually.

Break ups always leave a person in an introspective mode where they try to find out what went wrong and what they learn from their experience is.

The result of this activity is that it opens up a doorway for profound insights into their own likes and dislikes, preferences, desires, and non-negotiable. Going through a divorce (as painful as it might feel), also means that the entire process has helped them immensely to be more self-aware.

So, now they have a deep knowledge of what satisfies them emotionally and sexually and thatโ€™s a very rare trait for both men and women because a lot of people donโ€™t take out the time for this kind of introspection and self-awareness.

Related: How to Detach and Let Go with Love

8. They Know What Losing Love Feels Like.

They have experienced what losing love feels like and they would also make every effort to keep it from happening again. They would be more willing and open to having tough conversations that are part and parcel of every relationship.

In fact, most of the relationships fall apart because people avoid these tough conversations. But they wouldnโ€™t run away from this and actually encourage their partner to have those tough conversations that can strengthen the relationship.

9. They Live Their Life To The Fullest.

They made the choice to invest in themselves rather than investing in a lifeless relationship shows the kind of love and respect they have for themselves. They practice self-love, hustle every day and take the opportunity to become a better version of themselves and live their life to the fullest.

What can be more kickass than that?

Related: Why HeartBreaks Are Necessary For Self Discovery

10. Their Scars Are A Sign Of Wisdom And Make them All The More Attractive.

They have experienced a very wide range of human emotions from pain and loss to love and euphoria, which gives them a certain depth and ability to appreciate all that life has to offer.

A few kinks in their armor or few scars are only a sign of their warrior strength and have made them more attractive and inspiring for people.

So, donโ€™t be worried about the future. There are a lot of people out there who find all these traits way more attractive than superficial stuff. When they will find someone incredible walking their path, they will know.

And even if they donโ€™t find someone, they would still be badass women!

One separation or divorce cannot stop the fierce spirit that they are.

10 Reasons Why Divorced Women Are The Strongest
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