Why Smart People Don’t Take Revenge They Let KARMA Do The Work


Smart People Dont Take Revenge KARMA Do Work

Most people believe that they will feel better if they themselves work on getting the vengeance they feel they deserve. But when a strong person is betrayed by someone, they are well aware that they should sit back and let karma do its job. Why smart people don’t take revenge?

โ€œWeak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.โ€ โ€• Albert Einstein

Everything you do will always come back to you so thereโ€™s really no point wasting time on some elaborate plan for revenge.

Keep reading to find out why it’s always better to let Karma take care of things:

1) You will get that much more satisfaction when karma makes that person suffer

What goes around comes around so if someone is hurting others, theyโ€™ll feel the pain theyโ€™ve inflicted on others soon enough.

Your own plan for revenge might have its pitfalls and loopholes but karmaโ€™s aim is steady and accurate. When karma strikes, the person will feel all of the hurt theyโ€™ve ever caused in one go.

Youโ€™ll get a lot more satisfaction when you get to watch them bring themselves down without you having to lift a finger or get your hands dirty. It’s for that satisfaction that smart people don’t take revenge.

Sometimes, even when they deserve it, you will feel guilty about causing someone else pain but when the universe itself works to make them feel the pain of their wrongdoings, nothing else can be better.

Related: 7 Things You Donโ€™t Know About Karma

2) You wonโ€™t have to get your own hands dirty if you let karma do your work for you

It is never good to get your hands dirty for the sake of revenge. There are times when you can take vengeance on a person in a legal manner that is not too difficult.

But every action has a consequence and a price. On the other hand, karma comes with no strings attached and you wonโ€™t have to worry about doing anything illegal or wrong.

Getting vengeance isnโ€™t always a clean activity so karma doing it allows you to be guilt-free. You will be protecting yourself and your conscience wonโ€™t be wracked with doubt when you let karma do what it does best.

Those who have strength and power know that they could lose all that they have worked so hard to build if they make the smallest mistakes. Seeing your enemy suffer wonโ€™t be worth anything if you have nothing left for yourself. That’s why smart people don’t take revenge!

Related: 12 Little Known Laws of Karma (That Will Change Your Life)

3) There are always going to be wars that you cannot expect to win by yourself

Those who possess even a modicum of wisdom will be well aware that they canโ€™t expect to take on forces greater than them and have a chance of winning.

They know that if you bite off more than you can chew, you will only end up choking. People tend to carry around their need for vengeance and all the hatred and animosity that accompanies it in their hearts, wherever they go, and for a very long time.

But at the end of the day, this is more harmful to them than to the person they want to see punished. It takes a lot of time and effort to keep holding on to that anger and when there is so much to do in life, it is simply not worth it.

Those who have done wrong will get what is coming to them when the time is right. In the meantime, those who have been wronged will simply get stuck in a rut if they keep holding on to the past. You can only move on by letting go and moving forward, keeping the focus on your own life.

Related: 17 Fucks You Should Stop Giving โ€“ For all Women

4) You will have to pay the price for whatever act of vengeance you choose to commit

Though you may be able to get the vengeance you feel you deserve in a way that is legal and doesnโ€™t involve anything dirty, as mentioned earlier, every action comes with a price.

You canโ€™t predict that karma wonโ€™t come for you as well. You could have hidden your actions and kept them secret from every living soul but the universe is always watching and you cannot escape your own karma.

Even if no one else knows, you will be fully aware of your actions and they might end up haunting you and causing you more pain than what the person you took revenge on managed to inflict.

In a time when most of us are stuck in an endless cycle of birth and death with no hopes of breaking the cycle any time soon, strong people will always do their best to prevent any negative karma from accumulating.

It might feel good to get payback but understand that this feeling will only last for a short time. The ramifications of that action will be greater and will last much longer.

Related: 6 Signs That Say Youโ€™re Unfuckwithable

5) Your happiness is greater whatever plan youโ€™ve come up with to get revenge.

According to Eddie Vedder, the best revenge is to live on and prove yourself. Even Frank Sinatra said that the best revenge is a massive success.

Both of them, and many others were right in this regard. There is no better way to get the vengeance you desire than by letting go of those who have hurt you and just living your life in the fullest manner possible.

Those who have wronged you will be happy if they see you gnashing your teeth at them and working on your plan for revenge because it is proof that they have managed to get under your skin.

They thrive on the pleasure they get from watching your pain. Worse still, you might just let anger blind you and make some mistake which will only serve to make them happier.

It is so much better to shove all this aside and just continue working hard in order to be as successful as you can be. Toxic people will suffer more when they see your success and happiness than if you every deliberately try to get back at them.

Are you one of the those smart people who don’t take revenge?

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Smart People Don't Take Revenge
Why Smart People Don’T Take Revenge They Let Karma Take Care Of It
Smart People Dont Take Revenge KARMA Do Work Pin
Why Smart People Don’t Take Revenge They Let Karma Do The Work

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  1. Nikita Gudka Avatar
    Nikita Gudka

    I completely agree. Very powerful and well written.

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