8 Signs You’re A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy


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8 Signs You're A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy

These signs will tell you that you’re a highly intuitive empath sensitive to energy.

โ€œOur bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. But not to be overlooked are the senses of our souls: intuition, peace, foresight, trust, empathy. The differences between people lie in their use of these senses; most people don’t know anything about the inner senses while a few people rely on them just as they rely on their physical senses, and in fact probably even more.โ€โ€• C. JoyBell C.

Our universe runs on waves of endless frequencies. Everything that we see, do or feel vibrates creating energies around them. People who are sensitive or are empaths can sense these energies and be highly intuitive.

A number of times, we doubt ourselves or feel that something is happening out of mere coincidence. The truth is, often we fail to understand that we are probably more intuitive than others.

 Empath Sensitive To Energy
8 Signs You’Re A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy

Here are 8 signs for you to help you discover if you are highly intuitive and also sensitive to energy. 

1. You donโ€™t like loud noises or crowd:

You might feel as an introvert because of disliking the crowd but itโ€™s just more than it. There could be a dislike for loud noises too; might hate gatherings or anything which includes too many people or too much of noise.

The reason is, in these areas, you are exposed to too many frequencies. Since you are a highly intuitive empath, you can feel these frequencies and too many of them leave you confused and you might even get scared too. Take a deep breath and relax. You just need to tame your intuitive powers.

2. You donโ€™t have dreams, you have visions:

Your dreams have meanings and you see them because they are connected to your life. Itโ€™s not just a coincidence. Itโ€™s your intuitive energy which can sense the energy of something you will be facing in the future; this detection of energy manifests in your dreams and it becomes a vision.

Read Develop Empath Intuition

3. You simply ‘Know’ things before they happen :

You donโ€™t even need to dream always to see the future, somehow just seem to ‘know’ that it will happen in future. Since you are empath with high intuition, understanding the energies of this universe is your forte. Connecting with these energies giving you the gut feelings.

4. You know if the other person is lying:

You can easily understand others, not by their words but by their gestures, their frequencies and never need a proof to catch a liar. In spite of knowing the fact, that the other person is lying, you donโ€™t always disclose it.

5. You connect only with a few people:

You talk to a lot of people but there are very few people with whom you can get that special soul connection. They know you for a long time, they understand you.

You would not get close to anyone who gives negative energies. You are most comfortable with the ones with whom you feel this soul bonding.

6. People come to you to find peace:

Most people come to you to get relief from their personal problems. Even if you canโ€™t solve their issues, they feel better after talking to you, spending time with you. They get strength from your positive energy.

Read 25 Signs Youโ€™re A Highly Sensitive Person

7. You are extremely sensitive:

Be it light, sound, smell, touch or anything related to our senses, you get affected by them. You can feel their energies.

Some colors make you happy while others ruin your mood. You can feel the positivity or a negativity of a surrounding just by feeling its ambience.

8. You seek solitude often to recharge yourself:

You need to recharge yourself a lot and you yourself can do that. Itโ€™s by spending time with yourself that you can revive your inner strength so that you can go out saving the world.

If you are a highly intuitive empath, feel blessed to be one. Take care of yourself while you are busy taking care of the universe.

8 Signs You're A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy
8 Signs You’Re A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy

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  1. Tana Miller Avatar
    Tana Miller

    For years I have been tormented by deep urges to be places where family or perfect strangers needed help long distances. I would suddenly just jump up and either fly or get in my car as if the journey was predestined and already mapped out for me. When I would arrive I may not even know where to go but this signal is so strong and all knowing itโ€™s as if the car is on autopilot and I miraculously find loved ones in remote locations, motels that Iโ€™ve never been to nor would anyone nor (myself) think to go to?
    My Dad and Grandmother (extremely strong connection between us) went through a flood and I told my husband (now ex husband because he couldnโ€™t understand me) I donโ€™t know why but I think something is terribly wrong and he would say โ€œIโ€™m not about to stop you because when you get something in your head thereโ€™s no stopping you) I got a ticket from Houston to TN. They lived in a very rural part of the country in which I had never visited and rented a mini-van (not realizing it would be very important later) and looked on a map for their town, address and drove and drove. When I arrived the town was decimated, declared a federal disaster area. Then I walked and walked until I got to what address I remembered it being from previous conversations. Drudged through muck, streets closed and made my way navigating purely on adrenaline and this instinct that was so powerful. The cabin (on the Cumberland River) was completely under water and the water level made it 32โ€™ to the upper house almost to the 2nd floor. Seeing no one there and no bodies to speak of but about 6โ€™ of sludge I got back in the car and some divine intervention once again was driving me down the street and looking for them I pulled down an alley that didnโ€™t even look like there would be anything miraculously finding a motel with their car!!! When I tell you nobody would have found this place even with a map I donโ€™t think this was coincidence I didnโ€™t know what room they were in and in spite of that I walked straight to their door which was ajar and found my grandmother on the floor alone. Got her to bed, comforted her checked her thoroughly and then back to the car again driving to town to get supplies and find my father walking through the mud a wreck and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I spent the next several days helping them and othersโ€ฆ but this is just one of many events that when I get that feeling I try to follow always. I believe my daughter has this as well because I can also hear and โ€œfeelโ€ certain frequencies that nobody else but my daughter when I ask her to stand in certain spots or I am experiencing this vibration and tinnitus she can hear. I thought I was going a little crazy until I was told by the Cleveland clinic after sessions with their gastropsychologist asked me very specific questions about these hypersensitivityโ€™s. The doctor told me there was a correlation between hypersensitiveโ€™s and empaths and the gut-brain. When I say I felt it in my gut I really mean it . I internalized this sensitivity very much so much that it caused me to lose most of my intestines and then had to have an intestinal transplant.
    They also said that this sense that I would get when danger was near or far was crucial to the tribe back in the stone ages and that I could signal to others fairly quickly and accurately to prevent more harm or to catch more food. I felt as if it was a curse but Iโ€™m learning now that itโ€™s a mixed blessing in a way.

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