Dear Empath, We Need You


Dear Empath, we need you.

To those who soak up the worldโ€™s energy like a sponge. You have a crucial role to play.


You are the one who feels too deep, always observant about the people around you; profoundly sensitive about their needs. You, yourself are an enormously enigmatic being, far too immersed to reach, at least in this lifetime.

The role assigned to you, in life’s drama is the most significant one. It is to be the messenger of love and compassion.

You are one angel in disguise.

You are one of the strong ones.

You are one of the believers in magic. You dance in the shadows to bring life to the light filtering from the chinks others fail to notice.

Without you, chaos is sure to ensue.

Sometimes you play the role of match-striker, sparking the fire that chars the dust flakes that have suspended itself on the shell.

Know that the work you do, in igniting the flames of kindness, is the most divine thing to do. Rather, it is remarkable. It signifies your immense potential to go deeper into the core of other’s souls to lighten the darkness they have concealed for years.

We all wear armors of lies of who-we-need-to-be and what-we-need-to-prove. You are often the sole being who sees the snags in other’s feelings, however minuscule. That’s how you rip and pull and prod until the whole web, the false exterior, comes undone before the x-ray eyes of the empath.

This is an immensely difficult job. This is the task of a fighter, a wolf, a truth-seeking ninja who will stop at nothing.

By most conventional societal standards, you are, without a doubt, the underdog. You receive none of the glory that you deserve.

People fail to acknowledge the positive vibes you spread. They may not realize until years later it was you that so gently removed the shambled cloak they lay sleeping beneath. This was only to fill their lives with the fresh air they need.

They may never comprehend the depths of your mission, the gift that you have so selflessly bestowed upon them.

You see, most people donโ€™t notice the things you see and feel with clarity. Most others live in oblivion of the felt sense that simmers throughout your entire body, down to the root, remaining hidden by the tangibility society places on a pedestal.

For the survival of your empathetic soul, you must understand that these others exist on a different plane of being altogether. Not a lesser-than plane, nor in a higher state, but just in a different place.

Other people cannot comprehend how draining it is to feel such depth of emotions; how laborious a task it is to carry an ocean of pain, gathered from others.

The sensitivity of your feelers is not limited by physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual constraints. No technological barriers can prevent you from imbibing the energy of others.

You can try as hard as you like to put up invisible shielded boundaries.

No matter your mechanisms to prevent the absorption of the energy around you, it is time for you, braveheart, to relent, and recognize that this is your gift.

You may never have the thick skin they will forever tell you to grow, but you wouldnโ€™t have it any other way. Because with your power comes the ability to touch a childโ€™s hand, you see the spring in his step amplify, and you know you have made him all the stronger, even if for only a moment.

And these small moments, of lifting others by sharing their afflictions, expand, one drop at a time, until the ripples of a creek fight through the hard, drought-ridden cracks. And then, one day, the trickle accumulates and grows so magnanimous that it brims through the kind laced eyes and overflows. You are feeling, merging into one, with the suffering around you.

You speak for the silenced one. You speak for the air, you speak to the leaves that fall off the trees. You touch the souls of the downtrodden, the ignored, the ones hungry for love. You will not stop shedding your tears until they have washed away the worldโ€™s darkness.

Know that the others do not mean to leave you in the dust, nor do they intentionally thrust you into the fire without a helping hand. They do not mean to cause you to be the sole voice screaming the injustices from the mountaintop.

They simply do not know how to consciously give words to these deep-felt emotions. They cannot fathom sweeping the dust to form the bones of what matters. They do not understand what has been brimming underneath, nor can they hear their heart songs murmur.

At least, not yet.

But with time, I believe, we will all, gently, give way to the song within, and slowly reveal the flower as yet budding in the deepest interior of our core.

Slowly yet gradually you will bloom into that flower that spreads the fragrance of love, that the world so desperately needs to smell.

You are one of the ancient souls which has seasoned through the numerous hard times of turmoils. Do not doubt your mission here. We need you, in all of your strength and lack-of-glory.

We need you, fearless, indomitable soul to continue your song for all those who have forgotten they have a voice.

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Dear Empath, we need you.
Dear Empath, We Need You

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