8 Things That Couples In Healthy Relationships Should Never Say


things that couples should never say

Despite loving our partners, we often say some negative things to them out of anger and in the heat of the moment. Although you might not mean what you say, there are certain toxic phrases that you should never say, as they can be dangerous and completely destroy your relationship. No matter how bad of a fight you might be having, never say things that will affect your relationship adversely.

โ€œSticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.โ€

While words may not be able to cause physical harm, they can damage the spirit and have long-lasting effects. In many cases, the cumulative effects of hurtful words can cause more harm than physical pain.

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My wife and I have had a fair number of arguments in the time weโ€™ve been married. Sometimes, in our anger and frustration, we throw words at each other that we donโ€™t really mean. And while we soon forget what we were arguing about, the feelings of pain and betrayal caused by the words tend to stick with us much longer. Sometimes for years.

“Without communication, there is no relationship. Without respect, there is no love. Without trust, thereโ€™s no reason to continue.”

These words, like a toxin, tend to eat away at the trust and intimacy that are at the core of our relationship.

Here Are 8 Things That Couples In Healthy Relationships Should Never Say

Toxic Phrase 1. โ€œIf You Feel That Way, Maybe We Should Get A Divorce.โ€

Otherwise known as: โ€œWeโ€™re only sticking together for the kids.โ€, โ€œIโ€™m just biding my time.โ€

Several years ago, my wife (then fiancรฉ) and I had the opportunity to visit some friends of mine out of town. While having dinner at this young coupleโ€™s home, we witnessed an argument between them. I donโ€™t remember who, but one of them said these fatal words: โ€œIf you feel that way, maybe we should get a divorce.โ€

I cringed inside because my fiancรฉ and I had already agreed to never use the โ€œD-wordโ€ to threaten each other because we understood how these words could threaten the sense of trust and security in our marriage.

A few years later, the wife divorced her husband.

Words like these are often used in the heat of an argument, and the person saying it usually doesnโ€™t actually want a divorce. More often, they are trying to express frustration over their inability to resolve a particular conflict.

But having an unresolved conflict (or two or three) doesnโ€™t make you incompatible. Marriage is made up of two individuals who each bring their own values, ideas, and ways of doing things. Many conflicts involving these differences will never be resolved. Compromise or agreeing to disagree may be the only resolution you can reach on some of these issues.

Rather than feeling that these differences and the conflicts they cause make you incompatible, try to understand where your spouse is coming from and why they feel the way they do. You might try saying something like this:

Iโ€™m feeling hurt, angry, or abandoned and I am struggling with wanting to be near you. I love you but I need some space. Iโ€™ll come to find you when I cool down.

never say toxic things
Never Say Toxic Things No Matter What The Problem Is

Toxic Phrase 2. โ€œI Hate You.โ€

Otherwise known as: โ€œI donโ€™t love you anymore.โ€

I remember when my wife said this to me during a heated argument. I didnโ€™t believe for a second that she actually meant it, but it still shocked me to the core. She soon apologized and reassured me of her love. But until she did, I was a complete wreck. I was hurt and angry that she could let those words slip, even in anger.

The good news is that once she apologized and made amends, those feelings were immediately replaced with relief and gratitude.

“Every good relationship, especially marriage, is based on respect. If it’s not based on respect, nothing that appears to be good will last very long.” – Amy Grant

Toxic Phrase 3. โ€œThatโ€™s Stupid.โ€

Otherwise known as: โ€œYouโ€™re being irrational.โ€

My spouse and I donโ€™t always see things the same way. Sometimes, I do something that seems irrational to her but makes complete sense to me. Or sheโ€™ll do something that doesnโ€™t make sense to me, but to her, it makes perfect sense.

This is because we each bring different perspectives and values into our relationship. It always works out better when we work to understand each otherโ€™s viewpoints rather than rushing to judgment or taking offense.

Related: 5 Red Flags To Never Ignore If You Want A Healthy Relationship

Toxic Phrase 4. โ€œOf Course A Man/Woman Would Think That!โ€

Otherwise known as: โ€œStick to womanโ€™s businessโ€, โ€œThis is a manโ€™s jobโ€

Sometimes differences in the way we think do cause conflicts. Other times, thereโ€™s an issue thatโ€™s been stewing for a long time and it finally boils over. Or one of us has been having a hard day that has nothing to do with each other, but we take it out on each other.

Empathy allows us to see past emotional blow-ups and work as a team to resolve the problem or offer reassurance.

“Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.” – Mohsin Hamid

Toxic Phrase 5. โ€œI Donโ€™t Want To Talk About It.โ€

At times we need a break from an argument to cool down. But when we completely refuse to address an issue in our marriage, it causes resentment and bitterness. Bad feelings and thoughts can boil around inside for a long time. The longer we allow these thoughts to continue, the more they sink into our subconscious perceptions of each other. This affects all of our future interactions.

Instead, a better way to approach it is this:

Iโ€™m not ready to talk about this right now. Let me take some time to cool off and think about it, then weโ€™ll talk.

Want to know more about what you should never say to your partner? Check this video out below!

Things you should never say to your partner

Toxic Phrase 6. โ€œYouโ€™re Just Like Your Mom/Dad.โ€

Iโ€™ve never said this to my wife, but Iโ€™ve thought it. And it was never while I was in a charitable mood. Itโ€™s much better to address the actual problem, rather than using some vague hint or insult.

“Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others.” – Wayne Dyer

Toxic Phrase 7. โ€œGet Off My Case!โ€

Otherwise known as: โ€œStop nagging me.โ€

If my wife gets on my case about something, itโ€™s because thereโ€™s something that needs to be resolved. Telling her to stop nagging me has never been a good move.

Instead, I usually apologize and try to change my behavior. Iโ€™ve even asked her to keep reminding me because changing lifelong habits isnโ€™t easy.

Related: 10 โ€˜Lizard Brainโ€™ Actions That Poison Intimate Relationships

Toxic Phrase 8. โ€œJust Relax!โ€

Otherwise known as: โ€œStop thinking about it.โ€

When my wife is upset, telling her to relax is less than helpful. If should, she would have already.

She appreciates it when I ask her to tell me about whatโ€™s bothering her, and reassure her as best I can. Knowing I support and empathize with her is a much better way to help her relax.

“Relationships, marriages are ruined where one person continues to learn, develop and grow and the other person stands still.” – Catherine Pulsifer

While these 8 toxic phrases can cause a lot of harm to a relationship, there is good news if youโ€™ve already used these. Studies by the Gottman Institute show that healthy couples tend to have 5 positive interactions for every negative interaction. The antidote to using these phrases is to be intentional about creating positive, uplifting moments between you and your spouse.

A sincere apology, a warm hug, affirming words, and doing something fun together can go a long way to restoring friendship and intimacy.

Written by Daniel Robertson
Originally appeared in The Goodmen Project
never say
8 Things That Couples In Healthy Relationships Should Never Say
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8 Things That Couples In Healthy Relationships Should Never Say

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