5 Powerful Natural Antibiotics That Will Boost Your Immunity


natural antibiotics which boost immunity

These days with the growth of so many harmful bacteria, we have become a lot dependent on antibiotics to lead a healthy life. However, the antibiotics prepared by pharmaceutical companies come with a lot of side effects and often lower our immunity. Our natural world is full of medicinal herbs which can heal us easily. Many antibiotics are processed from natural sources and these natural antibiotics are reemerging as a viable solution over the pharmaceutical antibiotics.

These 5 natural antibiotics are easily available and we don’t need prescriptions to procure them!

1. Garlic

Garlic (also called the ‘stinking rose’) has been used for ages as one of the natural antibiotics, antiseptic, anti-infective, and anti-oxidant.

Grave-diggers of 18th century France drank wine with crushed garlic to ward off the plague. Soldiers wounded in wars were treated with garlic to prevent the growth of gangrene caused by a bacterial infection.

The healing properties of garlic have been proved by scientists

In a study published by Washington State University in 2022, it was discovered that a compound in garlic is 100 times more effective than the 2 antibiotics that are popularly used.

According to a study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, diallyl sulfide, a compound within garlic can penetrate the strong bio-layer of colonies of bacteria.

Compounds within garlic can destroy bacteria in a fraction of the time which is taken by antibiotics like ciprofloxacin.

Garlic is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds along with selenium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C, B6, and manganese, different kinds of natural sugars, including fructose, glucose, and insulin. Thiosulphinates such as allicin present within garlic aid in its anti-bacterial activity.

Make the best use of these properties of garlic by crushing it, eating it raw in warm tea, or in food that is lightly cooked.

Read: Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey – The Super Combination Helping To Fight Diabetes, Obesity, Indigestion

2.  Colloidal Silver

The use of colloidal silver as a natural remedy has been present since ancient times. Alfred Searle, founder of Searle Pharmaceutical Company found its ability to kill deadly pathogens.

Colloidal silver stimulates healing in skin and softer tissues and is extremely affecting in treating wounds. Extremely small silver colloids pick up infected cells in the eye by attracting them and then eliminate them through blood, thereby curing eye infections.

It is also used as anti-viral and anti-inflammatory, for treating sinusitis, cold, flu and pneumonia.

3.  Echinacea

Commonly known as the American coneflower, Echinacea has been used for ages to treat cold, flu, infections, indigestions, blood poisoning and other health problems.

It is composed of compounds that are anti-microbial in nature, which make the human immune system stronger and phenols which have anti-oxidant properties.

It can even destroy the deadly Staphylococcus aureus bacteria which causes MRSA.

4.  Oil Of Oregano

A native to the Mediterranean region, oregano was discovered in Greece and has been in use for over two thousand years.

Oil of oregano has compounds like carvacrol ( helps in fighting bacterial infections), thymol (which has antiseptic properties and help in treating fungal infections), rosmarinic acid ( powerful anti-oxidant, helps in reducing swelling), Linalool ( helps in relieving stress and anxiety), naringin ( helps in reducing cancer cells and supports other anti-oxidants) among others.

It is extremely helpful in curing colds, bronchitis, ear infection, stomach issues, in treating various skin conditions, acne, herpes, cold sores, muscle pain, arthritis, menstrual problems, etc. It also helps in building a strong immune system and is used to control aging. It can be also used for pets but instructions should be followed properly.

Make sure the oil of oregano has at least 70 percent of carvacrol because only then it will be effective.

Read: The Cancer, Dies When You Eat These 7 Foods, Time to Start Eating Them

5.  Manuka Honey

Produced in New Zealand, Manuka Honey has been in use since ancient times. Archaeologists found honey in unspoiled pots while excavating tombs of Egyptian rulers.

It has strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties and helps in treating cold, stomach infections, acne. It works wonders when applied on burns and wounds, prevents tooth decay and helps in IBS and IBD treatments.

Manuka honey contains amino acids, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc and other essential minerals thereby promoting sleep and help in curing a lot of diseases. It kills a lot of pathogens like MRSA and bacteria who eat flesh.

5 Powerful Natural Antibiotics That Will Boost Your Immunity
Powerful Natural Antibiotics That Will Boost Your Immunity
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