10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul


Personality Traits Capricorn

Capricorns have this reputation of being obsessive control freaks and also of being too uptight. But, do you really think that it is fair to judge a personality only on the basis of two habits? When it comes to the personality traits of Capricorn, there is so much more to their nature and character, than just being uptight or a control freak. So, ready to have a deeper look into their psyche?

Here Are 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

1. They are pragmatic and ingenious.

Known for their extremely practical mindset, Capricorns are experts at tackling and solving problems that leave others confused and scratching their heads. They are extremely intelligent people, who have the capacity of finding solutions to almost any problem they encounter.

Capricorns have this unique ability to find solutions to even the most difficult problems, that actually work even with limited or hardly any resources at hand. Having them on your team is a blessing, isnโ€™t it?

2. They are good at reading people.

One of the most dominant personality traits of Capricorn is that they are experts when it comes to reading people. They are able to understand and analyze a person and their nature, in the first meeting itself. Capricorns are exceptionally instinctive.

People belonging to this zodiac sign have an uncanny and instinctive ability to recognize a personโ€™s true intentions, character, and motivations, within seconds of meeting them. And you know what the best part is? They are absolutely bang-on almost every time!

3. They are disciplined and hardworking human beings.

Capricorns know that in order to be successful and great, hard work and discipline are the cornerstones to achieving that. They donโ€™t believe in taking shortcuts or relying on other people to do their jobs for them. Their disciplined nature helps them stay on the path to success.

Another impressive thing about Capricorns is that they never give up. Even when other people lose hope and tend to become pessimistic, they never lose sight of their goals and continue to work towards fulfilling them.

Personality Traits Of Capricorn
Personality Traits Of Capricorn


4. They always consider facts instead of assuming.

Due to their practical nature, Capricorns cannot be easily swayed with gossip and conjecture. Before drawing any conclusions, they will always try to gather all the facts and see everything for themselves.

Capricorns are very skeptical by nature, so if you want to convince them of something, you will have to provide them with enough proof. Thatโ€™s why it is very hard to fool a Capricorn. Assumptions and presumptions do not feature in their dictionary.

5. They can be ruthless when angry.

Capricorns are usually quite calm and balanced people, but if they are pushed too hard, they can have a horrible outburst. And you definitely would not want to be in their line of fire!

They never use physical violence to hurt someone, but the things they say when they are angry are extremely brutal and hurtful. Capricorns can be abnormally merciless with their words if you upset them too much.

6. They have really high standards. Like really high.

Another one of the prominent personality traits of Capricorn is that they have really high standards. This character trait makes them comparatively fussier than the other signs. They simply do not settle for average or anything that is second-best.

Just like they expect the absolute best from others, they expect the same from themselves as well. Capricorns always strive to be the best of the best, and always work hard to be on top.

Personality Traits Of Capricorn
Personality Traits Of Capricorn


7. They are faithful partners when it comes to love.

Capricorns might seem very disinterested and uptight sometimes, but deep down inside, they are emotional beings. Especially when it comes to love. A Capricorn does not fall in love that easy, but when they do, they give their all to make it work.

They are extremely loyal partners, who fight through tough times and focus on making the relationship work until the end. When they choose to be in a relationship, they always make sure that the relationship is on solid ground.

 Want to know more about how it is to love a Capricorn? Read The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

8. They are introverts and reserved by nature.

One of the most notable personality traits of a Capricorn is their introverted nature. Most of them are unusually reserved, which people mistake for arrogance and pride. They donโ€™t like unnecessary jibber-jabber and prefer to talk when they feel comfortable and have something substantial to add to the conversation.

Because of this, they are extremely selective when it comes to friendship and their social circle. Unless they trust someone a lot and are entirely comfortable with their presence, they will never socialize and mingle with them.

9. They tend to bottle up their feelings when hurt.

Even though Capricorns are independent and strong individuals, they struggle to open up to others, when they are hurt or when they are going through something bad. They might express their anger easily but tend to suppress their emotions when they are hurting.

Because they are extremely self-reliant individuals, they hate asking for help and support from even their loved ones and prefer to deal with everything on their own. This attitude often ends up making them feel worse and more alone. They would rather struggle in silence than reach out and be vulnerable.

10. They are excessively organized.

Another distinctive personality trait of a Capricorn is that they are very organized and absolutely hate clutter. They despise the concept of hoarding and have a very minimalistic approach when it comes to materialistic stuff. Capricorns love to keep everything in order and organized and have a tough time dealing with a mess.

They have an organized approach towards life as well. They like to plan things in advance and prefer to move ahead in an organized manner. Spontaneity is not really their cup of tea. A Capricorn calculates all the pros and cons beforehand and then proceeds to do something.

Want to know more about how Capricorns function? Read CAPRICORN: THE SIGN OF THE AMBITIOUS SOUL

Capricorns are truly interesting people, arenโ€™t they? If you look past their serious demeanor, you will love the person they are on the inside. So, cheers to all the Capricorns out there!

If you want to know more about the personality traits of a Capricorn, then check this video out below:

Personality Traits Capricorn pin

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  1. Payne_Factor Avatar

    Great article!
    A year ago I would have judged myself so hard for all the truth here, but today I can read it and laugh with myself because its just… me!
    ohhh thank you Universe for giving me this second chance

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