The Most Flirtatious Zodiac Signs: Zodiac Men and Women Ranked Least to Most


Most Flirtatious Zodiac Signs: Flirting Styles Exposed

Do you think you are the King or Queen of the flirting game? Let’s see the stars’ verdict; whether you belong to the most flirtatious zodiac signs or not!

Before you find out your position in this list of flirtatious zodiac signs, where the zodiac signs have been ranked from the least flirty to the most, let us tell you that this ranking depends also on gender.

So, you might be on a higher level of the list of flirtatious zodiac signs, while your male zodiac counterpart might be on a lower level.

Letโ€™s see who wins the crown of the most flirtatious zodiac sign! May the men or women of the most flirtatious sign win!

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Most Flirtatious Zodiac Signs Ranked: Least To Most Flirtatious Zodiac Men And Women Revealed

Here are the men and women of 12 flirtatious signs ranked from least to most based on their flirting skills:

24: The Virgo woman is just too critical to be charming.

She is a perfectionist, critical, and judgmental. She will make you feel you’re not good enough! She has your best interest at heart, but you might not continue seeing her.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

23: The Virgo Man draws attention but his “know-it-all” nature kills the mood

Virgo men are smooth, friendly, and even charming, but they think so highly of themselves that they might put others down unintentionally.

22: The Libra Man and his ego.

Heโ€™s quite ego-centric and overthinks everything. His moves are impressive but after a few initial encounters, you wouldnโ€™t probably enjoy bumping into him again. They might aspire to be the most flirtatious sign but they’re not!

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

21: The Aquarius Man doesnโ€™t flirt at all; he is just weird.

The emotionally detached and weird Aquarius man can be good with his puns and word plays but cracking puns isnโ€™t the same as flirting.

20: The Aquarius Woman overthinks too much and ruins the game for herself.

She has every conversation written in her head before going out on a date. Sheโ€™s scared of rejection and she over-thinks too much.

Hence, she lingers in the same position as her male counterpart. She struggles to become flirty and fails miserably, looking awfully awkward.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

19: The Taurus Man is too laid back and too disinterested to flirt.

Most flirtatious sign? Whatโ€™s the point? This is what goes inside the minds of most Taurus men. He doesnโ€™t feel interested in flirting and heโ€™s too laid back to give an effort. However, he has the potential. He can be good at flirting if he tries more.

18: The Gemini woman needs to understand the difference between real life and reel life if she wants to flirt seriously.

Life isnโ€™t Gossip Girl and youโ€™re definitely not Blair Waldorf! The Gemini woman takes reel life too seriously and always tries to imitate ways of flirting from movies and television dramas.

However, being intuitive in nature, she understands her naivety and avoids flirting entirely, most of the time. She doesn’t even try to be the most flirtatious sign.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

17: The Libra Woman is too indecisive to flirt.

Sheโ€™s sweet and loving but her indecisiveness makes her a bad flirt. She might have wits and she might be timid but thatโ€™s not a recipe to be the most flirtatious sign.

16: The Taurus Woman can flirt but not with strangers.

She cannot open up in front of just any random person. She looks awkward if sheโ€™s flirting with a stranger. But if the person is a close friend, she can be charming.

Read 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

15: The Pisces Man is pretty clumsy to be a flirt.

He stumbles upon his words and gets heartbroken very easily. But if he is more careful, he can get a higher position on the list of the most flirtatious signs.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

14: The Gemini Man is inconsistent and doesnโ€™t consider flirting genuine.

Heโ€™s inconsistent; he thinks flirting is fake. Heโ€™s definitely not interested in someone he considers fake. Hence, the rank!

13: The Capricorn Woman avoids eye contact.

Youโ€™re too shy, you Capricorn lady! How can you flirt well if you avoid eye contact?

12: The Cancer Woman is sweet but thatโ€™s not tempting enough.

The Cancer woman is extremely sweet and caring. She will babysit you. You might enjoy flirting with her in the beginning but then, you might lose interest, especially if you’re not in for the long haul.

Read 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

11: The timid Cancer Man is an accidental flirt.

Like his female counterpart, the Cancer Man is too caring to flirt. Heโ€™s timid and needs a confident woman to help him loosen up.

10: The Pisces woman can be a good flirt if she stays in the game.

The Pisces woman is always in her dream world. If she snaps out of it and comes to reality, she can be really tempting because she knows her game well. She does make it to the top ten most flirtatious signs though.

9: The Capricorn Man is good with texts but bad when he talks face-to-face.

He gets everything done in a perfect way. The Capricorn man just scores a big 10 when it comes to flirting over text but he messes it up when heโ€™s flirting in person.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

8: The Sagittarius Man flirts and forgets.

The Sagittarius man doesnโ€™t want to be too clingy and leaves calls and texts unanswered. He should focus on his love interests more.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

7: The Sagittarius Woman doesnโ€™t want to be with anyone.

Sheโ€™s a mystery, sheโ€™s sensuous and she drives men crazy. But she doesnโ€™t want to be with anyone which makes her lose the crown of the most flirtatious sign.

6: The Aries Woman can captivate you with her cheesy conversations.

The Aries woman is one of the most confident people when it comes to flirting. She will seduce you with her honesty, her cheesy conversations, and her directness.

Read Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

5: The Aries Man tops the list when it comes to texting.

The Aries man is exceptional when you are using the phone as the medium to flirt. Dirty text messages, cheesy conversationsโ€”heโ€™s the master of them all. But when it comes to flirting in person, he needs to work on that!

4: The Scorpio Woman is a Goddess when it comes to flirting.

Sheโ€™s romantic and sheโ€™s seductive. The Scorpio woman speaks through her body and is one of the most sought-after women. Flirting… thatโ€™s so easy for her.

3: The Leo Woman can capture you with her natural style.

The Leo woman can trap you with her charm. Sheโ€™s unbelievably enchanting, spicy, and interesting, but her insecure nature is a turn-off for many.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

2: The Leo Man wants undivided attention.

The Leo man is quite an expert when it comes to flirting. Who wouldnโ€™t like the intriguing conversations with him? But after a point of time, he becomes too demanding and his cravings for 24*7 attention ruin the game.

1: The King of Flirting is none other than the Scorpio Man

Heโ€™s immensely passionate, hot, and romantic, and can sweep you off your feet. His intense gaze is enough to make you bite your lips.

His confident body language, intense kissing style, mysterious nature, and smooth moves make him the most flirtatious sign of the zodiac!

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

So, which zodiac sign do you belong to, and where do your zodiac flirting styles rank? Let us know your thoughts on the most flirtatious zodiac signs in the comments down below!

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Which Is The Most Flirtatious Sign Of The Zodiac?
Which Is The Most Flirtatious Sign?
Which Is The Most Flirtatious Sign Of The Zodiac?
Which Is The Most Flirtatious Sign?
Which Is The Most Flirtatious Sign Of The Zodiac?
Which Is The Most Flirtatious Sign?
Which Is The Most Flirtatious Sign Of The Zodiac?
Which Is The Most Flirtatious Sign?
The Most Flirtatious Sign
The Most Flirtatious Zodiac Signs: Zodiac Men And Women Ranked Least To Most
most flirtatious zodiac signs
The Most Flirtatious Zodiac Signs: Zodiac Men And Women Ranked Least To Most

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