Being An Empath: Unfolding the Higher Paradigm


You can know if you are an Indigo person by evaluating yourself under the following signs

Being an empath has its benefits, but it also has its own share of troubles. And if you do not work to get rid of them, it will take a toll on you. 

Being a sensitive person in a highly desensitized world can be worrisome at times as one tends to absorb energies which are not our own and get conditioned to believe ourselves to be a certain way … fueling the ego even more.

There are many a pitfall on the spiritual path of awareness … for one, the idea of having acquired knowledge or enlightenment of some kind without having lived through the hellish realms of dark despair and grief brings one back to similar learning experiences we thought we had once mastered.

Once we realize we are sensitive to energies (some call us HSP, a Highly Sensitive Person) we become more aware of the present moment, more in touch with reality without being affected by our fears and paranoia about the past and the future. Experiencing increased synchronicity and the cessation of worry are signs of an awakening brewing within our being. We can quickly be drawn into the world of illusions (Maya), getting sucked into self-created whirlpools of darkness and despair, while trying to gratify the hunger of our Ego.

For all empaths its imperative to let go of unnecessary baggage and mental clutter which keeps us from accessing our intuition and other extrasensory abilities. It’s one thing to theorize universal love … infinite consciousness …. oneness … to live it one has to experience all the shades of life …. from light to dark … dull to bright … all of it. If you consider yourself an empath and a lightworker … you know the energy and you know how to trans-mutate when the need arises.

Unfolding the Higher Paradigm

Imagine being able to feel and sense everything, whether positive or negative around you, 24/7. An Empath can’t turn off empathy (unlike someone who is perhaps ’empathizing’). It is possibly one of the most challenging of psychic gifts to master. I am an Empath who has spent nearly two decades, since awakening, mastering my empathic nature. It is an ongoing process. I am still not perfect and not sure that I ever will be whilst incarnated here. I am however content, despite the challenges of integration, as I see it as an incredible gift to humanity…

Empaths incarnate into this world without a manual. Some seem quite blessed in that they bring with them the memories of mastery from past lives. Even then, remembering is often a bumpy journey in itself. To add to the confusion, most Empaths cannot tell the difference between their own energy and someone else’s.

Something happened on my journey where I just ‘got’ the difference. It came from increased presence. There is a subtle vibrational difference that we can discern when we are fully present. Constantly attaining presence within spiritual evolution is a very important key to mastering empathic gifts that I cannot over-emphasize.

Want to know more about being an empath? Read The 5 Powers Of Empaths

Everything is Energy

Everything is energy, pulsating particular vibrations. Since an Empath feels the energy, just like a living person breaths air, it is understandable why a few issues might arise as an earth-incarnated-being. Humanity (apart from perhaps indigenous cultures), is one big confusing energetic vibrational mess! The modern world is a melting pot of fractured and frantic energies: for example, loaded emotional projection, hidden agendas (whether personal or global), wi-fi, mobile phone radiation, electric gadget emissions, multi-media marketing designed to allure and captivate, highly processed foods, TV, the thudding din of consumerism… the list goes on and on.

Empaths will feel the energy in the field, feel the energy of conversation, feel body language, feel words used (or not used) without intellectual interpretation. They will intuitively know what energy is ‘really’ about despite what is conveyed on the surface. They will also know what a person is really saying, no matter what words are being offered.

Because of the tendency for people to hide the full story, or try to control the situation, an empath will tend to feel a huge inner conflict or inability to process the enormity of the engagement.

One of the main problems for Empaths is the lack of transparency and honesty in the world and the consequent resentment of having to process all the energy that is not in full view. Of course, lots of these sensitive beings struggle also with things that are in full view too.

“Make it go away!!!”

Most people who have this trait do not see it as a gift. I would more often expect to hear the pleading cries to make it stop. Initially, it often involves being so overwhelmed with feeling energy that it is challenging to function in an ordinary sense. Empaths often come across as over-emotional, at times others become emotionally detached in order to cope. It wouldn’t be unusual that they might just ‘freak out’, without apparent cause. They often prefer their own company and don’t like to build many personal relationships.
In my early days, I used to cry out to the universe

“I don’t want to feel all this energy – it’s not mine”…
the universe would always reply that it is a gift.
“How on earth is this a gift!!!”

I often found it difficult to get close to people in a personal ‘every day’ sense. It would drive me nuts, so I would prefer independence or distance. Independence and contentment with only a couple of close friends still feel very natural to me. In a way, it’s a saving grace.

A powerful impetus to sort it out.

The initial overwhelming intensity served a wonderful purpose for me. It evoked a powerful yearning to master my unique configuration here as an earth-being. It created the impetus for me to come to terms with my natural born empath traits and master them, eventually finding a high altitude of peace and functionality with it all.

The importance of releasing emotional attachment

Releasing emotional attachment is the main key to mastery. Most Empaths suffer needlessly because they cannot release their personal emotional attachment to feelings. If we let go of attachment, it doesn’t mean we won’t feel. It just means that we don’t get tangled in the feeling anymore. It means we can watch as things happen and really discern that ‘that isn’t us’, ‘that isn’t our own feeling’ and really begin to embrace when we are DIVINELY GIVEN to take action or not.

For me, this involved years of becoming consciously aware and centered. Once I started coming from a centered place of presence, I began to discern what I was meant to do, releasing emotional attachment to both that which is not meant for me and that which was.

This is a very powerful factor as it means that we can still feel the energy empathically, but it doesn’t bother us adversely any more. We are able to act of infinitely more divine service when we are not attached emotionally. In fact, unless we come from this place, we would tend to make a situation worse, not better. That’s the bottom line. It means we feel the energy with the deepest compassion, yet we can truly hold the space for another. In so doing, we reflect the light of benevolence, allowing true healing to take place.

Looking to know more about how you can protect yourself as an empath? Read 10 Strategies To Protect Your Energy As An Empath

Finding inner peace and stability

Daily centering, meditation practice, yoga, compassionate eating, conscious lifestyle, conscious choices that cleanse our energy field, and promote centredness will all help big time!

Being in nature serves to recentre and recharge depleted energies. Spending regular time in solitude away from idle chatter and drama can be invaluable. I would say that making sure that a bare minimum of half an hour per day consciously looking after yourself is crucial.

The more the better. The above is very important. There may also be many other ways, such as swimming in the ocean, hill walking, having a bath with oils or salt, giving yourself a foot massage, listening to your favorite music, playing an instrument, conscious bodywork or massage… basically, whatever it is that helps you maintain balance and build up your sense of inner peace and stability.

Another important key is ownership. If you have the trait, then to deny it just makes it worse and ensures that our spiritual evolution is dysfunctional. Our evolution will happen when we embrace our unique configuration. So we need to be 100% honest with ourselves and know that it will get much easier the more and more present with becoming with it. The only way out is through.

Without these practices, it is very difficult (I am not sure if it is even possible) to master being an empath here. So if the motivation is a little lacking, JUST DO IT anyway until you find a rhythm to your daily life that you see working.

Looking to know more about how empaths function? Read 27 Traits Of An Empath

A true gift of benevolence

So whether you are an empath or you know one personally, hopefully, this is helpful in some way.

I truly believe that the challenges as highlighted are there to help us refine and alchemically transform this true gift of benevolence. The gifts of empathy have the power to really make a difference in this world. This is what most people who feel the call of Divine Service long for, to be able to help others in a life-changing way.

An evolved Empath has the natural ability to connect on a soul level, helping to release blocked energy with another. An Empath, if given, can also release coagulated energy within the field at large, discerning between what is benevolent and what is not.

Since everything oscillates a frequency that can inadvertently influence everything around it, then a truly benevolent Empath realigning the energy field can help make a huge difference in terms of spiritual evolution.

Whether an Empath not, if we can all work together with our gifts we can allow this higher paradigm to unfold together.

If you want to know more about how an empath can take care of themselves, then check this video out below:

Soul to Soul

Source: Being an Empath – Openhand Foundation

Being An Empath
Being An Empath Unfolding the Higher Paradigm pin
Being An Empath: Unfolding The Higher Paradigm

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