What It Really Means When Your Man Looks At Other Women (Says A Man)


When Your Man Looks At Other Women: Clear Things It Means

When your man looks at other women, it’s never a pleasant feeling and definitely not something to feel okay about. Here are 5 reasons why he looks at other women!

Picture this: youโ€™re sitting with your boyfriend (or husband) in your favorite restaurant, having a wonderful night out together, when a woman walks by your table. You watch as the man you love turns his head quickly, looks her up and down, and his eyes linger just a little too long on her breasts or her backside.

Suddenly thereโ€™s a surge of emotion, jealousy, anger, pain, insecurity. A torrent of questions runs through your mind: Does he want her? Does he think sheโ€™s more beautiful than me? Is he not attracted to me anymore?

Sound familiar? Thatโ€™s because itโ€™s probably happened to every woman, at some point.

Because letโ€™s face it, men look at women.

To be clear, thatโ€™s all men; not just your man, not just single men, not just players and cheaters, and womanizers, but all men look at women.

Take me for instance. Iโ€™ve been with my partner for nearly 4 years. I love and adore her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I wouldnโ€™t dream of betraying her trust by sleeping with someone else. But I look. I canโ€™t help but notice when a beautiful woman walks by. I canโ€™t help but react in the way that I do, to be attracted to women with certain features. Itโ€™s in my nature. And I am not alone.

Itโ€™s completely normal for men to look at other women.

Itโ€™s also completely normal for women to have that visceral, emotional reaction when they catch their partner looking.

Itโ€™s completely natural to want to know why men look at other women, and what it means when a guy (maybe your boyfriend) looks at another woman.

Allow me to explainโ€ฆ

When Your Man Looks At Other Women: What Does It Really Mean?

1. He finds her physically attractive.

2. When he saw her, a chemical reaction happened in his brain. Neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin were released, giving him an involuntary surge of pleasure.

3. Part of him wants her or wonders what it would be like to be with her, in a completely harmless and innocent way. Just like you might be sexually attracted to Denzel Washington or Channing Tatum, and wonder what that might be likeโ€ฆ but you wouldnโ€™t act on it.

4. In an alternate universe where he was single and unattached, he might be interested in her as a sexual partner.

Related: How To Attract The Right Relationship Partner In Your Life

What โ€œThe Lookโ€ Does NOT Mean

1. He finds her more beautiful than you.

2. He isnโ€™t attracted to you.

3. He isnโ€™t happy with you, and your relationship.

4. You donโ€™t satisfy him.

5. You arenโ€™t _______ (attractive, skinny, sexy, loving, affectionate, etc.) enough for him.

6. You should be angry at him, or jealous of her, or insecure about yourself or your body.

7. He is unfaithful, or that he is going to cheat on you.

8. Your relationship is doomed.

Simply put, him looking at other women has nothing to do with you at all. The world is full of beautiful sights โ€“ flowers and sunsets, great works of art โ€“ none more beautiful than the female body. It doesnโ€™t take anything away from you when your man admires a painting or sculpture. It doesnโ€™t diminish his love for you when he looks at another woman.

The look is really nothing more than that: acknowledging and appreciating beauty when we see it.

Want to know more about what it really means when your man looks at other women? Check this video out below!

When Your Man Looks At Other Women

Why Men Look At Other Women

For men, sexual attraction and emotional connection do not necessarily go hand in hand. We can be attracted to women on a strictly physical level. We can be turned on by women with whom we feel no emotional connection or compatibility. We can be head-over-heels in love, completely devoted to one woman, and still be attracted to other women.

In fact, science suggests that we canโ€™t help it. Aย research studyย published in the 2013ย Archives of Sexual Behaviorย revealed big differences in the way men and women are drawn to potential partners.

Women tend to be more attracted to men based on familiarity; preferring men who closely resemble their current partner, and rating men more attractive the more often they see them.

Men, however, are attracted to novelty. We are drawn toward the new and different, attracted too many different women, with many different features and body types.

This is usually interpreted as being the result of evolution. Generally speaking, women evolved to be wives and mothers, nurturers and caretakers, while we men are programmed to ensure the survival of our genes by โ€œsowing our seedsโ€ as far and wide as possible. You could say that our eyes are hardwired to wander.

Looking at women, not a personal choice we make to upset our partners, itโ€™s a biological instinct. And the instinct to look at other women is usually acted on before the slower, conscious, decision-making process kicks in.

The natural sexual urges and impulses of men are also aggravated by media and advertising that is over-sexualized.

Everywhere we look, we are exposed to sexual images and innuendo designed to sell us everything from cars and cologne to beer and cheeseburgers. These usually feature heavily made-up, airbrushed, and photoshopped models that promote an impossible ideal of โ€œbeauty.โ€ (Of course, this also encourages women to have all kinds of body-image issues and insecurities, but thatโ€™s another articleโ€ฆ)

Related: How to Recognize the Signs of Emotional Infidelity

When Itโ€™s A Problem That He Looks At Other Women

While it is normal for men to notice other women, to look and admire, and even fantasize a bit, there is a line of respect that a mature and committed man will not cross.

Looking is one thing, staring is another; and it can be hurtful, embarrassing, and offensive. As I said before, I cannot help my momentary reaction when I see an attractive woman. But once the moment passes, I quickly turn my attention back to the love of my life, the woman to whom I am faithfully devoted.

Blatant staring, inappropriate comments, touching, flirting and (obviously) cheating are all red flags.

This kind of disrespectful behavior indicates that a man is either not mature enough to control himself, or he doesnโ€™t respect you (or women in general) or care enough about you to reign in his impulses. Either way, it doesnโ€™t bode well for the future of your unionโ€ฆ

Why Didnโ€™t I Notice When He Looks At Other Women?

Often the fact that a man notices other women usually doesnโ€™t become an issue until after a couple has been together for a year or more, and the magical โ€œhoneymoon phaseโ€ has come to an end.

It is tempting to assume that because passion has started to fade, your partner is no longer into you, and he is looking around to explore other options. But thatโ€™s not necessarily true.

There are at least two reasons why this situation hasnโ€™t reared itโ€™s head before now, neither of which means that your partner has lost interest in you.

For one thing, during the early stages of a new romance, we are literally โ€œhigh on loveโ€. Our brains emit a powerful and intoxicating chemical cocktail whenever we see, or even think about, our partner. For many men, this natural buzz is often enough to drive all thought of other women from our minds, reducing or eliminating our wandering eyes.

Second, during this intense, new love phase both partners tend to idealize each other, completely overlooking annoying habits and traits. Even if your partner did check out another woman in front of you, you might be so infatuated with him that you ignore it, or unconsciously block it out.

But after a year or two, or three at the most, the honeymoon period comes to an end. There is a gradual change in the way our brains respond to our partner, and it changes how we feel and act when we are together.

For him, his old hunter-gatherer instincts kick in as strong as ever, and he finds that his eyes are once again drawn to every attractive woman who crosses his path. And she can no longer remain blissfully ignorant. She notices his roving eye, and if she has ever been cheated on before, itโ€™s bound to open up those old wounds and bring any insecurities front and center.

This was certainly the case for me and my relationship. For the first year or two, I was so smitten with my beloved that I scarcely noticed other women. It was the first time I had experienced this, and it was a beautiful thing. But when that initial, fiery passion began to cool, I started noticing other women again.

Not because I lost interest in her, but because my brain chemistry was changing. We were entering a new phase of our relationship, and the dynamic changed for both of us.

Up to this point, a love affair is easy and effortless, as both partners are swept up and carried off by the raging storm of their mutual attraction. But in order for a relationship to survive past this point, it takes real honesty, commitment and clear communication on both sides.

Related: The Honest Truth About Finding The Right Partner That Most People Fail To Understand

How To Deal With It When He Looks At Other Women

1) Donโ€™t Assume. 

When you do notice your man looking at another woman, donโ€™t read too much into it. Remember what it means, and most importantly what it doesnโ€™t. A glance does not equal a betrayal. Remember that he loves you, he cares about you, he is committed to you, and he is still attracted to you. Of all the women in his life, he chooses to be with you.

2) Set Realistic Expectations. 

When we hold our partner to impossible standards, it leads to a never-ending cycle of disappointment, hurt feelings, anger, and frustration. No one wins. We have to get real about human nature and sexual desire. There are lots of beautiful women in the world, and you are not the only one that your guy finds attractive. Donโ€™t expect him not to notice or look at other women 100% of the time.

3) Tell Him How You Feel.

When your partnerโ€™s roaming eye does hurt your feelings or make you feel inadequate, tell him so. Practice non-violent communication. Express your honest feelings without blaming, shaming, or accusing him.

4) Set Healthy Boundaries.

If your partner is committed to making your relationship work, he will be willing to work with you in setting some healthy boundaries. He shouldnโ€™t look too often, too long, or too blatantly. He should make every effort not to make you uncomfortable (or other women, for that matter).

And most importantly, he should make it clear to you, in both his words and his actions, that he still wants you, and cares for you; he is still attracted to you and committed to your relationship.

We all need love and emotional connection in order to be happy and fulfilled; men are no exception.

Many cultural myths and stereotypes would have us believe that men are emotionally insensitive, and driven by their sexual urges alone. But the truth is that we men need intimacy, love, and affection just as much as women do.

A good man is aware of this and lives his life accordingly. He knows that an emotional and spiritual connection is more fulfilling than a one-night stand; that sex is so much more satisfying, more profound, and pleasurable when you share a deep bond with your partner. His love and respect for you is more powerful than his sexual urges. He doesnโ€™t deny or repress his impulses, nor does he indulge them recklessly. He looks, appropriately and respectfully, but he does not touch.

Above all, he goes out of his way to show you that you are his priority; that he loves you, he cares for you, and out of all the beautiful women he sees every day, you are the one that he chooses, the one that he wants, that he is yours and yours alone. And thatโ€™s what really matters, isnโ€™t it?

Related: 3 Betrayals That Ruin Relationships (That Arenโ€™t Infidelity)

Anyway, want a man to be yours for lifeโ€“ no matter who he sees?

Did you know that attracting a man to you forever and making him powerfully drawn to stay with you no matter what has more to do with how you make him feel than how you look?

Itโ€™s true.

When you make a man feel a certain way, it wonโ€™t matter whether there are other women on the planet, because heโ€™ll only have eyes for you.

To find out exactly how to create this kind of devotion in your man and have an unfair advantage over any woman who crosses his path, you need to watch this right now.

If he looks at other women, RUN! Stay away from him!

Written by Ben Neal
Originally appeared on AttractTheOne.com

What It REALLY Means When Your Man Looks At Other Women (Says a Man)
When Your Man Looks At Other Women
What Really Means When Your Man Looks At Other Women Pin
When Your Man Looks At Other Women: What Does It Really Mean?
When Your Man Looks At Other Women
When Your Husband Looks At Other Women, What Does It Mean?
When Your Man Looks At Other Women
What It Really Means When Your Man Looks At Other Women (Says A Man)

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  1. Jennifer Phillips Avatar
    Jennifer Phillips

    I agree with Gina. Just a very poor excuse given to men by a man to disrespect their partner. If he finds her physically attractive, wonders what it might be like be with her and, if unattached, might persue her sexually, that is emotional cheating. Cheating his partner out of those feelings.

    1. Aida G Cruz Avatar
      Aida G Cruz

      Hi Jennifer I agreed with you 100% I think we ladies should do the same think to them when we see an attractive gentlemen… I would like to know how will they feel.

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