10 Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship


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10 Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship

Things You Should Never Tolerate In A RelationshipIsn’t it the best feeling when you know that you have found your soulmate, your significant other, and your one true love? If anything is better than this is learning that your partner also shares similar thoughts about you. However, there are 10 things you should never tolerate in a relationship.

Being in a relationship does not always seem so rosy and glittery as portrayed in novels and movies. Love indeed blinds us all, and often, it becomes very hard to realize if we are in a caged relationship with a toxic partner. Being in an awful relationship does not make one weak or insecure. Even strong and independent people succumb to such downtrodden relationships only for the sake of love. Hence, it takes us a long time to finally realize that something is seriously wrong with our partner.

Sometimes, we are aware of certain not-so-eligible traits in our partner, but we still tend to ignore them. Other times, we are simply in denial. Yes, nobody is perfect in this world, and each one of us got our share of negative attributes. Therefore, it’s important that we grow, evolve, and do away with such unfavorable traits. And having an understanding and supportive partner might just make the job easier.

Read How Letting Go Of A Toxic Relationship Can Save Your Life

The most crucial aspect is to understand and draw the line as to what extent we must tolerate and ignore such toxic traits, intervene with our partner or simply move away from them, seeking a better life and detoxification.

Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship

There are 10 things you should never tolerate in a relationship.

Understanding the term โ€œToxic Relationshipโ€

A โ€œToxic Relationshipโ€ operates between two or more people, who tend to be emotionally and physically damaging to their partner. It threatens the self-esteem, happiness, and well-being in general of the partners involved. Toxic relationships are dysfunctional and detrimental to the existence of the partners. A toxic relationship is characterized by insecurity, narcissism, dominance, control, and other negative attributes.

1. Never tolerate emotional and verbal abuse

Many people, who are in a relationship, are not even aware of the emotional abuse that they face from their partner while others are simply in denial. It’s really heartbreaking that we tolerate and accept this kind of emotional trauma without even realizing it. Physical abuse leaves marks on the skin, but mental abuse is more gruesome and damaging because it kills them from inside.

Emotional and verbal abuse typically involves threatening, name-calling, yelling, degrading comments, controlling behaviors, belittling in front of friends, family or colleagues, and more. Such kind of emotional abuse leaves you with low self-esteem and in a much pitiable condition. One needs to be aware as to when he or she is done enduring such kind of mistreatment and humiliation.

2. Physical abuse should be a deal-breaker

Our partner is supposed to protect us from harm and not rather inflict it upon us. Sadly enough, physical abuse is far too commonly practiced than we think. One should never endure physical assault at any cost no matter how important the person who is responsible for conflicting such pain on us. It leaves us with life long negative consequences.

Studies have shown that victims of domestic abuse are more prone to depression, anxiety, PTSD, and are at higher risks of drug dependency. The best possible way to deal with domestic violence is by seeking therapy. It is quite commonly seen that physical abusers suffer from certain hidden or diagnosed psychological problems. Therefore, one does not necessarily need to take legal actions against their loved ones but to simply seek proper counseling and treatment.

Read 6 Steps To Turn A Toxic Relationship Into A Healthy One

3. Never tolerate manipulative behavior

Are you tired of all the lying games, trust issues, and manipulation?

Of course, we all lie and it’s okay. However, what is not okay is to be a chronic liar. One fine morning, you wake up and realize that you are always the person making compromises in the relationship. Honesty is the foundation of every relationship, and one cannot sustain a relationship with perpetual trust issues. Once you fathom that you cannot trust a single word that comes out of your partnerโ€™s mouth, it’s too late. Some white lies help in maintaining the relationship, but other toxic lies can cause the relationship to fall apart.

Manipulative people can never be a good company, and being in a relationship with them can be far too threatening for our emotional well-being. Relationships stand on the building blocks of unconditional love, support, understanding, and cooperation.

A partner, who constantly manipulates you for selfish purposes, tricks and pressurizes you into doing things according to their whims is something that you are better of. Because it will only make you unhappy at the end of the day if not out of love. Your partner must allow you to achieve your dreams and goals, stand tall by your principles, and function as your utmost support system.

4. Continuous lack of efforts

Unfulfilled promises can be quite upsetting. Especially when they occur time and again.

Are you the one constantly investing and putting effort into your relationship? If yes, then its time for you know that your partner must also put in an equal amount of effort to hold the relationship together and make it grow even stronger. Otherwise, you will feel exhausted and fatigued at the end of the day, realizing that you are in a one-sided relationship. Its never a one man’s job to sustain a relationship that involves two people. Know when to stop sticking around and foolishly hoping that your partner will change into a better person.

Making a promise is easy, but keeping it no matter what is the toughest part. Do you feel that your partner is always facing a hard time in keeping the small and big promises that they made to you? Does your heartbreak every time they fail to stick by their words? This is another red-flag that you must not ignore or tolerate and ensure that you do something about it.

5. Never tolerate controlling and overly critical behavior

One of the foremost trait in a toxic partner is constantly making you question yourself by being overly critical and finding faults in everything that you do. You are perpetually worried that your next action is going to upset them. Toxic partners tend to have this insatiable urge to control their significant others. And they imply any and every means to succeed at it, leaving the other person emotionally drained and vulnerable.

None of us want to come back home to someone who condemns our notions and everything that we do. If you have such a controlling and critical partner, who never lets go of a chance to put you down and judge you then it will be easier for you to spot these alarming traits exhibited by them. This is something that you should never tolerate in a relationship.

6. Restricted social life

A toxic partner will try to isolate you from your friends and family. You will never find yourself getting isolated from your loved ones while being in a healthy relationship. It’s generally way too late when you realize that you donโ€™t have a social life anymore, and the person at fault is your controlling and insecure partner. Believing that they have the utmost claim on you and separating you from your social world is another sign of toxic behavior that you must definitely be aware of.

7. Never tolerate a lack of compassion and empathy

Does your partner lack basic empathy, compassion, and has zero concern for your sexual needs?

The building blocks of a healthy relationship are exhibiting a fair amount of compassion and empathy for your partner. If you feel that your partner never reciprocates these two emotions then you might reconsider the dynamics of your relationship and have a serious word with them.

You are independent and entitled to your sexual preferences, and nobody has the power to force you into doing anything that you donโ€™t wish to do. Your sexual needs should be as important to your partner as their own. Neither they can pressurize you into having coitus nor can they deprive you of it without giving proper reason or explanation.

8. Excessive jealousy and insecurity

A little bit of jealousy and possessiveness can be fun, but too much of it can spoil the entire relationship. No matter what you do, how many proofs you give, your partner has this fixated belief that you are cheating on them. They are constantly jealous of all the people, who have a possible shot with you. Your partner is constantly insecure and worried regarding your whereabouts.

This jealousy and mistrust have become so toxic now that you find yourself giving explanations to your partner for everything you do, everywhere you go, and everybody you meet. Nothing you do assures them about your faithfulness and loyalty. Such kind of toxic behavior can strip you of your optimistic outlook towards life.

9. Never tolerate narcissistic behavior

Its always about them and never about you.

It is a hard job to be in a relationship with a narcissist and its one of the 10 things that you should never tolerate in a relationship. Yes, they might shower an abundance of love and affection on you, but they will always keep themselves as their first and foremost priority. Time and again they will make everything about themselves as if the world revolves around them.

They are materialistic, way too concerned about physical appearance, sometimes shallow, and preoccupied in their world, often losing reality context. Therefore, you will find yourself getting ignored, and eventually, getting lost in your partnerโ€™s shadow. This is the last thing that you want – discarding your choices and being a mere part of your partnerโ€™s world by completely losing yourself.

Read 5 Ways To Avoid Toxic Relationships and Find Meaningful Ones

10. Say no to those blame games and ego battles

Love is anything but a competition, and neither can it be conditional. One must take responsibility for his mistakes rather than constantly blaming their partners. Healthy relationships are deprived of the blame games and unhealthy competitions. Constructive competitions are always cheered for. But nobody wants a partner who turns every little thing into an unhealthy competition in an attempt to make you come across as the loser.

After a long hard day, when you return home, you expect your relationship to be a safe-heaven and not a battlefield.

If you find more than 8 of these above-mentioned attributes in your relationship then its time that you take the necessary measures to turn your relationship into a healthy one before finally walking away for good. As we re-evaluate our relationships, considering the above-mentioned pointers, we need to keep in mind that it takes two people to have a toxic relationship. Both partners are to be blamed for developing and sustaining it. Therefore, we should introspect ourselves and examine our damaging behavior before scrutinizing our partners.

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10 Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship

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  1. Pat Morris Lile Avatar
    Pat Morris Lile

    To many of those apply. The divorce will soon be final.

    1. Carol Riley Avatar
      Carol Riley

      …and no regrets I hope

    2. Pat Morris Lile Avatar
      Pat Morris Lile

      Carol, none that matter.

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