12 Signs You’re In The Middle Of An Important Life Change


Signs You're In Middle Of Life Change

You’re in the middle of an important life change and you might not know it. According to traditional belief, all of us go through a change in life every 7 years. Some among us can recognize it while others might ignore it. These signs will tell you.

โ€œYou are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.โ€
โ€• Anthon St. Maarten

Paying close attention to the signs will help us understand, welcome and accept these changes in a very positive way.

If you are not sure how to identify these signs, donโ€™t worry.

Hereโ€™s a list of 12 signs which will help you understand if you are going through a major life change or not:

Incredible Change Happens In Your Life

(1) You are losing interest in certain things and people:

In the act of welcoming something new, we often have to let go of something in the past. Donโ€™t worry if you feel like having no interest in things you once loved to door in people you once loved to be with. This is all a part of the change.

(2) You are day-dreaming quite a lot:

The day-dreams are becoming more vivid for you. You can sense reality in them. Deep down, you have started believing in them.

(3) You feel an increase in vibration within your body:

Your body has started reciprocating to the changes. You can feel an increase in vibration in your blood cells, in your nerves.

(4) You are enjoying the solitude:

A walk in the park, spending time alone at your workstation, staying in your room a lotโ€”you are enjoying the solitude.

This is not isolation from the world, this is getting closer to yourself. This solitude helps you understand your intuition better. You have enough peace to meditate now and follow your intuition towards the new change.

Related: 10 Signs That Tell You Itโ€™s Time To Change Your Life

(5) You are reading a lot now:

You feel a hunger inside you to read a lot. You are ditching movies for books now. You want to read new things, you want to learn a lot. This signifies you are evolving. Your brain wants to learn so that it can adapt itself to the new change.

(6) You have become extremely sensitive:

All of a sudden, you feel you are bombarded by emotions. Donโ€™t panic. Just have faith in yourself and keep calm. You can understand the vibrations, the emotions of the universe. You are growing stronger and you can not only help yourself now but also be there for others.

(7) You want to get involved in something new:

You have that strong feeling of doing something new or learning something new. Donโ€™t ignore it. It will help you with the transition.

(8) Thereโ€™s a tremendous change in you:

The transition is felt not only by you but your friends too. You are changing and your peers are talking about it too. Accept this change.

(9) You are getting extremely zealous about your goals:

You feel the fire of passion within you. You are super-excited to achieve your dreams now. This is because this is the right time and you are going to fulfil your dreams.

Related: 10 Uncomfortable Signs Youโ€™re Actually Becoming The Person Youโ€™re Meant To Be

(10) You have started to understand that only you can control your life:

You have stopped blaming others and started taking responsibilities for your own actions. You understand that only are responsible for everything in your life.

(11) You understand that hardships actually help in accelerating your success:

You do not whine about hardships any longer. You value these struggles. You know that you will become successful because of them as they helped you to evolve.

Related: 16 Things That Happen When You Discover Your Hidden Power

(12)  You have started to understand yourself better:

You are more confident about yourself now. You might go around asking for advice and suggestions from people but you take your final call. You feel that you know yourself better.

Donโ€™t ignore these signs. Enjoy every moment of this transition and embrace the new life.

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Signs You're In Middle Of Important Life Change
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12 Signs You’re In The Middle Of An Important Life Change

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