8 Reasons Why Living Alone Can Improve The Quality Of Your Life


Are you planning to be a singleton? This post explains why living alone can improve the quality of your life.

For the first time in history, great numbers of people โ€“ at all ages in all places, of every political persuasion โ€“ have begun settling down as singletons. ~ Eric Klinenberg

Whereas once solitary confinement was given to criminals as a punishment, these days more and more people are actually seeking it out.  The question we need to ask now is why?  What on earth for?


In our literature, any story of the complete isolation, either physical or psychological, of a man from his fellow man, such as the story of Robison Crusoe before he found a human footprint on the beach, is regarded as essentially a horror story. ~ David Potter

It was Austrian born economist Joseph Schumpeter who was one of the first people to predict the fall of the โ€œbourgeois familyโ€, and the rise in free-thinking men and women who would value their privacy and solitude above traditional family and societal structures.

We live in an age that French sociologist Emile Durkheim defines as the โ€œCult of the Individualโ€, a society that essentially revolved around โ€œIโ€ and โ€œmeโ€ and โ€œmyโ€ desires for freedom, flexibility and personal choice.  As German sociologists Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim point out:

For the first time in history the individual is becoming the basic unit of social reproduction.

Call it egocentric, or navel-gazing, but these days we have become our own gods in the sense that our lives revolve around โ€œmy careerโ€, โ€œmy happinessโ€, โ€œmy imageโ€, โ€œmy Facebook statusโ€, โ€œmy successโ€.  Our lives revolve around ourselves.  We no longer care about chivalrously living to serve the King, the people, the country, or the god.

Related: The Happiness Of Living Alone In 10+ Perfect Illustrations

In and of itself, the Cult of the Individual is not necessarily a bad phenomena โ€“ although it does have the potential to create many problems both within and without ourselves if we donโ€™t take time to sincerely invest in the happiness of others too.

A House Of My Own

Here are 8 benefits of living alone:

The positive side of this social shift from group to individual is that it gives us space to breathe, to look into ourselves, to do that which makes us happy and whole.  So if youโ€™re still wondering about how living alone can benefit you, read on.


Living alone provides the perfect solitary environment to discover more about ourselves โ€“ our strengths, weaknesses, desires, motivations, behavioral patterns โ€“ with little to no distractions.  Essentially, living alone gives us more time to focus on ourselves, assisting us in developing our introspective abilities that can ultimately better our lives, and the lives of others.

Related: To All The Single Ladies! Its Okay To Be Alone


Living alone gives you the ultimate freedom to wind down and relax, helping you to recover from your busy and intense work days.  This is especially useful for empathic and highly sensitive individuals who often carry the weight of the day in their bodies, often resulting in physical and mental illness if not remedied.  On the other hand, living in a house occupied with multiple people makes it very difficult to completely relax in peace and silence.


Living alone gives us the time and freedom to explore and work on our passions.  Most of the greatest writers, artists and musicians connected with their creative selves in Solitude as it provides the best environment to think, to dream and to create.


You can do what you want, when you want, where you want when you go solo.  You donโ€™t have the drain and pressure of having constant, tedious duties to fulfill, and you never have to walk on eggshells around other people.  This can be both a good and bad thing: while living with others can actually teach you beneficial life-skills, giving you first hand experience in โ€œhow to get alongโ€ with other people and how to compromise peacefully, it can also repress and hinder you from living a harmonious and enjoyable life.

Related: Being Single Beats Being Married, Claims Psychologist


We live in a highly networked, highly connected society that demands us to be present and engaged in the exterior world of gossip and news almost 24/7.  As Klinenberg pointed out โ€œitโ€™s hard not to see a relationship between the demand for constant connection, whether online or on the job, and the enormous increase in the amount of time we spend on our own.โ€


Whether with ourselves, a friend, a community or a cause, living alone gives us the gift of time, time that allows us to focus on what means the most to us, rather than superficially dividing and throwing around our attention here and there.


Solo dwelling creates a harmonious balance in our lives that allows us to enjoy and value the presence of other people more.  Itโ€™s human nature to take our friends, family and loved ones for granted.  Living alone, devoid of the presence of others, helps us to appreciate these people more when they are around.

Related: Stay Single Until You Find The Person Who Heals You


When living alone, we have no one to cook for us, clean for us, wash our smelly undies or grubby socks.  Itโ€™s completely up to us to take care of ourselves โ€“ because if we donโ€™t, no one else is bloody well going to.  When we realize with the first-hand experience that we can be self-sufficient, and we can take care of ourselves, we develop a lot more respect for ourselves.  This in turn enhances our sense of self-worth and self-esteem.


Living alone is a trend that is catching fire in our society, and spreading all throughout the world with amazing swiftness.  I would love to hear your personal experiences regarding living alone, what it means to you, and what impact it has made on your life.

Written By Aletheia Luna
Originally appeared on Loner Wolf and is republished here with a Creative Commons license.

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  1. V.Dwyer Avatar

    I was married for 35 years when my husband suddenly left me for his therapist. I was 63 at the time, had always lived with others, and was terrified to live alone, both because of companionship and daily tasks. It’s been a five year struggle, they married, but I’ve finally accepted it and found that I love living alone. All the points you’ve hit I have found true since being single. I would never want to share my little jewel box with anyone permanently again. For the first time in my long life, I feel free.
    Thank you for this article. Very interesting.

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