10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You’re Meant To Be


Signs Becoming Person Youre Meant To Be

Are you in the quest to become the person you’re meant to be? Then how to ensure you become that person?

Here’re are some uncomfortable signs to watch out:

1. You do everything by yourself and feel isolated from others.

The more mature you are, the more you can handle everything by yourself and it feels like you don’t want to be anyone’s burden. You’ve even always said, “I’ve got this,” to those who are sincerely willing to help you. More often than not, you feel lonely and isolated, but you feel proud of yourself on being strong and independent at the same time.

Related: This Is What Happens When You Fall In Love with Your Life Instead Of a Person

2. You realize that you have some issues with yourself.

You know exactly that you have issues to overcome; whether it’s about your anxiety, mood swings, trust issues, or her issues that disturb your well-being. You will acknowledge when, how, and in what condition those issues will appear and you’ll give your best efforts to overcome them.

Related: The False Self vs The Real Self

3. You have a strong desire to cut off some unnecessary relationships.

As time goes by, you will feel that you have a lot of acquaintances, but few friends. You begin to question your relationships with other people; you start to realize who’s real and who’s not, who wants to stay or vice versa. You’ll feel disappointed, guilty, and sad towards losing some friends that you loved, but you’re brave enough to leave the relationships which were toxic and emotionally abused your inner self.

4. It’s hard for you to trust people.

Not only because you’re being selective about your friends, but also because you won’t easily buy people’s bullshit. You’ve been disappointed a lot of times by betrayals and broken promises; you know exactly how the real world works. But, once you believe in some people, you will be loyal to them and you will do anything to maintain that relationship.

5. You always feel that your life is boring.

It’s hard for you to feel satisfied with your life; there’s always something more you would like to achieve. The same routines and work will bore you to death and you’ll always be thinking, “What’s next?” which makes you always want to strive more. Moreover, your life is “boring” because you have less unnecessary drama in your life- which is something to be proud of.

6. You are too familiar with the feeling of sadness.

10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You’re Meant To Be

For you, life has no sugar coats; there are days when you feel hopeful, but there are also times when you feel like you’re at the lowest point of your life. You are able to accept the broken hearts, failures, disappointment, and the feeling of sadness. You acknowledge that life is not always about being happy. But even though you feel the pain, you are able to bounce back again and realize that there were lessons from everything that happened.

7. You always feel like you’re running out of time.

More often than not, you feel that 24 hours a day are not enough. You barely have enough sleep and you always find yourself in busy situations. It’s a struggle for you to spare time for yourself and your loved ones. There will always be something you have to do and sometimes you are too hard on yourself in doing things. This means that you have a strong determination to be successful.

8. You regret the mistakes you’ve made in the past.

It’s easy for you to blame yourself for any mistakes that you made in the past. You acknowledge that you’ve made some bad decisions and sometimes you want everything to go back to how it used to be. But, you realize that regret will take you nowhere and the only thing that you can do is to not repeat the same mistakes you’ve done.

Related: 15 Things You No Longer Have To Apologize For

9. You always miss your childhood, family, and your loved ones.

Growing up sucks and you always find yourself looking back to your old life when everything was according to its place. You live on your own and being separated with your family and loved ones is not easy at all. But, deep down inside you don’t want to give up; you’re fully aware that all the struggles and success will be the best gift for all the people that you love.

Related: 16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Indicate You Are on the Right Track

10. You feel lost, confused, and anxious about your future.

You appear to be bold and strong, but most of the time you feel extremely insecure about your own life. You’ve always questioned yourself regarding what you really need and what your life purpose is. You don’t exactly know how life supposed to be, simply because many unexpected things happen. But, despite all the confusion and fears, you can manage yourself to always finish your responsibilities and work. At the end of the day, you always take things one day at a time and you fully understand that everything will happen according to your own time zone.

Could you relate to these 10 uncomfortable signs you’re becoming the person you’re meant to be? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Watch this video to know how to be the best version of yourself:

Written by Rayi Noormega
Printed with permission from the author
This article originally appeared on Thought Catalog

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10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You’re Meant To Be

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  1. Shakur Avatar

    Great article … Thank you so much.

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