10 Biggest Signs He’s Just Not Into You


10 Biggest Signs He Is Just Not Into You

1. Always making an excuse for him not to go out with you or do something for you.

Once you wonder if youโ€™re one of his priorities, youโ€™re not. If heโ€™s into you he will do everything to make you feel that heโ€™s never too busy to see you. He will do conspicuous actions to impress you. And please never be fooled by the trite sentence Iโ€™ll make it up to you, babe.


2. Not paying attention to what youโ€™re saying and canโ€™t even remember a thing.

If you give him a quiz about everything youโ€™ve told him, heโ€™ll surely fail it. Itโ€™s because he never really listens to you. Either his eyes are glued to his phone, or are wandering in his own thoughts. Sometimes he can feign eagerness but behind the mask is someone who canโ€™t wait for your story to finish.


3. Treating other girls the same way he treats you.

You should be that someone special if he really likes you. He should give you things he wonโ€™t give others, efforts he wonโ€™t exert for others, and feelings he wonโ€™t have for others. Now if you see him smiling the same way (or especially in a happier way) whenever he mingles with other girls, even if those are his friends, you know it already. Youโ€™re not the one for him.


4. Not bothering to see your family nor mentioning them.

Do you think your dad would like me? When will you invite me to dinner with your family? Iโ€™d love to cook for your parents. How are your siblings? He shouldโ€™ve already mentioned these things because if heโ€™s really into you he would also want to win the heart of your family. If he hasnโ€™t ever said things about them, perhaps he just likes you out of the superficial. He likes you only for what he gets from you.


5. Giving you the urge to text or call him first.

You know itโ€™s been 30 minutes after he arrived home from work (or anywhere heโ€™d went to) and he still hasnโ€™t texted you. You keep on waiting, staring at your phone until your hand reaches it to text him hey. If he puts you in despair like this then he doesnโ€™t really care about you. Because if he does, he would be excited to talk with you, to ask about your day, or to just see you virtually even without words to express.

Related Video:ย 7 Signs Youโ€™re With The Wrong Partner

6. Replying too short.

Men, in general, are not really into superfluous responses. Donโ€™t expect them to give verbose comments or too many emojis. But you should be sensitive enough to detect if they donโ€™t have the enthusiasm to chat, text, or speak with you. If you ask them, โ€œHave you had your lunch?โ€ and they just replied yes without asking you back or without an extra phrase to show theyโ€™re also thinking about you then wake up, honey.

7. Showing inconsistency in his actions.

If he says he wants to marry you and you donโ€™t even see him trying to save for the future if heโ€™s so clingy today but tomorrow heโ€™s cold for no obvious reason, if he treats you different when his friends are around, then a red flag is waving. Also, observe how his efforts relent when he finally gets you. Consistency should not be an issue, it should be natural for a man who wants to win youโ€”forever.


8. Laughing or snorting at the expression of your goals and dreams.

Your passion, your dreams, your goals should be as important to him as to you. He should be supportive to your endeavors and curious about your life. Now if he simply doesnโ€™t give a damn, then donโ€™t expect him to support you in other aspects. A guy whoโ€™s into you aims to be a life partner who will help you achieve your ambitions.


9. Not feeling even the slightest jealousy when youโ€™re with other guys.

Itโ€™s actually okay if he doesnโ€™t express too much jealousy but giving you hints that heโ€™s feeling insecure about a guy youโ€™re close with is an important indication that heโ€™s afraid he might lose you. Although this must not lead to being possessive, isnโ€™t it cute if he wants you to feel you belong only to him?


10. Making it obvious heโ€™s not really into you.

You will feel that, honey. A man who truly wants you and is deeply into you will be straightforward in his words and actions. He will sensitize your heart, open your eyes, louden his voice just to convince you he is into you. Donโ€™t focus on the positive in his mixed signals. Donโ€™t just count his efforts and overlook his shortcomings, because his shortcomings might already be outnumbering his good efforts. And thatโ€™s enough sign you should forget about him.

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Written byย Karlaย Crisostomo
Originally appeared on Thought Catalog
Printed with permission from the author

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10 Biggest Signs He Is Just Not Into You

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