4 Narcissistic Behaviors That Reveals Their True Colors


4 Narcissistic Behaviors That Reveal Toxic Tendencies

Behold, here is the list of narcissistic behaviors that pierce through the facade, exposing the raw essence of a narcissistic soul. Brace yourself as you discover their true colors.

Narcissists are people who are illogically, irrationally, and quite offensively in love with themselves. While it is advisable to have a good level of self-worth, and self-respect, turning anything into an obsession is not advisable.

There are a few key narcissistic behaviors that will help you understand just how a narcissist functions.

Narcissism is a form of the disease that is generally born out of massive insecurity. If a person has been neglected or ignored for the greater part of their lives or received insufficient love during their formative years, they turn into people who are selfishly obsessed with their own well-being.

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The self-love in question is not limited to lifestyle choices and facial appearance, but also extends to how you treat the people around you. Narcissists quite openly display hostile tendencies towards people they think of as competition.

They want to be able to secure their field of dominance and do not respond well to any potential threat in that domain. They have a plethora of insecurities which they pet and nurture to their satisfaction.

Spotting narcissists are supremely difficult. While there are common traits such as: hyperbolically praising their own selves, only thinking of their own well-being, completely brushing off the needs of other people, being directly rude to the ones who keep them company, etc.

While these are umbrella traits that define narcissism, there are also people who display none of the defining traits. These people are much harder to spot since they do not give in to stereotypical behavioral patterns outwardly, or prominently.

So, often a narcissist could be your very best friend, but it will take you years of emotional exhaustion and psychological damage before you could see them for who they truly are.

It is actually during fights and quarrels, that the true nature of a human being is revealed. Irrespective of how much they want to shroud their narcissistic tendencies in acceptable sophistication, their true nature is always revealed when they are provoked.

When a person is angry, they do not have self-control. They say things they regret later on, but most of the time, the things that they spill are thoughts that they have had for quite a while.

Here Are 4 Key Narcissistic Behaviors That Reveal Their True Colors

1. Emotionally manipulative.

They are unable and always unwilling to take responsibility for their actions and words. They happen to be experts at this game. Narcissists are illogical when it comes to handling emotions.

They are overgrown babies who do not know when to stop crying. They are people who never quite grasped the true idea of adulthood. If they set their minds to something, then they need to have it. Otherwise, it will be a huge headache for you.

Ranging between an ice-cream to incessant validation, narcissists are exhaustingly demanding. In fact, you will not even be allowed to point out their irrationality to them, lest they should take offense.

Narcissistic Behaviors
4 Narcissistic Behaviors That Reveals Their True Colors

When they are pissed off, dissatisfied, annoyed, or sad due to the wrong reasons, they will ensure that they get the green-card out of the debacle. Instead of owning up to their own immaturity, they will project their own attributes on you – calling you the names that they deserve to be labeled by.

In fact, they are so convinced that you will actually come to believe that they are right. You will continue to blame yourself for the uncontrollable crocodile tears of a massive child. It is extremely harmful, and something that could ruin your self-worth for ages to come.

Related: 12 Markers Of A Decent Man That You’ll Never See In A Narcissist

2. The Silent Treatment

This is one of the most widely used narcissistic behaviors. They become emotionally unavailable during the conflict. Let us assume that you struck up enough courage to confront the narcissist about their flaws.

narcissistic behaviors
4 Narcissistic Behaviors That Reveals Their True Colors

Suppose you tell them about how they are ruining the relationship, and how certain behavioral patterns need to change if you both hope to sustain your bond. They will listen to you. But as soon as you are done, they will crawl into their shell, and shut you out.

They will be cold, distant, quiet, and behave as though your perfectly logical and adult model of conflict resolution has caused them deep pain. It is obvious that a narcissist hates being confronted with their own shortcomings.

They worship themselves as gods. Should you throw them off a pedestal, you become the villain in their lives.

They refuse to concede that they could possibly have made a mistake. Instead, you are made to feel horrible for ever having feelings in the first place. They will make you feel insanely miserable for demanding anything of them, and for hurting them with your justified and honest opinion.

You will then have to walk up to them and apologize for being a conscious adult, just so that they can continue to prosper in their dream of being and acting as the perfect infant.

Want to know more about narcissistic behaviors? Check this video out below:

What are the behaviors of a narcissist

3. Lying to keep their repute.

They will lie to seem like the victim. Narcissists are frighteningly protective about their self-image.

If you break up with them, then be rest assured that the entire population of the country will know by tomorrow morning that it was him/her who dumped you. They will not accept anybody marring their reputation, even in the face of personal or emotional disaster.

If you both get into a long and ugly fight, then all your friends will repeatedly hear only their version of it, forcing them to memorize a flawed account. In his/her retelling of the story, you are always the villain, and they will paint such a horrifying picture of you, that it will be terribly difficult to recover from it.

narcissistic behaviors
4 Narcissistic Behaviors That Reveals Their True Colors

The worst part of this is that the narcissist actually believes in the very tales that they concoct. It is their way of rewriting reality to their own benefit. They blindly believe in their own truth, their own story, where they are the sole heroes.

They rethink their memories into cutting their role of the villain out. Their world has no space for doubt or self-loathing. Their own validation is what they crave, the most.

Related: How A Narcissist Looks At Life And You

4. They would choose their supremacy over everything else.

They will drive a bulldozer over you to win a debate. If they had to, then they would sell their best friend to remain at the top of the food chain. They will not stop short of spreading rumors about family members or loved ones if it should make them popular.

In fact, they would even stoop to spreading quite harmful stories if it made them more popular.

Imagine a point in an argument with your parents, where you have been quarreling for quite a while. You can consciously feel that you should back off and that the next things to come out of your mouth will be inappropriate for the setting.

Under normal circumstances, one either stops or they say the mean thing and then apologize. At least, they have the capability of realizing that they have made a mistake.

For narcissists, this emotional damage does not matter. Under no circumstance can they ever bear to lose an argument or debate.

So, they will bring you their entire barrage of inappropriate dialogues, mean things, rude behavior, as long as it ensures their own win. At the end of the day, that is all that a narcissist can bother genuinely caring about.

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4 Key Behaviors A Narcissist Displays That Reveals Their True Colors
List Of Narcissistic Behaviors That Reveal Narcissistic Tendencies
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What Are The Behaviors Of A Narcissist
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4 Narcissistic Behaviors That Reveals Their True Colors

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