25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50


Things Do at 30 Make Life Better 50

To err is human! We all make mistakes in life and later regret – โ€œI wish I had better guidance, things would have been differentโ€ or โ€œI wish I was more maturedโ€ or I could have done some more interesting things if only I was youngโ€ so on and on. Isnโ€™t it? So, what mistakes can you avoid at 30 to make your life better at 50?

Sure, we learn from our mistakes and thatโ€™s how we grow in life. But, donโ€™t you think this process will become a little easier if you learn from mistakes that others did and seek lessons from other peopleโ€™s lives?

People on different online forums like Quora were asked about things they wished they had done in their younger years, that  would have made their life better at 50.

Here are incredible answers that will help you in self-assessment, elevate your thinking, and navigate challenging situations wisely. So if you have hit 30, then you have got some big tasks to finish. 

25 Things To Do at 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50 infographic
25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

1. Smoke away your worries, not your lungs.

If you donโ€™t like smoking then kudos to you! But, if you have started smoking, then pause. Smoking not only burns your pocket, but makes you smell gross! Try to quit before it takes a toll on your health and ruins your hard earned money.

โ€œIf you could see me now, Iโ€™m down on my poor, crackling knees begging you to at least consider stopping smoking,โ€ writes Quora user Cyndi Perlman Fink. 

Do you want to die bed ridden with deadly diseases, fighting each day, popping meds instead of delicious food? 

If not, then stop smoking!

Read Smoking or Vaping and How It Affects Mental Health

2. Maintain peaceful and harmonious relationships with parents and siblings.

Your generation is quite different from that of your parents  and chances are high that your perspective of life has changed a lot. You and your parents may not be on the same page in regards to job, relationships, career and many other things. You may have heated arguments on several occasions. You have to practise getting along with people you donโ€™t agree with on many issues. 

โ€œI come from a family which is very argumentative. If you didnโ€™t understand the situation you might at times think we hate each other. But it isnโ€™t like that at all. Rather, we are free to speak our minds because the family ties are so strong.โ€  writes Quora user Robert Walker. 

Read Expert Tips To Take Care Of Your Parentโ€™s Mental Health In New York

3.  Eat healthy.

You can eat crap and keep making as much money as you want, but your money canโ€™t buy you good health. 

โ€œGive up on fast food right now at age 30.โ€ writes Quora user Sireesha Chilakamarri.

Add loads of vegetables, fruits, to your diet and well-balance it with lean meats, nuts, fiber with limited starches, sugars, and salt as suggested by another Quora user Salwa Halabia.

eating mint
25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

Drink more water than alcohol and sugary drinks. Increase your calcium intake to keep your bones strong at 50.

4. Stop going out in the sun without sunblock.

If you want young, glowing skin even at your old age, then always use sunscreen before stepping out of your home.Use right moisturizers, cleansers, and pay for the right face treatment now. So, you donโ€™t have to go for Botox and other expensive facial treatments in your 40s and 50s. 

โ€œI was stupid. I didnโ€™t listen. Do you want wrinkles and thin skin from sun damage like I have and do you want bruises from just lightly touching the side of a box and having your skin peel off? Go ahead, enjoy lying in the sun without sunblock,โ€ writes Quora user Cyndi Perlman Fink.

5. Be physically active.

Weight makes you prone to illness, so try not to gain weight but  maintain a normal BMI. Exercise keeps you physically fit and your brain sharp even when you age. Build an active lifestyle now! Avoid disease-free lifestyle at 50. 

โ€œIโ€™ve been fat, Iโ€™ve been thin, thin is healthier.โ€continues Cyndi Perlman Fink.

Read 6 Simple Ways to Sneak Exercise into Your Daily Routine

6. Take care of your friends.

Having good friends is a boon! They are always there during your thick and thin  and help you bring out the best version of yourself.  

โ€œChoose people who challenge you by their example, and who you genuinely enjoy,โ€ explains Nan Waldman. 

Take time to nurture your relationship with them,  contribute to their survival, spend quality time talking to them every weak and boost their enjoyment of life. They will also make your life better at 50.

7. Learn to meditate.

Meditation is the method invented by Buddha  and getaway towards your inner self and consciousness. There is a long list of scientific studies that back up the physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits of meditation. 

Meditation costs you only a small amount of time a day, but the changes in your life will be positive and the people you love will be amazing according to says Quora user Rens De Nobel.

Life Better
25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

8. Be happy with what you have.

You have to be peaceful and satisfied with having food, water, clothes, shelter and other things necessary for survival. Anything else is luxury. Being content makes you happier and healthier. 

satisfied life
25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

Happiness matters more than worldly success” writes Quora writer Robert Walker. He says that even if you become wealthy in the long run โ€“ is no reason why not, youโ€™ll be a  happier and satisfied and more productive person.

9. Be an avid reader.

reading makes your life better at 50
25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

No not the social media feeds and updates! Try to read at least ten books every year. Science says that reading improves your brain connectivity, mental health, sleep, help you cope up with mood swings, and live longer. Start reading at the age of 30 and you can keep your memory sharp even at the age of 50. 

โ€œGee I wish I spent more time watching TV and playing video,โ€ said no 50 year-old ever  (Inspired by Quora user Vanitha Muthukumar).

Do you know your brain never stops growing? So, why not exercise it with  media that matters?

10. Plan your finance smartly.

โ€œSave money!โ€ You must have heard that from your parents and grandparents right from childhood. Right? The piggy bank concept is forgotten by the time we reach 30. Isnโ€™t it? 

Do you have multiple sources of income? Are you a part of 401(k)?Do you have emergency funds to cover your emergencies like hospitals, heavy business loss and so on?Do you have a self-directed IRA and savings account? If no, then start now!

โ€œMake it a habit to live below your means. I cannot stress this one enough. I know way too many people who live hand to mouth at 50 due to excessive spending at 30. Don’t be one of them.โ€ said Quora user David Leon. 

Cultivate the habit of saving money  and it will continue down the line.

Read 12 Things You Need To Know By The Time You Turn 30

11. Get adequate sleep.

There are terrible health effects of sleep deprivation including but not limited to – risk of diabetes, slow muscle growth, increase in blood pressure, diminishing libido, risk of heart disease and poor cognitive performance.  So, start using stellar sleep hygiene!

โ€œA dark room or sleep shades will block out light. No bright screens before bedtime. Go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same timeโ€ writes Quora user Nan Waldman.

12. Donโ€™t delay pursuing your life goals.

stubborn about your goals
25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

Whatโ€™s there in your bucket list? World tour? Startup a new business? Write a book? Run for a cause? Try scuba diving? Then start today, it will make your life better at 50. Donโ€™t put things off!  

โ€œTime starts accelerating as you enter your 30โ€™s, and it keeps accelerating. The time that youโ€™ll get around to those dreams should be nowโ€ said Quora user Bill Karwin. 

13. Take care of your teeth.

Oral care is a must in your 30s for you never know when those tiny cavities get worse enough to burn your pockets for tooth extraction, crowns and implants.  So, visit the nearest dentist  and get the little dental problems fixed ASAP. 

โ€œIf you have a good savings and income stream, the bills wonโ€™t be the painful thing โ€” but thereโ€™s no getting around the pain and the time suck.โ€ writes Quora user Caroline Zelonka. 

14. Start planning for home.

You need to have a roof over your head by the time you reach 50. So, become a homeowner and live a peaceful life at 50.

โ€œBuy a house, itโ€™ll be nearly paid for by the time youโ€™re 50,โ€ writes Quora user Liz Read.

15. Keep a journal.

Writing your thoughts and ideas will help you be more systematic and give you more clarity about yourself and your life.Also, itโ€™s a good mental exercise that can keep you busy and help you remember some of your precious memories. Use your computer to make archiving easier to implement and store your valuable data and recall when you need. 

โ€œYour written records will entertain and endear in your future (wish I had)….Your kids (or surviving spouse) may someday love you for it.โ€ says Quora user Mark Crawley.

Read 20 Brutally Honest Things Women Turning 40 Want All Women In Their 30s To Know

16. Choose memories over things.

Your experiences shape your thoughts, actions and your overall life. Itโ€™s your experiences that make who you are. When you invest time in gathering memories it brings abundance to your life because memories wonโ€™t depreciate. You canโ€™t burn them in a fire. 

โ€œDonโ€™t wake up when youโ€™re 50 and realize that youโ€™ve wasted life gathering possessions….โ€ (Inspired by Quora user Richard Careaga).

17. Work for a good cause.

โ€œGive to others so you feel the goodness that service brings,โ€ writes Quora user Nan Waldman. 

Work for a cause, do something for the society – without expecting any monetary benefits. It can be free education for underprivileged children or serving free food or clothes or offering medical help. It will not only make you feel better about yourself but amplify your happiness as well.

18. Come out of comfort zone.

comfort zone
25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

Motivate yourself to do things that scare you the most. Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.So, go get ready for honest-to-God adventure right now. Quora user Mary Leek says – make it as big as you can, create big memories, click a lot of pictures, grab that brass ring, take risks.

โ€œYouโ€™ll still be smiling about it when youโ€™re old and creaky, I promise. I am.โ€ Writes Quora user Mary Leek.

19. Engage in self-discovery.

25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

Knowing yourself better is the most important skill to have. Once you are fully aware of your goals, fears, insecurities and ambitions, youโ€™ll become more confident and self-assured. 

Once you grow older, your body starts to show the signs of wear and tear. You wonโ€™t enjoy partying  or crowd-fitting. 

โ€œYou need to start your path of self discovery right now to become stronger by the time you are 50.โ€ writes Quora user Satish Kumar Grandhi. 

20. Choose a career for intrinsic rewards

When you do a job that you love, you will always be driven by self-motivation according to Willie Bradfield, a former high school coach. Money shouldnโ€™t be the sole motivator. When you love your profession and do it passionately, you will look forward to going to work every day.

21. Invest time and money in travelling.

You will never regret this! Traveling boosts your confidence, expands your horizon, offers you real-life education by putting you in places that will force you to care for issues bigger than you according to Jeff Goins.  

He said โ€œItโ€™s about experiencing true risk and adventure so you donโ€™t have to live in fear for the rest of your life. Andโ€ฆinspiring others to step out of that fear, too.โ€

Read 4 Reasons Why Travelling Is Good For Our Mental Health

22. Donโ€™t marry just because youโ€™re 30.

It has become a new normal to marry in 30s and even later. There are a lot of people who married just because society wants them to get married before a certain age, but got divorced later.

โ€œI have lost count of the 32, 42, 52 and 62 year olds who have told me they regret thatโ€ Said Adam Fayed, Founder of Global Online Financial Advisory Firm. 

23. Donโ€™t be in a hurry.

Most of us are a part of the rat race. We are racing against the time in our twenties and thirties. So, we are always in a hurry to finish graduation, get a job, get married, buy home, have a car and have children. 

But, these are illusions according to career officer and Quora user Julian Beams. She suggested not to make decisions in fear. Rather make decisions that seem most important to you and based on your health and happiness and that will make your life better at 50.

Make sure to enjoy each moment, take time to stop  and smell the flowers.

Read 30 Life Altering New Yearโ€™s Resolutions To Live By In 2021

24. Never think it’s too late to start.

You can live your life on your terms and conditions and shape your life the way you want. Whatever be your plans or ideas never hesitate to execute them. Itโ€™s you who stands between you are and who you want to become. 

โ€œI am closing in on 71โ€ฆ. believes in the importance in continuous learning and trying lots of new thingsโ€ฆ.. I started writing a blog at 64.โ€says Quora writer Mike Schoultz. 

Read 9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Priorities In Life

25. Learn the essence of life.

25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

Though we have mortal flesh, we are actually  immortal spiritual beings, born on the Earth to experience emotions  and make our own destiny that we have designed in our pre-natal life.  

There is nothing in our hands except the present”, says Quora user Luis Alejandro Masanti. 

The past is gone and the future is uncertain. Whether it is success or failure, they are judgements of our mind. Luis says that only โ€œreal failureโ€ is when you donโ€™t learn from your experiences. 

He also says that the essence of life lies in giving and not taking. If you praise, bless and be grateful every time, that will help you in 30, 50, 80โ€ฆ 126!

Are you ready to take these suggestions to make your life better at 50?

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25 Things To Do At 30 That Will Make Your Life Better At 50

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  1. Ise Soise Purba Avatar
    Ise Soise Purba

    Why should be at age 30? I think there are no limitations in doing the right things

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