Top 10 Bad Habits You Need To Stay Away From


Bad Habits

Bad habits are like slow poisons killing you slowly and you don’t realize it until you hit the rock bottom. Bad habits are hard to break – if not impossible! The sooner you know and try to stay away from those habits, the better you can be at work, life and relationships.

Good habits are hard to develop but easy to live with; bad habits are easy to develop but hard to live with. The habits you have and the habits that have you will determine almost everything you achieve or fail to achieve.  –   Brian Tracy

If you want to become the person you always wanted to be, then here is a list of bad habits that you need to get rid of as soon as possible. If you don’t have any of these habits, then kudos to you! But, make sure you never develop them

1. Waiting for the right time

Chuck it! There is nothing called the right time! If nothing seems right then make the time right! If you have decided to start blogging, then this very moment is the right time for you. 

What are you waiting for? Excuses? Resources? Hurdles? 

โ€œDo not wait: the time will never be โ€˜just rightโ€™. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.โ€โ€• Napoleon Hill

I think the above quote sums up everything. Get started now!

Related: How To Get Rid Of Bad Habits Using Psychology: 9 Science-Backed Ways

2. Using cellphones in bed

Using smartphones, laptops, tablets before bed can really mess up your sleep. The Short-wavelength blue light emitted from these devices can halt the production of melatonin – the sleep-inducing hormone. Hence, you remain alert till late at night and that disturbs your circadian rhythm.  Over time it may lead to insomnia. And morning sleepiness can screw your productivity. 

The simple solution is to wrap your work at least one hour before going to sleep and switch off your phone – so that multiple social media notifications donโ€™t wake you up.

3. Saying YES

say no
Top 10 Bad Habits You Need To Stay Away From

โ€œYES MANโ€ will end up with stress, guilt, and unhappiness! How can you say yes to everything? Is it possible for you to attend movies, parties, holiday trips all the time? Can you be happy doing an extra shift without pay? The answers are “No”. How long can you sit and enjoy yourself with people you donโ€™t like? You too have your own priorities. It’s time to only focus on them. Start saying โ€œNOโ€ and be happy. 

4. Comparing yourself to others

Did you ever get pleasure comparing your career, looks, spouse, salary, wealth to others? All you get is envy and frustration! Comparisons can never get you peace. You too will agree on it, right? Donโ€™t seek validation! If you are getting pleasure and satisfaction from your work, then you are on the right path.

If everyone has to become Einstein who will become an actor, doctor, comedian? Everyone has a unique story that is the source of their creativity, power, and personality!

โ€œComparison is an act of violence against the self.โ€ Iyanla Vanzant

5. Being late

Stop going to bed late and hitting that snooze button in the morning! It doesnโ€™t provide you with a sound sleep. Right? You wake up late, skip breakfast, and get in the bad books of people at work or events. How many times will you say sorry?

Thatโ€™s the worst way to start your day because you are going to be unproductive and disorganized throughout the day. And, then sleep at night with โ€œI am never good enoughโ€ thoughts. 

Related: 9 Relationship Habits That Are More Harmful Than Cheating

6. Multi-tasking during meetings

Oh, itโ€™s soooooo cool!!! Is that what you think? Isnโ€™t it rude to talk over the phone with your spouse while you are in the middle of a new business deal? Or checking a smartphone while you are on a date? Doing multiple things at a time only leads to messing up several things at once as you cannot give your proper attention to one thing.

Not only multitasking creates a bad impression, but signals you are more important to you than anything or anyone else. Also, more tasks mean more mistakes. Multitasking shrinks your brain and lowers your IQ and reduces productivity by 40%.

Multitasking is one of the bad habits that if you quit will take your productivity and efficiency to the next level. Get More Done–One Thing at a Time. 

Related: Our Brains on Smartphones, (Un)social media, and Our Mental Health

7. Poor money management

Do you know the unexpected effects of ignoring financial health? Lavish spending and too many loans increase debt, lower savings. And, creates financial stress that is equivalent to symptoms of PTSD according to the new payoff study.

High-stress levels can increase the risk of heart attack by 25% besides influencing mood, appetite, job performance, relationships, and mental health. Seek financial advice! Live a better quality of life!

8. Being in toxic relationships

being in toxic relationship is bad habit
Top 10 Bad Habits You Need To Stay Away From

Do you have a nasty neighbor getting on your nerves? Or a jealous coworker messing with your important projects? a friend who never appreciates you? Are you in a loveless relationship?

Well, toxic people are unavoidable! They are always there, everywhere! There are two choices: Either waste your energy thinking about them all the time or focus on positive people in your life. 

The good news is being with positive and grateful people has myriad benefits including – low stress, improved psychological and physical wellbeing, personal and professional growth, high confidence, and an increase in happiness. 

Related: 10 Secret Areas Where You Store Stress In Your Body

9. Poor stress management

Top 10 Bad Habits You Need To Stay Away From

Most of us ignore stress until it starts interfering with our day-to-day activities. Some common symptoms are –

  • Inability to concentrate
  • Poor judgement
  • Aches and pains
  • Irritability/anger
  • Nervous habits like nail biting
  • Loss of sex drive 

If left unaddressed stress can cause serious health physical health problems (like heart diseases, stroke), mental health problems (such as depression, anxiety), and psychological problems. Find out what is stressful for you and work on it! 

Some daily rituals that most successful people in the world do on a daily basis to de-stress themselves are –

  • Set up boundaries
  • Engage in meditation, yoga, reflective journaling, relaxation exercises, reading books
  • Work according to their to-do list 
  • Achieve set goals 
  • Good sleep
  • Spend time with loved ones 
  • Play sports or indulge in active hobbies like fishing 

Related: 6 Amazing Spices And Herbs That Will Help Improve Your Brain Health

10. Sedentary behaviourย 

Binge-watching Netflix, spending more than 8-10 hours sitting, playing video games, eating fast food, lying down on the bed to read or write are all examples of sedentary behavior

Physical inactivity is a global public health problem and a leading cause of death according to the World Health Organization. Stop being a couch potato. A sedentary lifestyle will put you at risk of developing several health problems. Get moving.

How to fix a sedentary lifestyle?

Prepare your own meals instead of buying fast food and add more fruits and vegetables to your diet

Brisk walking – โ€œThirty minutes a day is where we see great health benefits,โ€ says Rick Richey, a master instructor with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

You can also:

  • Run 30 minutes daily
  • Use stairs more than the elevator 
  • Take breaks between work
  • Stand more 
  • Spend more time doing household chores
  • Walk while talking over the phone 

What other bad habits do you have? Are you staying away from them? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

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Top 10 Bad Habits You Need To Stay Away From
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Top 10 Bad Habits You Need To Stay Away From
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Top 10 Bad Habits You Need To Stay Away From

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