Chronic Negativity: How it Poisons Your Mind, Body, and Soul


Chronic Negativity Mind Body Soul

Do you often feel mentally and physically tired? What if you are going through chronic negativity and not aware of it?

Complaints are tolerable as long as they hear logic. So are tragedies.

A lot of people around us have the habit of complaining about each and everything or keep on telling people their tragic life stories.

โ€˜Why did the computer crash at this hour?โ€™

โ€˜Why thereโ€™s so much of traffic?โ€™

โ€˜Why has the restaurant stopped offering that special breakfast menu?โ€™

โ€˜Why did he lie to me?โ€™

โ€˜Why is she wearing that short skirt? Is she trying to seduce my boyfriend?โ€™

Life is not always fair and some of them might have faced tragic circumstances more than us for which we arenโ€™t even responsible.

Itโ€™s our responsibility to be with those who have suffered.

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However, too much of negativity is detrimental to our psychological and physiological health.

Whatโ€™s too much negativity?

Some particular tragic incident is negative. But, negativity becomes chronic when a person keeps on pointing at the negative side of anything that happens.

There can be traffic on the road because itโ€™s a part and parcel of life. People do lie. People break-up and move on. Human beings are governed by the seven deadly sins.

We can’t control anyone but ourselves. However, complaining or groaning or bitching about everything doesnโ€™t help in creating positivity.

When one bitch about someone, only the negative sides are highlighted. In our struggle for survival of the fittest, when we see the people around us finding negativity everywhere, we too get lost and disillusioned.

Negativity, like positivity, spreads fast like an infection. This pessimistic attitude can kill us.

A lot of researchers have been done by scientists which reveal how chronic negativity affect our health and might often lead to death.

Itโ€™s necessary for us to understand how this happens.

So, we have made a list that will guide you, throwing light on this dynamics of negativity.

(1) The immune system can be impaired:

Negativity can impair our immune system.

Let us for example, say, that you are going to work. You have a presentation to give and you need that perfect suit.

However, you canโ€™t find it and get angry, perhaps on your face or your partner. Instead of choosing another one, you waste your time contemplating why couldnโ€™t you find your suit and also saying something unpleasant.

This increases your stress. Your blood pressure gets increased. According to research, five minutes of anger can get your immune system impaired for six hours.

This gives a big blow to your health and your productivity gets affected too.

Related: The 7 Physical Signs of Extreme Sadness

(2) A lot of health problems can get triggered:

You have a deadline to finish. Instead of working, you are more scared of the outcome. There might be problems which you encounter while you work.

These problems make you anticipate that you canโ€™t finish your work on time and your boss will have a negative impression of you.

You keep on worrying will you be able to finish it or not. This is more likely to trigger a headache.

Negative emotions like anger, anxiety, and others can trigger mild health issues like headaches or might cause a heart attack. Prolonged periods of stress can affect the heart which will result in cardiac arrest.

According to Dr. Cynthia Thaik, heart attacks or strokes are caused because of stress and stress is the effect of nurturing negativity.

Related: 8 Powerful Steps To Positive Thinking

(3) The person is affected by cynicism:

When a person is always seeing negative traits in everyone, they start losing trust in others. Too much distrust causes cynicism!

In 2014, the journal called Neurology published a report which stated that people who were cynical had a greater risk of dementia in their old age as compared to those who trusted people.

Chronic negativity can reign havoc in our brains resulting in such unwanted complications in our lives.

Nurturing negativity brings negativity in our lives. Dr. Elaine Hatfield, who is a psychologist, has done extensive research on this issue.

According to the findings of the research, when human beings interact with each other, they are influenced by each otherโ€™s habits like body movements, gestures, expressions.

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Most importantly, they are highly affected by their line of thoughts. Suppose you are a group of five people. Three of your colleagues are extremely pessimistic.

You meet them every day and get to hear the negative aspects of the day. Slowly, you start believing in these negative aspects and develop more negativity of your own.

This, in turn, leads to health problems and eventually might become fatal.

Negativity can never bring good. It disturbs us and only welcomes more negativity. Worrying about anything will not change the outcome.

We need to be strong and accept things in the way they come. We need to be confident of ourselves and if our peers are negative, we should snap them out of it.

Instead of picking up their negativity, we should try to suppress them and stay healthy.

Chronic Negativity This is How it Poisons Your Body, Soul and Mind
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Chronic Negativity: How It Poisons Your Mind, Body, And Soul

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