15 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love with Your Life


Things When You Fall In Love with Your Life

What it is to fall in love with your life?

โ€œThe most adventurous journey to embark on; is the journey to yourself, the most exciting thing to discover; is who you really are, the most treasured pieces that you can find; are all the pieces of you, the most special portrait you can recognize; is the portrait of your soul.โ€ โ€” C. JoyBell C

Here’re 15 things that happen when you fall in love with your life:

1) You start loving yourself and the art of doing so in a slow and beautiful manner:

Youโ€™re Enough When You Start Loving Yourself
15 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love With Your Life

Falling in love with oneself is a hard task. This complicated roller coaster emotion can be quite a handful. Your life shifts from loving a person to learning to value your own life and mind. It is okay for you to put yourself first and you are the only one that determines your happiness.

Related: To the One Who Needs to Fall Back in Love with the Self

2) Relationships are not what you are looking for and you feel fine without one in your life:

You are realizing that your happiness is dependent on certain other things and you are not looking to explore if the other person is romantically inclined towards you. Your experiences and passion are now more important to you.

3) You are in awe of your own achievements:

You fall in love with your own life and accomplishments and value yourself more. Your achievements matter more than anything else.

4) You are in awe of nature and the space outside the home:

The world around you has a lot of value in your life. You love being around just soaking the beauty of the world.

Related: 12 Tips To Self-Love And Compassion

5) You feel thankful and fulfilled by relationships around you and love your day to day existence:

You feel complete about the people around you and the experiences you have rather than to seek romantic love or other benefits. Platonic beauty appeals more to your senses.

6) You pray often and feel humble at what you have got from life:

Life surprises you with all its wonders. You pray and are thankful for the blessings you have been given. You often rely on faith to help you pass through life.

7) You travel widely and explore things that make you happy and passionate:

You find the time to see the fire in things around you. The things that inspire you and satisfy you. Your life becomes more satisfying and complete. Travel takes up a bulk of your time.

8) You value the relationships that you already have instead of those that you donโ€™t:

Romantic relationships are not the only things that affect life. When you are focused on other relationships that are seldom romantic, you learn to value life more.

9) You become more in tune with your wants and needs:

If you fall in love with your life, you can focus on your goals and pursue them relentlessly. You can discover the focus of life and create a well-designed plan in the future.

Related: I Will Fall In Love Again, And This Time It Wonโ€™t Be With You

10) You live selfishly and happily:

When you are in love with your life, you try and squeeze every bit of the moments dry! You travel to new places, try new foods, and explore. This could be for truly living life king size!

11) You shift your focus to aspects important in life:

Your priorities shift to your career and future, hobbies, and finances rather than being in a relationship.

12) You donโ€™t wish anymore, but do things instead:

Wishful thinking is a thing of the past and your life revolves around doing things and actionable intents. You rather finish what you have than wish for things to change.

13) You are always striving for better:

Excelling becomes your second nature when you fall in love with your life. Also, you continue doing well to feel good about oneself is an art.

Related: 30 Things To Do Instead Of Falling Back In Love

14) Appreciating little things is an art:

The things that were once overlooked now become the central focus and are integral in life.

15) You value the advice given rather than giving it yourself:

You believe that advice taken is better than given and it means a lot in your life to listen and adjust.

Did you fall in love with your life? Could you relate to the article? Let me know in the comments.ย 

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15 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love With Your Life

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